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Collecting for Institutional Repositories: Lessons Learned Susan Gibbons Associate Dean River Campus Libraries University of Rochester

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1 Collecting for Institutional Repositories: Lessons Learned Susan Gibbons Associate Dean River Campus Libraries University of Rochester June 24, 2007

2 In the beginning…  UR Research policies –Months of committee work Types of content Who can deposit? Supported formats Copyright  Lessons Learned

3 Types of content  Faculty papers  Conference proceedings  Student works?  Institutional works?  Primary source materials  Library content? Any “faculty- sponsored” content

4 Who can deposit?  Teaching & research faculty  Proxies –Administrative assistants –Student workers –Librarians

5 Supported formats  Some long-term preservation commitment is assumed  Preserve bit streams –Checksum digit  Preserve usability of content –Formats w/ open specifications –Conversion

6 Copyright (2 aspects)  Copyright ownership –Non-exclusive distribution agreement  Policing for copyright violations –Click-through agreement puts burden on author/agent –Contact author if blatant  Library provides copyright service

7 Lessons Learned  Audience for everything (Long Tail)  Faculty are peacocks  Personalized sales pitch  Importance of serendipity  Be flexible!

8 Questions?  –“About UR Research”  AIM: susanlgibbons 

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