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Architecting the Enterprise
ATE001 - Introduction to the Course What is the value of mature Enterprise Architecture? Judith Jones CEO, Architecting the Enterprise Telelogic Conference 4th November 2008 TOGAF 8 Certification for Practitioners ATE-eLT81-CP /04
Architecting the Enterprise Global Reach: Consultancy & Training
Building the Enterprise Architecture Community Provide training and consultancy in Enterprise Architecture Trained and certified over 60% of all TOGAF certified practitioners worldwide (4000+) Training and consultancy organisation for TOGAF certifications (2003 – 2008) With classes in 92 cities across 38 countries: 250+ classes per year SLIDE 2 of 42
What is this Architecture everyone talks about?
“Architecture is the structure to deliver outcomes” ...with qualities…..attributes…..styles… SLIDE 3 of 42
Enterprise Architecture is not optional
ATE030 - The Evolution of TOGAF What have we learnt…. Enterprise Architecture is not optional Every enterprise already has an Enterprise Architecture Some and some just happen are designed Enterprise Architecture exists within your organisation and …. it affects the efficiency and effectiveness of the enterprise SLIDE 4 of 42 SLIDE 4 of TOGAF 8 Certification for Practitioners 4 ATE-eLT81-CP /04
Architecting the Enterprise Vision
The Information Age To ensure the availability of global Enterprise Architecture standards, competencies and professionalism that will enable our customers to realize major value in their business and practices. SLIDE 5 of 42
Why Enterprise Architecture in the Information Age
Where EA is now Where EA needs to be What EA should be Where EA needs to go The value and payback of quality Enterprise Architecture to meet the business challenges is being increasingly recognised by customers, industry leaders and governments. SLIDE 6 of 42
Conventional Approach in a Business Management Context
Strategy & Plan Development Business Change Programs Business Drivers Business Value Business requirements Business Management & Operational Services IS and IT Development Business Infrastructure & Services SLIDE 7 of 42
Enterprise Architecture in a Business Management Context
Leadership Business Drivers Business Change Programs Business Value Business Capability Business Capability Enterprise Architecture Business Infrastructure & Services SLIDE 8 of 42
Business Management Framework Relationships
Corporate Business Plan Business Transformation Goals and Objectives Structures Strategic Enterprise Architecture & Plan Capability (Outcome Oriented) Functional Portfolios (e.g. IT, HR) Identifies Directs Manages & Creates Portfolio/Project Management Capability Management Architecture Management 5 – 10 years 3 – 5 1 – 1.5 Project Project/ Initiative Approves Consists of Tactical Transformation Architecture & Plan Identifies, And Technical Direction Directs Capability Increment Contains Transformation Architecture Transition Coordinates & Funds Directs Integrates Project/ Initiative Increment Contains Designs Building Blocks (Deliverables) Delivers Designates Organisation Infrastructure Enterprise SLIDE 9 of 42
How do you develop good and even better Enterprise Architecture?
The BIG Question...... How do you develop good and even better Enterprise Architecture? SLIDE 10 of 42
The MANY Answers....... Professional Practice & Business Services
Certification Industry Standard Architecture Framework & Standards People Process Technology Unified business Enterprise Architecture Capabilities and Competencies Architecture Tools & Technologies Culture SLIDE 11 of 42
Prepare for the Cultural Journey ...its not a one day wonder...
Unified business Enterprise Architecture Capabilities and Competencies Prepare for the Cultural Journey ...its not a one day wonder... SLIDE 12 of 42
EA evolves and drives IT value at Intel
Case Study 2003 2004 2005 2006 Intel EA efforts launched Chief Architects assigned to data, applications, and technical domains Application architecture broken out to include solution architecture Centralize all Data Analysts Tackled EA Data problem EA Data model with Data quality ~$15M in reuse Chief Business Architect and Business architecture group added Enterprise broken into 7 solution domains Solution principles and project architecture compliance scorecards established Industry recognized for meta data solution Bluebook published ~$35M in reuse Architecture discipline unified as EA Practice Enterprise Architecture extends to IT (traditional) EA training extended across IT Business Modeling training Domain reference architecture published Business domain specific future state architectures developed ~$53M in reuse Enterprise Architecture Principles and policies published Building codes published Governance Process revamped Business and Data cross alignment and training Adopt a common Intel Architecture development methodology (IADM) Combine innovation and research with the Enterprise Architecture practice ~$147M in reuse Just so you know we’re not making this up, here’s a little peak at what Intel’s gone through over the last four years. The blue stars highlight areas were we’ve made good progress on some of the same initiatives that Intel has highlighted as key to their EA program. <first build> The yellow boxes indicate some other initiatives that we’re actively working on. <second build> The blue boxes highlight a couple of things Intel has done that are intriguing and warrant further consideration at Micron. <third and final build>And the bottom line is that these activities save real money! A recent update from Gregg indicate about a $230M savings in 2007. Source: Gregg Wyant, Intel WW Lead Architect, EA Re-use Efforts SLIDE 13 of 42
Re-Inventing HP based on Architected IT
Case Study Business Objectives1… …Drive IT Objectives1 CIO Randy Mott 3 Year Objectives: Portfolio management Global data centers (consolidate systems and applications) IT workforce effectiveness World class IT (they are what they eat so they can sell it) Enterprise Data Warehouse (master data and data mart consolidation). Eliminate 765 data marts. CEO Mark Hurd 3 Year Objectives: Align corporate strategy Get the operating model (accountability) right Ensure the right people to execute the operating model Lower cost of IT to ~ 2% Rev Consolidate (shadow) IT into one org in 90 days to improve accountability Simplify (~6000 apps to 1600) Yielding higher value solutions2 HP’s new CEO Mark Hurd is driving a re-invention of HP through architected IT. They are two years through a three year program. Many of these themes are consistent with our New IS activities, which in part are based on a formal architected approach. Architected solutions have 28% fewer lifetime incidents Architected solutions require 2x less labor for lifetime changes Architected solutions cost 7x less when moving to refreshed infrastructure Source: 1. HP IT Transformation Forum, 9-11 Jan 2008, Austin 2. Mark Hall, HP EA Services SLIDE 14 of 42
Micron EA Evolution 2005 2006 2007 Case Study SLIDE 15 of 42
Initial formation of EA group (iTAO) Initial set of architectural objectives established First IS-wide EA communication (SLF) Culture challenges EA adoption 2006 Roadmap processes updated New technology evaluation process established Architectural review process established Researched formal EA frameworks First architects TOGAF certified Cultural challenges remain, but decreasing 2007 TOGAF formally adopted TOGAF ADM first used >30 architects TOGAF certified Formal roadmap rationalization effort begins First EA maturity assessment IS-wide EA goals Exec recognition of program begins Outsourcing improves EA focus Culture starting to embrace EA Source: Micron Case Study, APC, San Francisco Jan 2008 SLIDE 15 of 42
Business Implications - Driving Alignment
Case Study Business Needs Define - What Functional Units Central Teams Shared Services Scoping Align - How Business Architects Master Data Team IT Architects IT Services Framework Knowledge Framework Approve - Prioritize Executive Review Board Business Value Execute - Resource Gate 2 Plan Gate 1 Initiate Gate 3 Execute & Control Gate 4 Close PMO + Business + IT This diagram shows how we leverage Micron’s global portfolio management process to align every project to our to-be business, data and IT architectures. Most projects will be initiated based on pure business need, but a few may be initiated to specifically close global data or IT architecture gaps when multiple business processes can leverage those capabilities. What is new here is the alignment to the to-be states during the scoping phases BEFORE a project is reviewed. SLIDE 16 of 42
Example: Architecture Principle: KUB-IT
Professional Practice & Business Services Certification Example: Architecture Principle: KUB-IT The Architecture Practice will encourage Knowledge sharing Unifying management stakeholders with common goals and management outcomes Build business competencies and capabilities ....which.... Initiate business value and synergy across the organisation’s business and supporting operations ....through.... Team working effectively within both a common Enterprise Architecture and Business Framework SLIDE 17 of 42
Use an industry standard Architecture Framework
& Standards ATE008 - Architecture Frameworks & Building Blocks Use an industry standard Architecture Framework Best practice and professional approach Provides synergy with and access to accumulated best practice capabilities of the business, industry architecture and IT standards Re-useable capabilities that reduce cost of developments Ensures completeness of the design and change process Inject rigor and transform architecture development from a ‘black art’ into an engineering discipline Improve quality and robustness of architectures Enables an organisation to demonstrate and prove good governance and improving competencies Enables easier communication within the business teams SLIDE 18 of 42 SLIDE 18 of TOGAF 8 Certification for Practitioners 18 ATE-iLT81-CP /04
Enterprise Architecture Framework in Organisations
Infosys Enterprise Architecture Survey 2007 SLIDE 19 of 42
Architecture Framework in Organisations 2007
©Infosys Enterprise Architecture Survey 2007 SLIDE 20 of 42
TOGAF Evolution…..and future more to come
Customer members demand architecture standards … Customer members select TAFIM as preferred starting point… DoD Information Systems Agency (DISA) donate TAFIM as base TOGAF first published TOGAF 7 – Technical Edition ‘93 TOGAF 8 – Enterprise Edition ‘94 ‘96 ‘01 ‘02 TOGAF Projects ‘03 ‘04 ‘05 ‘06 ‘07 ‘08 ‘09 TOGAF 9 The Interoperable Enterprise Business Scenario first published Latest TOGAF Specification published TOGAF 7 Certification Program Launched TOGAF 8 Certification Program Launched SLIDE 21 of 42
The TOGAF 8 Components TOGAF 8 Components
ATE060 - The TOGAF 8 Components The TOGAF 8 Components Preliminary Phase Architecture Vision Business Architecture Information Systems Architecture Technology Architecture Opportunities & Solutions Migration Planning Implementation Governance Change Management Requirements Management Architecture Development Method Resources Principles, Compliance & Governance Framework Skills Case Studies Other Architecture Frameworks Views, Tools & Techniques Glossary TOGAF 8 Components Foundation Common Systems Architectures Industry Organization Enterprise Continuum Products & Services Solutions Technical Reference Model Integrated Information Infrastructure Standards Base SLIDE 22 of 42 SLIDE 22 of TOGAF 8 Certification for Practitioners 22 ATE-iLT81-CP /04
The TOGAF Architecture Development Method
ATE060 - The TOGAF 8 Components The TOGAF Architecture Development Method The ADM comprises the full life-cycle management of an Enterprise Architecture from planning to operational deployment and change. H Architecture Change Management G Implementation Governance F Migration Planning E Opportunities & Solutions D Technology Architecture C Information System Architectures Requirements B Business A Architecture Vision Preliminary Framework & Principles Business Architecture Applications Data Technology OPERATIONAL ENTERPRISE ARCHITECTURE SLIDE 23 of 42 SLIDE 23 of TOGAF 8 Certification for Practitioners 23 ATE-iLT81-CP /04
People Products Professional Services Tools
ATE040 - The Evolution of TOGAF Value of TOGAF Adaptable Industry Standard Re-useable assets Team Building Approach Informed Decision Making Focus on Professional People, Quality Process & Technology Certification Programs for ENTERPRISE & IT ARCHITECTURE People Products Professional Services Tools SLIDE 24 of 42 SLIDE 24 of 13 TOGAF 8 Certification for Practitioners 24 ATE-eLT81-CP /04
TOGAF Market Leadership - 2008
Architecture Tools & Technologies TOGAF Market Leadership Number of TOGAF Downloads 90, (2006/7 850+% growth) Number of TOGAF Practitioners (2006/7 700+% growth) Number of TOGAF certified Tools 15+ (2006/7 500+% growth) Industry Architecture standard SLIDE 25 of 42
TOGAF and other methods, frameworks….
TOGAF and SOA SOA is an Architecture Style TOGAF and ITIL …..PRINCE 2/PMI…. TOGAF and COBIT TOGAF and MDA TOGAF and Zachman TOGAF and DODAF …..FEA... SLIDE 26 of 42
TOGAF in the Information Age
Where TOGAF 8 is now Where TOGAF is preparing Where TOGAF will be in 2009+ Where TOGAF needs to go The value and payback of quality Enterprise Architecture to meet the business challenges is being increasingly recognised by customers, industry leaders and governments. SLIDE 27 of 42
TOGAF Way Ahead TOGAF 9 Launch in early 2009
17/04/2017 TOGAF Way Ahead TOGAF 9 Launch in early 2009 Preserves the existing investment in TOGAF 8.1.1 The core method Existing investment in People Knowledge and skills Existing investment in Tools Adding further detail and clarification to what has already been proven The TOGAF certification program will be updated to include certification for this new version of the specification Detailed information on requirements for certification will be available in the fourth quarter 2008 TOGAF 9 is an evolution of TOGAF 8 SLIDE 28 of 42 28
Extended Guidance on using TOGAF
What’s new in TOGAF 9 17/04/2017 Modular Structure Content Framework Extended Guidance on using TOGAF Explicit Consideration of Architectural Styles Significant ADM phase content changes Business Management Alignment A sneak peak at what’s new in TOGAF 9 SLIDE 29 of 42 29
TOGAF 9 Table of Contents
Based on Content with new material added Part I - Introduction Part II – Architecture Development Method Part III – ADM Guidelines and Techniques Part IV – Architecture Content Framework Part V – Enterprise Continuum and Tools Part VI – TOGAF Reference Models Part VII – Architecture Capability Framework Preface, Executive Overview, Core Concepts, Definitions and Release Notes Introduction to ADM ADM Phase Narratives Architectural Artifacts Architecture Deliverables Building Blocks Guidelines for Adapting the ADM Process Techniques for Architecture Development Enterprise Continuum Architecture Partitioning Architecture Repository Tools for Architecture Development Foundation Architecture: Technical Reference Model Integrated Information Infrastructure Reference Model Architecture Board Architecture Compliance Architecture Contracts Architecture Governance Architecture Maturity Models Architecture Skills Framework The essence of retained plus more detail Derived from with new materials including SOA, Security New for TOGAF 9 Substantively Revised Derived from Enterprise Continuum A snapshot of the current table of contents for Draft TOGAF 9, subject to change Derived from Resource Base SLIDE 30 of 42
Are you ready to start? Unified business Enterprise Architecture
Capabilities and Competencies Are you ready to start? SLIDE 31 of 42
Ten Rules to Prepare for EA Success
Provide the business leadership Ensure that you have the resource and skills to manage enterprise architecture development and buy-in.... Establish the Architecture Metrics, Frameworks and Standards to be used Leverage industry knowledge and best practice Use best practice Reference Models as a baseline Use Architecture Governance to ensure conformance Ensure your people are competent and professionals Manage the architecture costs and expectations Control the Architecture and embed in your business process Ensure there is ownership of the Enterprise Architecture .... SLIDE 32 of 42
Measuring the Maturity of your Enterprise Architecture
What do we do? Do we know when we mature? How do we measure Maturity Enterprise Architecture? SLIDE 33 of SLIDE 33 of 42
The Value of Maturity Assessment
Assist organizations to retain competitive advantage, identifying ways of cutting costs, improving quality, reducing time to market …. Enables greater efficiency in the utilization of resources and prioritizes projects by creating a roadmap for target enterprise architecture maturity level. A standard methodology enables a stable state of maturity development to be reached and for incremental improvements to be made over time. Increases an organization's capability for Enterprise Architecture. Successful EA programs are viewed as critical to business sustainability. Give an indication of compliance with governance policies and procedures across the enterprise Derive Financial benefits from reduced redundancy, support and acquisition costs, plus improved time to delivery SLIDE 34 of SLIDE 34 of 42
ATE090 - Architecture Maturity Models
ACMM and the TOGAF ADM H Architecture Change Management G Implementation Governance F Migration Planning E Opportunities & Solutions D Technology Architecture C Information System Architectures Requirements B Business A Architecture Vision Preliminary Framework & Principles 0 – None 1 – Initial 2 – Under Development 3 - Defined A successful cycle of the TOGAF ADM takes the enterprise to Maturity Level 3 ATE090 - Enterprise Architecture Maturity Models SLIDE 35 of 42 TOGAF 8 Certification for Practitioners 35 ATE-iLT81-CP /04
ACMM and the TOGAF ADM 0 – None 1 – Initial Preliminary Framework & Principles A Architecture Vision 4 – Managed 5 - Measured Requirements Management 2 – Under Development H Architecture Change Management B Business Architecture 3 - Defined C Information System Architectures G Implementation Governance D Technology Architecture F Migration Planning E Opportunities & Solutions Moving beyond Maturity Level 3 requires changes to people, processes and culture ATE090 - Enterprise Architecture Maturity Models SLIDE 36 of 42 SLIDE 36 of 18 SLIDE 36 of
AtE Architecture Capability Maturity Model
Based on TOGAF work:- Appraisal requirements for CMMI (ARC) framework The US Department of Commerce Enterprise Architecture Capability Maturity Model (2007) TOGAF & Future Developments of TOGAF NASCIO Maturity Model(2008) and ……… Architecting the Enterprise Skills Framework (contributed 2004) plus…….. Formal Analysis of Enterprise Re-engineering CSFs SLIDE 37 of SLIDE 37 of 42
The AtE Maturity Framework – Process Areas (1-10)
Relevance to Architecture Maturity Levels 1 2 3 4 5 Architecture Development No Yes Architecture Standards Architecture Governance Architecture Competencies Business Linkage 6 Business Transformation 7 Senior Management Engagement 8 Enterprise Units Collaboration 9 Enterprise Units Buy-in 10 Architecture Information SLIDE 38 of 42
The AtE Maturity Framework – Process Areas (11-20)
Relevance to Architecture Maturity Levels 1 2 3 4 5 11 Architecture Communication No Yes 12 Architecture Stakeholder Management 13 Architecture Communities 14 Investment and Acquisition Strategy 15 Service Qualities 16 Architecture Business Administration 17 Requirements Management 18 Enterprise Architecture Tools 19 Architecture-Enabler Relationship 20 Architecture Service Acquisition SLIDE 39 of 42
Example Illustration of an EA Implementation Roadmap
Understand and engage more closely with the Business Manage, relate, quantify and develop Requirements Build Configuration and Change Management capability Build and Integrate Architecture Development Method Build Non-functional specialities Attain role consistency / mapping Broaden governance beyond Consent and Compliance Build strategic capability within the team and benchmark periodically SLIDE 40 of SLIDE 40 of 42
HR2 Factor - the value of mature Enterprise Architecture
ATE008 - Architecture Frameworks & Building Blocks HR2 Factor - the value of mature Enterprise Architecture Helps get the job done quicker....£££$$$€€€ Reduce your risk £££££$$$$$$€€€€€€ Reduce your running costs ££££££££$$$$$$$$$€€€€€€€€ SLIDE 41 of 42 SLIDE 41 of TOGAF 8 Certification for Practitioners 41 ATE-iLT81-CP /04
Thank you for your time today & Thank you Telelogic!
Judith Jones SLIDE 42 of 42
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