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Information Technology Foundation Dr. Robert Chi Chair and Professor, IS department Chief editor, Journal of Electronic Commerce Research.

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Presentation on theme: "Information Technology Foundation Dr. Robert Chi Chair and Professor, IS department Chief editor, Journal of Electronic Commerce Research."— Presentation transcript:

1 Information Technology Foundation Dr. Robert Chi Chair and Professor, IS department Chief editor, Journal of Electronic Commerce Research

2 Types of Data Numbers –Decimal System –Hex decimal System –Binary System Text –ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) –EBCDIC (Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code) –Unicode Pictures –Bitmap Resolution: pixels GIF: only 256 colors JPEG: photos PNG –Vector format Smooth edges Less storage, fast transfer, scalable


4 Sound –Volume (amplitude) –Pitch (frequency) –Storage method MP3, MP4 MIDI (Musical Instrument Data Interchange) Video A CD stores 700 megabytes, 72 minutes of music Digital telephone: 64 k per minute Video : 3 mega per minute

5 Hardware Components Processor –The evolution of Processors –Moor’s law –Clock, word size, bus –Cache, RAM –Parallel processing Input Output

6 Secondary Storage –Tape –Floppy –HD –USB –CD: 700 Mega –DVD 5-9 Giga

7 Operating Systems –Windows –Unix –Linux –Solaris

8 Paperless More information is available for users to print Low resolution display devices Portability Battery Life

9 Application Software –MS office –Database (DBMS) –ERP (enterprise resources Planning) systems

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