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PhD course - Milan, March 2010 - 19/06/2015 1 Some additional words about pervasive/ubiquitous computing Lionel Brunie National Institute of Applied Science.

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Presentation on theme: "PhD course - Milan, March 2010 - 19/06/2015 1 Some additional words about pervasive/ubiquitous computing Lionel Brunie National Institute of Applied Science."— Presentation transcript:

1 PhD course - Milan, March 2010 - 19/06/2015 1 Some additional words about pervasive/ubiquitous computing Lionel Brunie National Institute of Applied Science (INSA) LIRIS Laboratory/DRIM Team – UMR CNRS 5205 Lyon, France

2 PhD course - Milan, March 2010 - 19/06/2015 2 Definitions Ubiquitous  Accessible from everywhere Mobile  Includes mobile devices Context-aware  Considers the execution context Pervasive  Associates ubiquity, mobility and context-awareness ambient  Integrated within everyday life

3 PhD course - Milan, March 2010 - 19/06/2015 3 From S. Frénot A pervasive system is first, a distributed system ! Data persistence Data delivery/exchange Data distribution Replication and consistence Interoperability Concurrent accesses “Legacy” systems integration Security and privacy

4 PhD course - Milan, March 2010 - 19/06/2015 4 A pervasive system is also a mobile system (and a sensor network) Discovery of the environment (services, devices, software…) Routing and delivery protocols Fault tolerance Auto-organization Service integration Security and privacy …

5 PhD course - Milan, March 2010 - 19/06/2015 5 A pervasive system is also a « user centric » system Invisible « Smart » (do not interrupt me for nothing !) User preferences aware Context aware Self learning Pro-active Secure and privacy keeping

6 PhD course - Milan, March 2010 - 19/06/2015 6 Basic issues Discovery (Auto-)Organization and routing Security and privacy Context-awareness and user awareness (and modeling) Composition, execution and migration of services Adaptation (data, services, HMI) Data delivery and access (cache, replication, persistence…) Mediation (data, services) and information/service sharing Traceability and history HMI – augmented reality Collective “intelligence”, semantic emergence, social networks (scalability – low energy consumption – “calm”)

7 PhD course - Milan, March 2010 - 19/06/2015 7 Collective Intelligence Community Context awareness and context sensibility Information fusion → alarms Sharing and confrontation of knowledge Provisioning/composition/integration of services Collaborative learning: histories, execution traces Semantic emergence

8 PhD course - Milan, March 2010 - 19/06/2015 8 Ambient Social Networks ???

9 PhD course - Milan, March 2010 - 19/06/2015 9 Mobile/Ambient Social Networks Ambient social interactions Heterogeneity Mobility management Announces:  Modeling  Scalability and filtering  Semantics  Matching (publish-subscribe ?) Context Privacy

10 PhD course - Milan, March 2010 - 19/06/2015 10 Pervasive Grids ???

11 PhD course - Milan, March 2010 - 19/06/2015 11 Pervasive grids ? New generation mobile smart devices (3G phones, PDA, laptop) are very nice and effective (pervasive) handheld devices They provide autonomy, mobility, good performances Autonomy is (very) nice… but can also be (very) laborious if you user have to take in charge the data synchronization, the network administration, the data searching and processing, the data privacy, the data adaptation, etc. Pervasive grids: coupling user-centric pervasive devices and grid integration and processing power Basic idea: grids could bring to Perv. Comp. their infrastructure  Processing power  Data integration, data access, data adaptation  Security issues  …

12 PhD course - Milan, March 2010 - 19/06/2015 12 Pervasive Grid (Cont’d)? Examples of pervasive (small) grids  Personal healthcare: sensors at home + medical records at a health center + smart devices (phone, TV…) + a small grid to process the data  Crisis management: sensors + GIS + (gridified) DBs/data stores + computing grid + mobile devices  Patient care: a physician (at his office, during visits, at the hospital) just needs the information, wherever she/he is, wherever the requested information is stored, whoever the patient is => local health network grid + distributed patient data + (inter-)national health grids interconnection (with secure access) + data adaptation (e.g. PDA, laptop) + medical sensors + adaptive HMI…

13 PhD course - Milan, March 2010 - 19/06/2015 13 Pervasive grids : some open issues Security, Privacy, Trust, Identification Data Indexing and Searching Grid interconnection Data interoperability Data and Application Adaptation Fault tolerance Service composition Data integration Data precision Social computing Etc.: Resource discovery, HMI, performance, collaboration, brokering…

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