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Parliamentary Procedure Leadership 12 Managerial Techniques.

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1 Parliamentary Procedure Leadership 12 Managerial Techniques

2 What is “parliamentary procedure”? Parliamentary procedure is for conducting the business of a group of people (clubs, organizations, legislative bodies, etc.) It originated in the parliament of the United Kingdom.

3 Why Parliamentary Procedure? Order and organization Effective discussion Progress Better leadership Effective member participation Official meetings Addresses issues more successfully

4 Who uses Parliamentary Procedure? Any ‘official meeting’ of any organization should use parliamentary procedure Ex: LHS Student Council St. Paul’s Church Finance Committee Fall River Minor Baseball Association IWK Hospital Board of Directors Canadian Government - House of Commons

5 Vocabulary – Official meetings Main motions – a motion that brings the original business before the council To amend – a motion that changes a main motion by 1) adding words or paragraphs, 2) by substituting other words or paragraphs Agenda – fixed order of business

6 To refer to a committee – this motion allows a committee to investigate on a subject Previous question – when used in a meeting, it asks for an immediate vote To lay on the table – this motion means to put aside immediately

7 To reconsider – to reconsider a motion previously settled Debate – proper debate establishes ideas and gives information

8 Voting Any motion requires a vote Voting may be done by: Voice – ayes or nays Standing vote- used if the vote is close Show of hands Ballot – for a secret vote General or unanimous consent

9 Advantages of Parliamentary Procedure Justice and courtesy Only one item of business considered at a time The majority of opinion in maintained The rights of the minority are respected Oldest and most respected technique

10 Disadvantages of Parliamentary Procedure May become so complicated that it actually hinders discussion or action Not universally known or understood May not be the best method for gathering ideas Does not encourage creativity

11 Alternatives to Parliamentary Procedure Interactional Discussion: Round Table Discussion- use to solve a specific problem – meets without a chairperson – informal Panel Discussion – 3 to 8 participants carry on a discussion in front of an audience, for their benefit – usually a chairperson or moderator – audience questions

12 Symposium- number of people make short speeches on an issue, with questions or discussion after they finish Brainstorming- to encourage creation, expression etc. to solve a difficult problem – Emphasis is on quantity – no judgment “1-2-3-ing” – thoughts on own, then with two, then with three, then six, then large group discussion – quick decisions with lots of input

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