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HITTING MECHANICS Fastpitch Softball Swing Bat Size 33” or 34” long Be able to hold bat out in front with one hand.

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2 HITTING MECHANICS Fastpitch Softball Swing

3 Bat Size 33” or 34” long Be able to hold bat out in front with one hand

4 The Grip Loose grip Line up the “knock- knock” knuckles Wrap thumbs around bat Bat sits in fingertips, not pad of hands

5 Stance Feet slightly wider than shoulder width Feet lined up parallel to each other Knees slightly bent Weight on balls of feet

6 Stride No larger than 6” Step towards the ball The step is a “timing device”

7 Weight Distribution Weight starts slightly in the middle, most in back Majority of weight is on back foot at completion of swing Front leg should be almost straight, back leg about 90 degree angle – at completion of swing

8 Hips Where most of power comes from Drive hips through swing “Squash the bug”

9 Path of Hands Lead with the knob of the bat Keep hands in close to body Drive hands through the path of the ball

10 Follow Through Drive hands and bat through the swing Bat should hit you in the back, or close to Stopping the swing takes away from the power

11 Presentation By: Tammy Zimmardi

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