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Using multimedia concept maps to enhance the learner experience in Business Law Jennifer O’Reilly (Business & Economics) and Gayani Samarawickreme (CeLTS)

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Presentation on theme: "Using multimedia concept maps to enhance the learner experience in Business Law Jennifer O’Reilly (Business & Economics) and Gayani Samarawickreme (CeLTS)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Using multimedia concept maps to enhance the learner experience in Business Law Jennifer O’Reilly (Business & Economics) and Gayani Samarawickreme (CeLTS)

2 Overview Context Rationale Development process The maps in use Evaluation Challenges faced

3 Context Multi-campus + off-campus + off-shore Large enrolment First-year compulsory unit Analysis of problems requires more than memory/comprehension Perceived by student as a difficult unit GOLD project

4 Rationale A method of organising acquiring and remembering information Convey structure by making links and relationships obvious Assist with summarising and consolidating information Quick, convenient overview with little text and reading

5 Rationale (continued) Provide a non-linear approach to note-taking Offer a non-linear navigational approach to a body of knowledge Provide a method of relating, remembering and reviewing information Provide a method of building on existing information

6 Rationale (continued) Graphical representation of information Linking other media Exploit the hypermedia environment Wider access via the web

7 Development process Approached in 2 stages  Phase 1: 2 maps with mouse roll-overs and audio  Phase 2: 9 more maps with mouse roll- overs and audio

8 The concept maps

9 Evaluation  Stage 1  Online survey  Telephone interviews with 10% of the off- campus learners  Stage 2  Focus group interviews with students in Malaysia and Peninsula (just completed)  Online survey

10 Challenges faced  WebCT and the content module tool  Software in student computer labs  The job was unfamiliar to the academic

11 Back to reality One student comment “I’m not a diagram person so I didn’t use them”.

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