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Decentralized Robustness Stephen Chong Andrew C. Myers Cornell University CSFW 19 July 6 th 2006.

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1 Decentralized Robustness Stephen Chong Andrew C. Myers Cornell University CSFW 19 July 6 th 2006

2 2 Information flow Strong end-to-end security guarantees Noninterference [Goguen and Meseguer 1982] Enforceable with type systems [Volpano, Smith, and Irvine 1996] and many others But programs declassify information Breaks noninterference! Need semantic security conditions that hold in presence of declassification

3 3 Robustness Intuition: An attacker should not be able to control the release of information Zdancewic and Myers [CSFW 2001] Defined semantic security condition An “active” attacker should not learn more information than a “passive” attacker. Myers, Sabelfeld, and Zdancewic [CSFW 2004] Language-based setting Data to declassify and decision to declassify should not be influenced by attacker Type system for enforcement Track integrity High-integrity = not influenced by attacker

4 4 May be many attackers Different attackers have different powers How to ensure a system is robust against an unknown attacker? Different users trust different things Issues with robustness Alice Bob Charlie Damien

5 5 Decentralized robustness Define robustness against all attackers Generalization of robustness Not specialized for a particular attacker Uses decentralized label model [Myers and Liskov 2000] to characterize the power of different attackers Enforce robustness against all attackers Complicated by unbounded, unknown attackers Sound type system Implemented in Jif 3.0 Decentralized robustness = robustness + DLM

6 6 WAWA RARA Attackers Language-based setting An attacker A may view certain memory locations knows program text inject code at certain program points (and thus modify memory) Power of attacker is characterized by security labels R A and W A R A is upper bound on info A can read W A is lower bound on info A can write Defn: Program c has robustness w.r.t. attacks by A with power R A and W A if A ’s attacks cannot influence information released to A. most restrictive least restrictive security lattice ℒ

7 7 Example // Charlie can read pub, can’t read salary[i], totalSalary, avgSalary // pub ⊑ R Charlie avgSalary ⋢ R Charlie … // Charlie can modify employeeCount // W Charlie ⊑ employeeCount totalSalary = i = 0; while (i < employeeCount) { totalSalary += salary[i]; i += 1; } avgSalary := totalSalary / i; pub := declassify(avgSalary, (Alice or Bob) to (Alice or Bob or Charlie)); employeeCount := 1; AliceBob Charlie from to

8 8 Decentralized label model Allows mutually distrusting principals to independently specify security policies [Myers and Liskov 2000] This work: full lattice and integrity policies Security labels built from reader policies and writer policies Reader policies o → r Owner o allows r (and implicitly o ) to read information Any principal that trusts o adheres to policy (i.e., allows at most o and r to read) Any principal not trusting o gives policy no credence Confidentiality policies Close reader policies under conjunction and disjunction

9 9 Integrity policies Writer policies o ← w Owner o allows w (and implicitly o ) to have influenced (written) information Any principal that trusts o adheres to policy (i.e., allows at most o and w to have written) Any principal not trusting o gives policy no credence Integrity policies Close writer policies under conjunction and disjunction

10 10 Semantics of policies Confidentiality readers(p, c) is set of principals that principal p allows to read based on confidentiality policy c c is no more restrictive than d (written c ⊑ C d ) if for all p, readers(p, c) ⊇ readers(p, d) ⊑ C forms a lattice: meet is disjunction, join is conjunction Integrity writers(p, c) is set of principals that principal p has allowed to write based on integrity policy c c is no more restrictive than d (written c ⊑ I d ) if for all p, writers(p, c) ⊆ writers(p, d) ⊑ I forms a lattice: meet is conjunction, join is disjunction Dual to confidentiality

11 11 Labels A label 〈 c, d 〉 is a pair of a confidentiality policy c and an integrity policy d 〈 c, d 〉 ⊑ 〈 c ′, d ′ 〉 if and only if c ⊑ C c ′ and d ⊑ I d ′ Labels are expressive and concise language for confidentiality and integrity policies

12 12 Attacker power in the DLM For arbitrary principals p and q, need to describe what p believes is the power of q Define label R p → q as least upper bound of labels that p believes q can read. ℓ ⊑ R p → q if and only if q ∈ readers(p, ℓ ) Define label W p ← q as greatest lower bound of labels that p believes q can write. W p ← q ⊑ ℓ if and only if q ∈ writers(p, ℓ ) Rp→qRp→q Wp←qWp←q

13 13 Robustness against all attackers Defn: Command c has robustness against all attackers if: for all principals p and q, c has robustness with respect to attacks by q with power R p → q and W p ← q

14 14 Enforcement Enforcing robustness [Myers, Sabelfeld, Zdancewic 2004] “If declassification gives attacker A info, then A can’t influence data to declassify, or decision to declassify.” Enforcing robustness against all attackers “For all p and q, if p believes declassification gives q info, then p believes q can’t influenced data to declassify, or decision to declassify.” More formally:  For all principals p and q,  if ℓ from ⋢ R p → q and ℓ to ⊑ R p → q then  W p ← q ⋢ pc and W p ← q ⋢ ℓ from Can’t use MSZ type system for all possible attackers Would require different type system for each p and q !

15 15 A sound unusable typing rule Γ, pc ⊢ v := declassify( e, ℓ from to ℓ to ) Γ, pc ⊢ e : ℓ from ℓ to ⊔ pc ⊑ Γ( v ) ∀ p, q. if ℓ from ⋢ R p → q and ℓ to ⊑ R p → q then W p ← q ⋢ ℓ from ∀ p, q. if ℓ from ⋢ R p → q and ℓ to ⊑ R p → q then W p ← q ⋢ pc For all principals p and q, if ℓ from ⋢ R p → q and ℓ to ⊑ R p → q then W p ← q ⋢ pc and W p ← q ⋢ ℓ from ⇒

16 16 Sound typing rule Γ, pc ⊢ v := declassify( e, ℓ from to ℓ to ) Γ, pc ⊢ e : ℓ from ℓ to ⊔ pc ⊑ Γ( v ) ℓ from ⊑ ℓ to ⊔ writersToReaders ( pc ) ℓ from ⊑ ℓ to ⊔ writersToReaders ( ℓ from ) ⇒ For all principals p, readers(p, ℓ from ) ⊇ readers(p, ℓ to ) ∩ writers(p, pc) and readers(p, ℓ from ) ⊇ readers(p, ℓ to ) ∩ writers(p, ℓ from ) ⇒ For all principals p and q, if ℓ from ⋢ R p → q and ℓ to ⊑ R p → q then W p ← q ⋢ pc and W p ← q ⋢ ℓ from Conservatively converts writers of a label into readers. Used to compare integrity against confidentiality. ∀ ℓ. ∀ p. writers(p, ℓ ) ⊆ readers(p, writersToReaders( ℓ ))

17 17 Conclusion Decentralized robustness = robustness + DLM Defined robustness against all attackers Semantic security condition Generalizes robustness to arbitrary attackers Decentralized label model expresses attackers’ powers Sound type system Implemented in Jif 3.0 Available at Paper also considers downgrading integrity Qualified robustness [Myers, Sabelfeld, and Zdancewic 2004] is generalized to qualified robustness against all attackers Damien

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