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Electronic Resources in Languages and Literature By Denis Lacroix French, Spanish & Latin American Studies Librarian

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Presentation on theme: "Electronic Resources in Languages and Literature By Denis Lacroix French, Spanish & Latin American Studies Librarian"— Presentation transcript:

1 Electronic Resources in Languages and Literature By Denis Lacroix French, Spanish & Latin American Studies Librarian

2 Objective To provide an overview of library resources available in electronic format that support research in modern languages and literatures, including databases, e-journals and selected Internet resources.

3 Subject Librarians Consult the following subject librarians for in-depth research help in your respective language areas: – Erika Banski : Slavic and Germanic studies – Wanda Quoika-Stanka : Italian studies – Denis Lacroix : French, Spanish, and Latin American Studies

4 Session Outline Where to find E-resources –E-resources in the NEOS catalogue –Periodical Databases –Subject Guides Interdisciplinary databases Subject specific databases Newspapers & E-books Searching and finding tips Contacting librarians: chat, E-reference

5 E-Resources in NEOS Advanced Search in NEOS catalogue – limit by Format: Electronic Resources: E.g. [Words Anywhere] German$ literature E.g. [Words Anywhere] German$ and dictionaries – limit by E-resource Type in Advanced Search: e.g.[Words Anywhere] Latin America$ [E-resource Type] E-journal Browse Databases by type: e-books, e-journals –

6 Periodical Databases Databases are subdivided by subject: – Subject tab Humanities and Social Sciences Languages & Literatures Databases are searchable by name: –Click on the Databases tab Databases are searchable by type and content: –e.g. full-text or indexes and abstracts –

7 Finding the Appropriate Database Click on “More Info” under the link to the database in the library’s catalogue. Check Ulrich’s International Periodicals Directory to know where your favourite periodicals are indexed –E.g. Cuban Studies Search for title Click on “Document Access” tab Scroll down to “Abstracting & Indexing Services”

8 Interdisciplinary Databases  General Humanities: MLA, Humanities Abstracts*, Web of Science*, IBZ*.  Sociological Resources: Sociological Abstracts*, PAIS International.  Women’s Studies: Women’s Studies International.  World-wide or Rare Resources (books & articles): Centre for Research Libraries (CRL), OCLC.  Theses: DAI, Index to Theses. * Limitable by Book Review

9 Linguistics and Translation Linguistics: LLBALLBA Translation: Termium, Le Grand Dictionnaire terminologique, EurodicautomTermiumLe Grand Dictionnaire terminologiqueEurodicautom Bibliography of Translations: Index TranslationumIndex Translationum

10 Subject Specific Databases French: Repère, Choix, DAVID, Termium Spanish & Latin American Studies: HAPI, HLAS, Latin Americanist Research Resources Project Italian: Italinemo German: Bibliographie der Deutschen Sprach – und Literaturwissenschaft Slavic Studies: ABSEES, EBSEES, Database on Russian Issues, SPRILIB

11 Newspapers Guide: Find Newspapers Interdisciplinary: Factiva French: Paper of Record, CBCA, CPI.Q, Biblio Branchée, Eureka/Newscan Spanish: Paper of Record German: NewspapersNewspapers Slavic Languages: Current News SourcesCurrent News Sources

12 Factiva Publications - Languages

13 E-Books French: Project Gutenberg, ABU, ARTFL, La Bibliothèque virtuelle, Gallica, JulesFerry.comProject GutenbergABUARTFLLa Bibliothèque Spanish: Project Gutenberg, E-textsProject GutenbergE-texts Italian: Project Gutenberg, E-textsProject GutenbergE-texts German: Project Gutenberg – DE, E-texts, SophieProject Gutenberg – DEE-textsSophie Slavic Languages: Project GutenbergProject Gutenberg

14 How to Search I Analyze your search topic(s): –e.g. the title of your paper is: Female characters in Zola’s works Identify the key concepts i.e. keywords: –Zola; female characters Come up with as many synonyms for the key concepts as you can: –Zola; characters; female characters; women

15 How to Search II Combine the key concepts connecting them with AND, OR, or NOT: –Zola and (female characters or protagonists or women) Be aware of the various interfaces and the differences in the search features of each database: –Truncation-- Limiting features (dates, –Subject headings publication type, format…) –Boolean combination procedures –Thesauri

16 MLA Use Thesaurus for finding equivalent terms Mark records Check boxes for combining terms


18 IBZ

19 Repère Limit by subject, title, author … French Boolean operators = Advanced Search Search

20 HAPI Truncated term

21 ABSEES Use “ ” for phrases. Truncation = missing letters

22 How to Retrieve and Interpret Search Results I After you performed your search you will retrieve a number of results (hits) –if the number seems too high (e.g. 400 hits) you can limit them by various elements, including language of the source, date, type of material, journal title, etc. –if the number seems too low, you can expand by simplifying your search statement See previous MLA example

23 How to Retrieve and Interpret Search Results II Skim through the list of your hits Select and mark the ones you find relevant You can choose to either print, download or e-mail the selected items Identify the type of material you have to find now in the library: journal article, book, essay/chapter in a book, dissertation, book review

24 How to Retrieve and Interpret Search Results III TI: Characterizations of Group Discourse by Working-Class Women in Emile Zola's Rougon-Macquart Series AU: Katner,-Linda-Beane SO: Excavatio:-Emile-Zola-and-Naturalism, San Diego, CA (Excavatio). 1993 Winter, 3, 75-82. IS: 1021-5417 LA: English PT: journal-article PY: 1993 DE: French-literature; 1800-1899; Zola,-Emile; Les Rougon- Macquart; novel-; discourse-; in group-interaction; by working- class-women UD: 199907 AN: 1999047202Katner,-Linda-BeaneExcavatio:-Emile-Zola-and-Naturalism,

25 How to Retrieve and Interpret Search Results IV TI: The Fictional Female: Sacrificial Rituals and Spectacles of Writing in Baudelaire, Zola, and Cocteau AU: Lowe,-Romana-N.. SO: New York, NY : Peter Lang, 1997. xii, 239 pp.. SE: Currents-in-Comparative-Romance-Languages-and-Literatures (CCRLL); 54 IB: 0820436941 LA: English PT: book PY: 1997 DE: French-literature; 1800-1899; Baudelaire,-Charles; Spleen-et-Ideal; poetry-; treatment of women-; sacrificial-rites; compared to Zola,-Emile; Nana-; La Faute-de-l'Abbe-Mouret; L'Oeuvre-; Cocteau,-Jean; La Machine- infernaleLowe,-Romana-N..New York, NY

26 MLA Check U of A catalogue here for holdings Periodical title Year, Volume, page #


28 IBZ

29 Repère

30 HAPI Add to send by e-mail

31 ABSEES Note Subject Headings to expand or restrict your search

32 How to find the literature you selected I 1. in the UA Library consult the NEOS Libraries Catalogue search for the title of the source of the item you want –if it is a book, search for the book Title –if it is a journal article, search for the Periodical Title, NOT for the article title some databases will let you check the UA Library holdings directly from the citation

33 NEOS Periodical Record

34 How to find the literature you selected I If the UA Library has the item, note availability, location and call number 2. If the item is in one of the NEOS Libraries note availability, location and call number go directly to the NEOS library OR have the item sent to the campus library of your choice by clicking on Request/Hold This Item Fill out online BARD request formBARD

35 How to find the literature you selected III 3. Using InterLibrary Loan if the item is not listed in the NEOS Libraries Catalogue if the item is a periodical located in a non-UofA NEOS library –request item through the free UA InterLibrary Loan service online or in persononline expedited service: up to a week otherwise: minimum two weeks

36 Give it a Try! Find at least one journal article, using one of the several databases mentioned above, on the topic of cultural representation in literature. OR Find at least one journal article, using one of the several databases mentioned above, on a topic that you are researching at the moment.

37 Ask Your Librarian This slide show is downloadable at: Contact Librarians through Chat reference, E-mail reference, telephone reference, or in-person at the reference desk. Make an appointment with me or another subject librarian for subject-specific and in-depth searching assistance.

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