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Peripheral Nervous System Autonomic Branches: Sympathetic Parasympathetic.

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Presentation on theme: "Peripheral Nervous System Autonomic Branches: Sympathetic Parasympathetic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Peripheral Nervous System Autonomic Branches: Sympathetic Parasympathetic

2 The Autonomic Nervous System Darn Important to Homeostasis! Paired Neurons: Preganglionic Neurons: From Brain Stem or Spinal Cord to: Postganglionic Neurons: To effector organ Exception: Only 2 nerves directly innervate their effector organ…

3 The Exceptions are… The sympathetic innervation of the adrenal medulla gland The parasympathetic innervation of the smooth muscle in the airways

4 Sympathetic vs. Parasympathetic “Accelerator” Origin: T1-L2 Postganglion Location: Near “Fight or Flight” response to perceived stress “Brakes” Origin: Brainstem and S2-S4 Postganglion Location: Effector Organ “No Worries”…

5 Set Up: Sympathetic NS u Nerves come from spinal cord to Ganglia, then another neuron extends on to organ u Referred to as Preganglionic & postganglionic Organ Ganglia Pre Post

6 Set Up: Parasympathetic NS Nerves come from brainstem or S2-24 – Synapse with postganglionic neurons in or near effector organs Pre- Post- Effector Organs

7 All Organs are Innervated By BOTH the Sympathetic And Parasympathetic Nervous Systems: IN GENERAL: Their actions are reciprocal. The PSNS calms us down.

8 Cardiac Nerve Innervation Parasym Symp.

9 Sympathetic vs. Parasympathetic Neurotransmitters Emergency Rescue “Get your adrenaline (Norepinepherine) going” Long Term Maintenance “Cool your jets” (Acetylcholine) ** Same as skeletal muscles but different receptors


11 Central Control of ANS: The Hypothalamus controls the Autonomic Nervous System with the help the brainstem etc… Consider the scenario: Being called on to explain to the class the physiology of an action potential…while you are daydreaming about the weekend…RUN! (you might be thinking)

12 The Physiological Response is Predictable: Increase HR/BP Decreased digestive functions Increased Glucose mobilization Palms sweat

13 The Classic “Fight or Flight” Syndrome Orchestrated by the Sympathetic Nervous System

14 Coloring Guide to the ANS: Sympathetic: Preganglionic Nerve Fibers: Releasing Ach: Color Blue (A) Postganglionic Nerve Fibers: Releasing Norepinepherine: Color Red (B, C, D, E)

15 Coloring the ANS: Parasympathetic: Preganglionic Fibers: Release Ach: Color Blue (A1-4, D:S2-4) Postganglionic Fibers: Also Release Ach: Color Purple (B1-4, E)

16 Drugs and the ANS Mimic the SNS: Isoproterenol (asthma), Ephedrine (diet) In General: Bronchodilation, pupil dilation, Increased HR Toxicity: Severe hypertension, muscle tremors,arrhythmias, MI

17 Drugs and the ANS: Mimic PSNS: Propranolol (hypertension, migraines) – Actually BLOCKS the SNS activity, so mimics PSNS In General: reduced HR/BP Toxicity: Bronchoconstriction, heart block, CNS depression

18 Continue Reviewing: Finish Content Review: (30, 32- 33) Start to test your ability to apply your knowledge by doing the predict questions throughout the chapter.

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