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AGN Workshop Columbus, OH October 1-3 2007 Columbus, OH October 1-3 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "AGN Workshop Columbus, OH October 1-3 2007 Columbus, OH October 1-3 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 AGN Workshop Columbus, OH October 1-3 2007 Columbus, OH October 1-3 2007

2 Discussion I BH masses/estimators They are good! More work to figure out how good How to get masses out of non-BLAGN? Does it matter for cosmology? Obscured sources-- 1:3 vs. 10:1 Joe promises answer in 1 month Compton thick sources---still guessing Reflection component---still uncertain Does obscuration depend on luminosity or Eddington ratio? Future surveys will figure this out? Are these intrinsically different from unobscured sources? What is clustering of Ryan/Dan’s objects compared to Adam/Alison/Nikil/Joe ‘s? Ryan promises answer! Clustering as a function of black hole mass! BH masses/estimators They are good! More work to figure out how good How to get masses out of non-BLAGN? Does it matter for cosmology? Obscured sources-- 1:3 vs. 10:1 Joe promises answer in 1 month Compton thick sources---still guessing Reflection component---still uncertain Does obscuration depend on luminosity or Eddington ratio? Future surveys will figure this out? Are these intrinsically different from unobscured sources? What is clustering of Ryan/Dan’s objects compared to Adam/Alison/Nikil/Joe ‘s? Ryan promises answer! Clustering as a function of black hole mass!

3 Discussion 2 Are we constraining accretion disk theories with local BHMF(Francesco)? How to measure this better? Is there an “issue” Nature vs. nurture? Environmental dependence, SED dependence of bias? Clustering on smallest scales Is this the best evidence for “merger-driven quasar evolution”? Can they be fly-bys? Should we believe excess? (e.g. Serber et al.) What is clustering of mergers? LRG/QSO clustering on small scales looks similar (in shape) on all scales Can you rule out fueling mechanisms from this? Why/IS is there an excess relative to galaxies? Accretion of groups? More concentrated distribution of subhalos that host AGN? Is “satellite-ness” the same as “merger-ness”? TESTS: HST studies of hosts (morphology); Better info on environments; evolution with redshift; Primus; imaging around SDSS binaries? Are we constraining accretion disk theories with local BHMF(Francesco)? How to measure this better? Is there an “issue” Nature vs. nurture? Environmental dependence, SED dependence of bias? Clustering on smallest scales Is this the best evidence for “merger-driven quasar evolution”? Can they be fly-bys? Should we believe excess? (e.g. Serber et al.) What is clustering of mergers? LRG/QSO clustering on small scales looks similar (in shape) on all scales Can you rule out fueling mechanisms from this? Why/IS is there an excess relative to galaxies? Accretion of groups? More concentrated distribution of subhalos that host AGN? Is “satellite-ness” the same as “merger-ness”? TESTS: HST studies of hosts (morphology); Better info on environments; evolution with redshift; Primus; imaging around SDSS binaries?

4 Discussion 3 Feedback matters! How to constrain differentiate between SFF and BHF? Hot halos (after bright quasar phase)? Galactic winds? Ionization profiles? Kinematics of absorption systems? Is this too tough for current hydro sims? How much stuff is being pushed around by the BH? Not much? Is the IGM sensitive to these processes? In what element (O, C, Mg, H, N)? But if it’s all light, why isn’t Joe seeing the QPE? How powerful are AGN/QSO outflows? How to reconcile Smita’s & Xinyu’s results (Seyfert winds are just wimpy?)? Lot’s of heat? No mass? Timescale issue! Looking for *relic* winds. Feedback matters! How to constrain differentiate between SFF and BHF? Hot halos (after bright quasar phase)? Galactic winds? Ionization profiles? Kinematics of absorption systems? Is this too tough for current hydro sims? How much stuff is being pushed around by the BH? Not much? Is the IGM sensitive to these processes? In what element (O, C, Mg, H, N)? But if it’s all light, why isn’t Joe seeing the QPE? How powerful are AGN/QSO outflows? How to reconcile Smita’s & Xinyu’s results (Seyfert winds are just wimpy?)? Lot’s of heat? No mass? Timescale issue! Looking for *relic* winds.

5 Observational Motivation for Feedback Quasar Feedback M-\sigma (in MDQE models) Radio-mode AGN Feedback (is this “hot accretion” or low-L “cold accretion”) Red & dead galaxies Cluster cooling flows/entropy profiles TF relation (feedback no longer goes like 1/v^2) Jets? X-ray cavities Jet-induced star formation (feedback of opposite sign) Part of “radio-mode”? Star formation Feedback Galactic winds Metallicity of the IGM Zapping star formation in small halos (get LF right) Quasar Feedback M-\sigma (in MDQE models) Radio-mode AGN Feedback (is this “hot accretion” or low-L “cold accretion”) Red & dead galaxies Cluster cooling flows/entropy profiles TF relation (feedback no longer goes like 1/v^2) Jets? X-ray cavities Jet-induced star formation (feedback of opposite sign) Part of “radio-mode”? Star formation Feedback Galactic winds Metallicity of the IGM Zapping star formation in small halos (get LF right)

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