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Modeling short-term hydrosedimentary processes and the preservation of river dune deposits Suzanne Leclair Montréal, QC, CANADA

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Presentation on theme: "Modeling short-term hydrosedimentary processes and the preservation of river dune deposits Suzanne Leclair Montréal, QC, CANADA"— Presentation transcript:

1 Modeling short-term hydrosedimentary processes and the preservation of river dune deposits Suzanne Leclair Montréal, QC, CANADA TheoryExperiment

2 Modeled distributions of dune height and trough elevation based on observed dune migrating behaviour (without sediment vertical sorting—and hence no constraint on dune scouring) From Leclair, Sedimentology 2002) Observations Results vs Simulation model

3 From Leclair, 2006, GEOLOGY Inverse modeling: Interpretation of sedimentary record

4 Modeling the thickness of preserved deposit from various hydrographical events at the channel scale Observed alongstream dune-bed elevations in the Mississippi River Quaternary Loire ? (Research program while at Tulane University– supported by the Board of Regents of Louisiana)

5 18 m 5 km

6 Predicting mean thickness of channel deposit --or erosion 1 st peak rising 2 nd peak falling 3.1 m (1.3m) 1.5 m 1 m (0.8 m) (0.9 m) Preserved after 1 year ?

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