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Gilbane Gold 100 200 400 300 400 Character Sketches Alternative Endings Corporate Social Responsibility Value Embodying Solutions 300 200 400 200 100.

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2 Gilbane Gold

3 100 200 400 300 400 Character Sketches Alternative Endings Corporate Social Responsibility Value Embodying Solutions 300 200 400 200 100 500 100

4 Row 1, Col 1 Vice president in charge of Z-Corp’s Gilbane plant, this supervisor is under pressure to maintain the plant’s thin profit margin. Who is Diane Collins?

5 1,2 This can be done anonymously, publicly, within the company or outside it, to a government agency or the local press. It becomes an obligation when one is faced with a cover-up of a serious risk to the public. What is whistle-blowing?

6 1,3 Under this view of CSR, the corporation and its managers have the obligation to maximize shareholder return on investment. What is the stockholder or shareholder approach to CSR?

7 1,4 David blows the whistle on Z-Corp to publicize the risks Z-Corp’s emissions pose to Gilbane sludge. What is a solution that realizes the value of respect (informed consent)?

8 2,1 An environmental engineer for Z-Corp, this character must sign off on the plant’s emissions into the local river. He eventually blows the whistle on his employer. Who is David Jackson?

9 2,2 Holtzapple and Pritchard recommend these solutions (ion exchange and artificial wetlands) because they syn- thesize concern for the environment with preserving Z-Corp’s thin profit margins. What is a Value Integrative Solution? (Profit and Environment)

10 2,3 This view of CSR is advocated by Diane Collins when she argues that Z-Corp provides Gilbane with jobs and tax revenue. She also points out that the corporation must stay within the letter of the law. What is the shareholder or stockholder view of CSR?

11 2,4 Diane argues that Z-Corp’s current waste treatment methods do a good job of distributing the costs of a clean and safe environment among all the Gilbane community stakeholders. What is a solution that purports to realize the value of justice/fairness?

12 3,1 This engineering consultant was fired by Z-Corp Vice President Diane Collins. Who is Tom Richards?

13 3,2 In this type of solution, David sacrifices profit to environmental integrity and public health. What is a Value Trade Off?

14 3,3 When David argues that Z-Corp must respond not only to the letter of the law but its spirit, he is advancing this concept of CSR. (Also when he points out that Z- Corp should not exploit loopholes in Gilbane environmental laws.) What is the stakeholder approach to CSR?

15 3,4 Tom Richards argues that be- cause David’s “signature will be on the documents” he should only sign them if he is sure they are truthful, honorable, and safe. His reputation as an engineer of honor and sincerity is at risk. What is a solution that realizes the value of integrity?

16 4,1 Voted the worst leader by ADMI 4016 students, this individual was the manager of Z-Corp’s Gilbane environmental department. Who is Phil Port?

17 4,2 David would opt for this “generic solution” were he to decide to go along with Z-Corp’s current approach to waste water treatment. This solution-type embraces the status quo. What is nolo contendere? (Do nothing)

18 4,3 This include any groups or individuals that have a vital or essential interest in the doings of the corporation. Includes customers, employees, govern- ment, suppliers, stockholders, and local communities. What is the stakeholder approach to CSR?

19 4,4 Winslow Massin argues that Gilbane works to attract corporations like Z-Corp and then saddles them with the strictest environmental regulations in the country. What is a course of action that violates the value of respect?

20 5,1 This character was in charge of streamlining the chip manufacturing process when Z-Corp won its valuable contract with Japanese company, TOKU. Who was Frank Seeders?

21 5,2 Resign from Z-Corp rather than sign off on Z-Corp’s waste treat- ment plan, would represent this type of “generic solution.” What is exit?

22 5,3 This view of CSR is based on the stakeholder approach but instead of visualizing the cor- poration only from the point of view of its managers, it re- imagines the corporate complex from the standpoint of each stakeholder. What is the alliance view of the CSR?

23 5,4 David has become reluctant to share his concerns with his supervisors after he received negative reactions when he raised environmental concerns at the monthly meeting. What indicates an erosion in the value of trust

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