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Pentominoes in Math and Art

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1 Pentominoes in Math and Art
Fall 2012 Cheryl McAllister

2 Polyominoes – general information
Word coined by Solomon W. Golomb in 1954 Definition – a polyomino is the joining of congruent squares at a side, vertex to vertex. The domino, the joining of two squares, is the most common of the polyominoes.

3 Types of Polyominoes Monomino – 1 square – 1 form
Domino – 2 squares – 1 form Triomino – 3 squares - 2 forms Tetromino – 4 squares – 5 forms Pentomino – 5 squares – 12 forms Hexomino – 6 squares – 35 forms

4 Mathematical Concepts that can be explored using polyominoes
Area Perimeter Symmetry Tessellations Folding nets Problem solving

5 Pentomino Solution as Art

6 How are Pentominoes used in art?
Guenter Albrecht-Buehler

7 Polyominoes can be a puzzle or a game
Have you played Tetras? Determine what the 12 different pentomino shapes are. Use all 12 shapes to make a rectangle – 3719 solutions Blokus – a board game using Polyominoes 2001 A Space Odessey

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