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Temporal Processes Eran Segal Weizmann Institute.

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Presentation on theme: "Temporal Processes Eran Segal Weizmann Institute."— Presentation transcript:

1 Temporal Processes Eran Segal Weizmann Institute

2 Representing Time Add the time dimension to variables X  X (t) Assumptions Time can be discretized into interesting points t 1,t 2,...t n Markov assumption holds Distribution is stationary (time invariant or homogeneous)

3 Dynamic Bayesian Networks Pair G 0 and G  such that G 0 is a Bayesian network over X(0) G  is a conditional Bayesian network for P(X(t+1)|X(t)) Weather Velocity Location Failure Weather’ Velocity’ Location’ Failure’ Obs’. GG Weather 0 Velocity 0 Location 0 Failure 0 Obs. 0 G0G0 Weather 0 Velocity 0 Location 0 Failure 0 Weather 1 Velocity 1 Location 1 Failure 1 Obs. 1 Weather 2 Velocity 2 Location 2 Failure 2 Obs. 2 Unrolled network

4 Hidden Markov Model Special case of Dynamic Bayesian network Single (hidden) state variable Single (observed) observation variable Transition probability P(S’|S) assumed to be sparse Usually encoded by a state transition graph SS’ O’ GG G0G0 Unrolled network S0S0 O0O0 S0S0 S1S1 O1O1 S2S2 O2O2 S3S3 O3O3

5 Hidden Markov Model Special case of Dynamic Bayesian network Single (hidden) state variable Single (observed) observation variable Transition probability P(S’|S) assumed to be sparse Usually encoded by a state transition graph S1S1 S2S2 S3S3 S4S4 s1s1 s2s2 s3s3 s4s4 s1s1 0.20.800 s2s2 0010 s3s3 0.4000.6 s4s4 00.50 P(S’|S) State transition representation

6 Inference Forward backward algorithm Forward step: choose last node as root and use BP Backward step: outward messages from last node as root Efficient for HMM, inefficient for DBNs Weather 1 Velocity 1 Location 1 Failure 1 Obs. 1 Weather 2 Velocity 2 Location 2 Failure 2 Obs. 2 Unrolled network Velocity 0 Weather 0 Location 0 Failure 0 There is an active path between any pair of variables in time 2

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