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Measuring Environmental Performance ESM 210 November 14, 2007.

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1 Measuring Environmental Performance ESM 210 November 14, 2007

2 Readings  Flatz, Alois, 2002, “Corporate sustainability Financial Indexes,” in Environmental Performance Measurement. The Global Report 2001-2002. World Economic Forum, ed. Daniel Esty and Peter K. Cornelius, 54-65  Hussey, Dennis, Patrick Kirsop, and Ronald Meissen, 2001, “Global Reporting Initiative Guidelines: An Evaluation of Sustainable Development Metrics for Industry,” Environmental Quality Management, 1-20.

3 The Assignment  Evaluate the environmental performance of the assigned firms  Describe the criteria you chose and why  Use information from corporate environmental reports as well as public sources  Odd numbers: HP, IBM, Intel  Even numbers: Exxon Mobile, Shell, BP

4 The Deliverable  Max of 5 power point slides  First slide must include the title and the group number (not counted for the 5 slides)  You must explain your criteria, methods, and results  Rank the three companies based on their performance  We need to understand your analysis from reading the slides only  Use large font, graphs, and figures as needed

5 Today  Review public and private sources of environmental performance information Carbon disclosure project Company's reports  Work in groups - discussion

6 Monday 11/19  Assignment is due before class via e-mail to Vered  Group presentations – need volunteers  Discussion: Relationship between environmental performance and financial performance How to measure environmental performance Discuss the public and private sources of environmental performance information

7 Questions?

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