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TECT: Kacelnik Package Individual and group decision making under risk. Are groups more or less efficient in handling risky decisions than individuals?

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Presentation on theme: "TECT: Kacelnik Package Individual and group decision making under risk. Are groups more or less efficient in handling risky decisions than individuals?"— Presentation transcript:

1 TECT: Kacelnik Package Individual and group decision making under risk. Are groups more or less efficient in handling risky decisions than individuals?

2 The Experimental Paradigm: Risk it! Choice Play Safe Discrimination images Confidence?RI Risk it? Well done…You won 1… OK Feedback Sample 10% 20% 30% 90% 100% …

3 Decisions and contingencies Risk it!Play Safe Correct identification P HITMissed opportunity Incorrect identification 1-P False Alarm Correct rejection Payoff P * (HIT) + (1-P) * (FA)P * (Miss) + (1-P) * (CR) This matrix allows us to combine Signal Detection Theory and Metacognition, and to identify absolute, individual and group optimal strategies Maximum expected payoff: Take a chance IFF:

4 Hit False Alarm Correct Rejection Miss

5 Our experimental paradigm results in estimates of: 1.Accuracy of metacognitive estimates. 2.Influence of metacognition on choice. 3.Non- conscious determinants of choice. 4.Whether groups differ (respect to individuals): 1.Accuracy of choice 2.Accuracy of self-appraisal 3.Risk appetite 4.Achieved pay off Chance Safe Correct Incorrect Miss CR FA Hit

6 Logistic regression of Outcome vs. Confidence, gives several parameters of self perception Correct?

7 Logistic regression of Decision Versus Confidence gives parameters of actual riskiness in behaviour Took a chance ?

8 C*: Optimal Confidence Threshold  A perfectly consistent individual has one estimate of P correct ; below it, she plays safe, above it, she chances.  C*:the confidence above which a perfectly consistent individual should switch from playing safe to gambling in order to maximize payoff  C* results from a subject’s distribution of accuracy and confidence, but assumes total consistency, hence it is another theoretical yardstick against which to judge decision making aptitude. C*

9 God’s Dad Normal discrimination Perfect judgement Perfect consistency C* Normal discrimination Normal judgement Normal consistency Excellent confidence match

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