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Introduction to Protégé AmphibiaTree 2006 Workshop Sunday 8:45–9:15 J. Leopold & A. Maglia.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to Protégé AmphibiaTree 2006 Workshop Sunday 8:45–9:15 J. Leopold & A. Maglia."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to Protégé AmphibiaTree 2006 Workshop Sunday 8:45–9:15 J. Leopold & A. Maglia

2 Ontology Language Ontology must be expressed in a formal language so that expressions can be interpreted and processed by a computer An ontology language needs to allow specification of terms, relationships, properties

3 OBO Open Biomedical Ontologies Flat-file structure with “identifiers” specific to biomedical terminology (especially genes and proteins)

4 OBO File Format

5 View/Edit in OBO-Edit

6 Critique of OBO Good: –Made specifically for biological applications –Restricted set of functions and relationships, prevents logical inconsistencies Bad: –Domain-specific, not a perfect fit for anatomy –Too restrictive, hard to represent diversity

7 OWL Ontology Web Language Semantic markup language (like XML)

8 OWL File Format

9 View/Edit in Protégé

10 Critique of OWL Good: –Generalized language for all ontologies –Easy to represent anatomy –Easy to represent diversity Bad: –Very powerful, easy to create logical inconsistencies

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