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Student ’ s Expectations from Bologna Process STEPS by EUPEN Group 5 Liviu BÎLTEANU IAPS President Elect.

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Presentation on theme: "Student ’ s Expectations from Bologna Process STEPS by EUPEN Group 5 Liviu BÎLTEANU IAPS President Elect."— Presentation transcript:

1 Student ’ s Expectations from Bologna Process STEPS by EUPEN Group 5 Liviu BÎLTEANU IAPS President Elect

2 Outline What is IAPS ? What is ICPS ? IAPS gives feed-back: Physics Students’ Expectation from Bologna Process Joint Efforst IAPS and EUPEN

3 What is IAPS ? I nternational A ssociation for P hysics S tudents 1986/88 – Birth of IAPS in Hungary: Run entirely by Physics Students National Committees, Local Committees, Individual members Europe, North America, Africa, Australia

4 IAPS Aims To encourage Physics stdents in their academic and professional work in an international context. To promote peaceful relations among physics students arround the world. To introduce Physics Students to the international community, help them to build professional relations and foster a collaborative attitude among young physicists arround the world.

5 Members Austria (TU Graz) Australia (Univ. Melbourne) Croatia (Univ. Zagreb) Dennmark (Univ. S. Dennmark) Finland (Univ. Helsinki) Georgia (Univ. Tbilisi) Germany (Univ. Siegen) Ghana Greece (TU Athens) Hungary (Univ. Budapest) Italy (Univ. Pisa) Lithuania (Univ. Vilnius) Macedonia Netherlands (Univ. Groningen) Nigeria (Univ. Illorin) Norway (Univ. Oslo) Poland (Gdansk, Krakow, Poznan, Torun) Portugal (Univ. Coimbra) Romania (Bucharest, Craiova, Cluj) Serbia (Univ. Novi Sad) Turkey (Middle East TU) UK&Rep. Ireland (Nexux-UCL) United States (Society of Physics Students)

6 Projected Members France Estonia Russia Ukraine Belgium

7 IAPS Executive Committee 1. Executive President: Ozana Celan (CROATIA – Univ. of Zagreb) 2. Secretary: Adlan Cehobanovic (CROATIA – Univ. of Zagreb) 3. Treasurer: Marko Banusic (CROATIA – Univ. of Zagreb) 4. Webmaster: Vedran Derek (CROATIA – Univ. of Zagreb) 5. Past President: Davide Venturelli (ITALY – ENS Lyon) 6. President Elect: Liviu Bîlteanu (ROMANIA – Université Paris XI) 7. Dir. of Development: Tugba Bolat (Turkey – Middle East Techn. Univ.) 8. Dir. of Communication: Laura Pickard (UK – Univ. of Bristol) 9. Dir. of Activity: David Visontai (HUNGARY – Univ. Eotvos Lorand) 10. jIAPS Editor: Cary Pint (USA – University of Northern Iowa)

8 What is ICPS? mid-August and lasts one week Fee =130 € including accomodation, meals, conference materials, excursion. Attended by 300 – 400 students (graduates and undergraduates). 21 st Edition of ICPS, Bucharest, Romania (14th – 20th August). I nternational C onference for P hysics S tudents

9 ICPS Activities Students’ lectures lasting 20 – 25 minutes; Poster sessions; Guest lectures; Excursions to places of scientific, cultural or historical interest; City Tour IAPS General Meeting and Weokshops Football Tournament Parties: Welcome, Farewell, Costume and National Party

10 IAPS and EU IAPS is funded (sometimes),, by EU IAPS is supported by EPS IAPS has a level and a potential of representativity in Europe IAPS is an interface between Academic Stuff, Central Administration and Students

11 Statistics 289 participants (350 students participated to ICPS) + ICPS Organising Committee (18) Participating Countries: Austria (22), Croatia (50), Denmark (5), Estonia (4), Finland (18, France (2), Germany (5), Greece (11) Hungary (4), Ireland (4), Italy (24), Lithuania (21), Norway (13), Poland (19), Portugal (10), Romania (18), Russia (3), Serbia (24), Turkey (14), Ukraine (7), UK (7) )

12 Main problems when students start University Studies 1. different approach in Mathematics teaching. 2. different application of Math knowledge in Physics. 3. new approach about Physics teaching. 4. the distant attitude of some of the academic stuff. 5. difficulties in scheduling the needed speed of learning.

13 Joint Efforts Pilot Forum in Romania – premise for simiar events in Europe. a. Bologna Process Information b. Students’ View about Bologna Process Spreading Questionnaire of the Group 5 to our IAPS - LC/NC More feed-back i.e. PhD Programs Stopping flow to other parts of the world

14 EUPEN and IAPS Helping IAPS to get in touch with Physics Students from the EUPEN Members Department Advising IAPS in the relation with European Comissio Collaborating with IAPS for better communication with students (Conclusion)

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