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1 The Digital Universe Decade Are you OK? Information Universe - 2011 Fall Sep, 2011 Dookyoon, Han.

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Presentation on theme: "1 The Digital Universe Decade Are you OK? Information Universe - 2011 Fall Sep, 2011 Dookyoon, Han."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 The Digital Universe Decade Are you OK? Information Universe - 2011 Fall Sep, 2011 Dookyoon, Han

2 2 Growing Information Universe In 2009, ▫ The amount of information created and copied in the world grew by 62% nearly 80,000 petabytes(1peta = 1000000giga = 10^15) ▫ The amount of information created and copied in the world grew by 62%

3 3 Growing Information Universe (cont.) 1 year’s Growing Factor is 44. ▫ Stack of DVDs would reach halfway to Mars 2009 0.8 ZB 2020 35 ZB

4 4 Issues in booming Information Universe How will we find proper information? -> New Search Tools How to manage our information? -> Adding structure to data ▫ How will we know what information we need to keep? ▫ How will we keep it? How will we follow the growing number of government and industry rules? -> Compliance tools How will we protect the information? -> Security

5 5 Clouds in Information universe By 2020, ▫ more than a third of the Digital Universe will either live in or pass through the cloud Total Digital Universe 35 ZB Touched by Cloud 12ZB

6 6 Protected & Unprotected Data Percentage of the Digital Universe 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 20102020 Lockdown Confidential Custodial Compliance Privacy

7 7 Protected & Unprotected Data (Cont.) Unprotected in 2020 = Size of entire digital universe in 2018 0 2 ZB 4 ZB 6 ZB 8 ZB 10 ZB 12 ZB 14 ZB 16 ZB 18 ZB 20102011201220132014201520162017201820192020 Needing Protection Protected There is a gap between needing protection data and actually protected data

8 8 Decreasing Cost of Managing Information The Decreasing Cost of Managing Information will be an Incentive to create more Information Zettabytes 0.6¢ 200920102011201220132014201520162017201820192020 40 Investment per Gigabyte Zettabytes 0.5¢ 0.4¢ 0.3¢ 0.2¢ 0.1¢ 0 35 30 25 20 15 10 05 0

9 9 Storage shortage There is an emerging gap : Information Creation > Storage Available Information Universe Gap 0 5 ZB 10 ZB 15 ZB 20 ZB 25 ZB 30 ZB 35 ZB 40 ZB 45 ZB 2010 2020 Digital Information Created Digital Storage Available

10 10 The Crisis in IT Management From 2009 to 2020, 20092020 The amount of information will grow 44 times The number of information containers – files, packets, images – (what is actually managed, protected, and stored in the Digital Universe) will grow 67 times But the number of IT professionals in the world will grow only 1.4 times

11 11 User Creation = Enterprise Worries Most of Digital Universe begins with a user’s action At the time that these data pass through servers or routers of enterprises, the enterprise is responsible of proper management User Generated 1 ≈900 EB Enterprise Touch 2 ≈960 EB Overlap ≈600 EB Enterprise generated ≈240 EB 2010: 1,200 EB

12 12 Social Networking Invades the Enterprise Blurring of personal and enterprise boundaries is blending the risks Source: IDC 2009 Q: Do employees at your company use social networking for business through a corporate or self-directed initiative? Q: Has your company published official social media guidelines for employees? Yes 42% No 48% Don’t Know 10% Corporate 11% Self-directed 65% Both 24%

13 13 Call to Action Develop new tools for search and discovery of information Deploying tools for new levels of information management Deploying tools and expertise for security Get ready for a conversion to cloud-based services Obtain support from top management and from business units to deal with the Digital Universe

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