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 Federal government department: Awesomeness Canada  Medium-sized development project (15 team members)  Mix of expert and intermediate developers 

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2  Federal government department: Awesomeness Canada  Medium-sized development project (15 team members)  Mix of expert and intermediate developers  Ad hoc methods of change management  A tool to facilitate issue tracking and change management  Possible use of tool for future projects

3  Facilitate change management  Controlled / rigorous process for resolving issues and tracking their progress  Aid in focusing maintenance and support through the entire project lifecycle  Decide on the best tool between Jira and Bugzilla

4  Must have › Integration with CVS › Integration with Eclipse › Ability to track individual issue progress › Ability to generate meaningful reports on project progress for project introspection › Bilingual (English / French)

5  Configurability for different projects (custom fields, different notification schemes, workflow)  Completeness of issue tracking capabilities  Ease of installation  Maintainability (maintenance and administration)  Financial costs (value to tax payers)  Usability  Integration with other tools (multiple input / output methods, plugins…)

6  Installed and used for mock development projects  Scored tool out of ten points for each criterion  Add scores for each tool  Compare totals

7  Free and Open Source Software (MPL)  Well established and widely used  Primarily a defect tracking system branch/

8 Integration with CVSY (10) Integration with EclipseY (10) Track individual issuesY (10) Meaningful reportsY (10) BilingualY (10) Configurability for multiple projects6 Completeness of issue tracking6 ž Ease of installation 7 ž Maintainability 7 ž Financial costs 10 ž Usability 7 Integration (other tools)8 Score95

9  Commercial product ($1000 - $8000) › Free for open source and non-profit  Wide usage › Used by many companies and open source projects (ASF uses Jira)  Issue tracking with project tracking elements chrisd/chrisd

10 Integration with CVSY (10) Integration with EclipseY (10) Track individual issuesY (10) Meaningful reportsY (10) BilingualY (10) Configurability for multiple projects9 Completeness of issue tracking9 ž Ease of installation 8 ž Maintainability 7 ž Financial costs 8 ž Usability 10 Integration (other tools)9 Score101

11  Jira - 101 › Completeness of issue tracking › Ease of use › Granular configurability for multiple projects › Features are a super set of Bugzilla  Bugzilla – 95 › Free › Great for tracking defects

12  Questions?

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