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Lower and Upper Bounds on Obtaining History Independence Niv Buchbinder and Erez Petrank Technion, Israel.

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Presentation on theme: "Lower and Upper Bounds on Obtaining History Independence Niv Buchbinder and Erez Petrank Technion, Israel."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lower and Upper Bounds on Obtaining History Independence Niv Buchbinder and Erez Petrank Technion, Israel

2 What is History Independent Data- Structure ? Sometimes data structures keep unnecessary information. –not accessible via the legitimate interface of the data structure (the content), –can be restored from the data-structure memory layout. A privacy issue if an adversary gains control over the data-structure layout. The core problem: history of operations applied on the data-structure may be revealed.

3 Weak History Independence [Micciancio]: A Data structure implementation is (weakly) History Independent if: Any two sequences of operations S 1 and S 2 that yield the same content induce the same distribution on memory layout. Security: Nothing gained from layout beyond the content.

4 Weak History Independence Problems No Information leaks if adversary gets layout once (e.g., the laptop was stolen). But what if adversary may get layout several times ? Information on content modifications leaks. We want: no more information leakage.

5 Strong History Independence ¼ Pair of sequences S 1, S 2 ¼ two lists of stop points in S 1, S 2 If content is the same in each pair of corresponding stop points Then: Joint distribution of memory layouts at stop points is identical in the two sequences. [Naor-Teague]: A Data structure implementation is (Strongly) History Independent if: Security: We cannot distinguish between any such two sequences.

6 A Short History of History Independence [Micciancio97] Weak history independent 2-3 tree (motivated by the problem of private incremental cryptography [BGG95]). [Naor-Teague01] History-independent hash- table, union-find. Weak history-independent memory allocation. All above results are efficient. [Hartline et al. 02] –Strong history independence means canonical layout. –Relaxation of strong history independence. –History independent memory resize.

7 Our Results 1.Separations between strong & weak (lower bounds): Strong requires a much higher efficiency penalty in the comparison based model. For example, the queue data structure: weak history independence requires O(1) strong history independence requires Ω (n) 2.Implementations (upper bounds): The heap has a weakly history independent implementation with no time complexity penalty.

8 Bounds Summary OperationWeak History Independence Strong History Independence heap: insertO(log n)Ω(n) heap: increase-keyO(log n)Ω(n) heap: extract-maxO(log n)No lower bound heap: build-heapO(n)Ω(n log n) queue: max{ insert- first, remove-last} O(1)Ω(n)

9 Why is Comparison Based implementation important? It is “natural”: –Standard implementations for most data structure operations are like that. –Therefore, we should know not to design this way when seeking strong history independence Library functions are easy to use: –Only implement the comparison operation on data structure elements.

10 Strong History Independence = Canonical Representation Well behaved: the content graph is strongly connected. (Most data structures are like that) Lemma [Hartline et al. 02]: Any strongly history independent implementation of “well- behaved” data-structure is canonical. Any possible content has one possible layout.

11 Lower Bounds Main Lemma: D: Data-structure whose content is the set of keys stored inside it. I: Implementation of D that is : comparison-based and canonical. The following operations require time Ω (n). Insert(D, x) Extract(D, x) Increase-key(D, v 1, v 2 )

12 More Lower Bounds By similar methods we can show: For a Heap: Build-Heap Operation requires time Ω(n log n). For a queue: either Insert-first or Remove-Last requires time Ω(n). The main lemma applies for a comparison based strong history independent: Heaps Dictionaries Search trees And others…

13 The Binary Heap Binary heap - a simple implementation of a priority queue. The keys are stored in an almost full binary tree. Heap property - For each node i: Val(parent(i))  Val(i) Assume that all values in the heap are unique. 10 79 3648 152

14 The Binary Heap: Heapify Heapify - used to preserve the heap property. Input: a root and two proper sub-heaps of height  h-1. Output: a proper heap of height h. The node always chooses to sift down to the direction of the larger value. 2 109 3678 154

15 Heapify Operation 2 109 3678 154 79 3648 152

16 Reversing Heapify heapify -1 : “reversing” heapify: Heapify -1 (H: Heap, i: position) Root  val(i) All the path from the root to node i are shifted down. 10 79 3648 152 The parameter i is a position in the heap H

17 Heapify -1 Operation 10 79 3648 152 2 9 3678 154 Heapify(Heapify -1 (H, i)) = H Property: If all the keys in the heap are unique then for any i:

18 Reversing Build-heap Building a heap - applying heapify on any sub-tree in the heap in a bottom up manner. We define a randomized procedure Build-Heap -1 : Uses Heapify -1 procedure The procedure Works in a Top-Bottom manner. Returns a permutation (tree). For any random choice: Build-heap(Build-heap -1 (H)) = H

19 Uniformly Chosen Heaps Build-heap is a Many-To-One procedure. Build-heap -1 is a One-To-Many procedure depending on the random choices. Support(H) : The set of permutations (trees) such that build-heap(T) = H Facts (without proof): 1.For each heap H the size of Support(H) is the same. 2.Build-heap -1 returns one of these permutations uniformly.

20 How to Obtain a Weak History Independent Heap Main idea: keeping a uniformly random heap at all time. We want: 1.Build-heap: Return one of the possible heaps uniformly. 2.Other operations: preserve this property.

21 Heap Implementation Build-Heap and Increase-key are easy to handle. A simple extension of standard operation. Efficiency maintained. Extract-Max, Insert: The standard extract-max and Insert operations are NOT weakly history independent.

22 Naive Implementation: Extract-max Extract-max(H) 1. T = build-heap -1 (H) 2. Remove the last node v in the tree (T’). 3. H’ = build-heap(T’) 4. If we already removed the maximal value return H’ Otherwise: 5. Replace the root with v and let v sift down to its correct position. build-heap -1 and build-heap works in O(n) … but this implementation is history independent.

23 Improving Complexity: Extract-max First 3 steps of Extract-max(H) 1.T = build-heap -1 (H) 2.Remove the last node v in the tree. 3.H’ = build-heap(T’) Main problem - steps 1 to 3 that takes O(n). Simple observation reduces the complexity of these steps to O(log 2 (n)) instead of O(n)

24 Reducing the Complexity to O(log 2 (n)) Observation: Most of the operations of build-heap -1 are redundant. They are always canceled by the operation of build- heap. Only the operations applied on nodes lying on the path from the root to the last leaf are needed. 10 7 9 36 4 8 15 2 Complexity analysis: Each heapify -1 and heapify operation takes at most O(log n). There are O(log n) such operations.

25 Reducing the Complexity: O(log(n)) Expected Time This is the most complex part Main ideas: We can show that there are actually O(1) operations of heapify -1 and heapify that make a difference (in average over the random choices made by the algorithm in each step). We can detect these operations and apply only them.

26 Conclusions 1.Demanding strong history independence usually requires a high efficiency penalty in the comparison based model. 2.Weak history independent heap in the comparison-based model without penalty, Complexity: build-heap - O(n) worst case. increase-key - O(log n) worst case. extract-max, insert- O(log n) expected time, O(log 2 n) worst case.

27 Open Questions 1.Is weak and strong History independence different in terms of efficiency also in the general (not comparison-based) model ? 2.History independent implementation of more data structures. Thank you

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