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Paperwork Many think that it’s Junk! No!!! It’s just icing on the cake! But you have to have a cake to decorate it! But you have to have a well-baked cake.

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Presentation on theme: "Paperwork Many think that it’s Junk! No!!! It’s just icing on the cake! But you have to have a cake to decorate it! But you have to have a well-baked cake."— Presentation transcript:

1 Paperwork Many think that it’s Junk! No!!! It’s just icing on the cake! But you have to have a cake to decorate it! But you have to have a well-baked cake to decorate it!

2 NSF Proposal Checklist Cover page Table of content Summary Project description References cited Biographical sketches Budget and budget justification Current and pending support Facilities and equipment

3 Summary Page Title, PI and Co-PIs, Institution’s name at the top Not an abstract but summary: stand alone Written in third person for lay but literate people One page limit (at least 10 size font or larger) Clearly address two review criteria (refer to earlier class notes) –Intellectual merit –Broader impact Just type on a piece of paper, no special form! What if I do not follow these instructions? NSF returns the proposal without review!

4 Table of Contents There is a form for this Download a form (Table of Contents.doc) from: Needed for reviewers and officials to know how many pages you used per heading? Keep these page limits in mind: –Summary 1 page –Project description 15 pages –Biographical sketch 2 pages per PI or Co-PI


6 Biographical Sketch Needed for each PI/ Co-PI/ senior personnel Limit two pages per person Start with the name, position, address etc. Professional preparation: degrees obtained/year (when) Appointments: last one first (reverse order) list all Up to Five publications relevant to this proposal, and Up to five other significant publications Synergistic activities: 5-10 if you have any.. Collaborators/coauthors in last 4 years Graduate and postdoctoral advisees (your students) Your own thesis advisor and postdoctoral supervisor Why they need this information? COI

7 Budget Again, you need one form per year plus one summary budget page for the entire proposed period (3 + 1 pages) One-three pages of budget justification Download the following two forms from: – Budget worksheet (excel) Budget Also useful data tables: –Fringe benefit rates (also has Facilities and administrative costs) –GRA stipend fees

8 Budget details first…. Write down the following data first on a piece of paper: –PI salary ($50,000 for 9 months) include 1 month summer salary –Co-PI salary ($80,000 for 9 months) include one summer month –Fringe benefit rate (different for regular and summer) (see form) Regular 41%; Summer 20.2%; temp 10%, grad student 3.4% –Postdoc if needed ($30,000/year) and 12 months per year –Graduate student (how many? see the GRA stipend form) –Graduate student tuition and fees (calculate from the GRA form) –Travel? National/ international? What for? Who will go? How many times? What is the cost? –Equipment >$5000? If yes, include –Materials and supplies; publication cost; any other expenses? –F & A rate: 56% on campus

9 Excel sheet

10 Data forms useful in filling some budget details Use Fall 05 as a starting date for this proposal Calculate fee according to your department/school Use one credit for summer and 9 credits for fall and spring semesters

11 Budget page A.Senior Personnel B.Other personnel C.Fringe benefits (total) D.Equipment E.Travel F.Participant cost: GRA fees G.Other costs: M & S, pubs etc. H.Total direct cost I.Indirect cost (56%) J.Total amount of request Repeat the same for year 2 and 3 Prepare budget summary page

12 Budget Justification Write a narrative for each category: A to J How this money will be used? A to J Show your calculations here in narrative form 1-3 pages maximum (normally just 1 page) Should be self explanatory. Use direct data. If budget is reduced, this will help you and program manager to decide what can be cut? By how much? Helps reviewers and panel too! You got the bottom line figure of how much this project will cost

13 Cover page Download coversheet from I have filled yellow highlighted spaces assuming that this project will be submitted via MTU. You will fill up green highlighted spaces. Fill in the blanks when necessary Include your advisor as Co-PI (No need of SSN)

14 Current and Pending Support NSF et al. want to know what current support you have & what for? Include all. What are the pending grants and is there any overlap with the current project? Can you really spare time to do this? Are you overloaded? How successful you are? Can you handle one more feather in your hat? Money follows money!

15 Another form (Current and pending support) to fill If you have no funding, include a blank form with your name at the top If your advisor wishes to share, you may add this information or let it be empty

16 Facilities and Equipment Type on a sheet of paper! Highlight what you (MTU) have? Laboratory space, computer, office, other (Green house) (FACE site) Major equipments needed for the project and availability/accessibility Anything else you want them to know! (other resources: machine shops, special facilities, videophones)

17 Checklist Cover page Table of content Summary Project description References cited Biographical sketches Budget and budget justification Current and pending support Facilities and equipment

18 MTU Transmittal Sheet (you need acrobat writer to save the filled form) Download MTU Transmittal sheet from: Most of the form is self-explanatory Fill in the title, PI/Co-PI details, sponsor, deadline, who pays for mailing, submission type, funding source and project type: Research Duration, F & A rate, budget summary Conflict or interest: yes or no Many signatures.. (you do not have to take any for this mock proposal) Print and keep a copy. Include with the project description on October 21 st, 2004. You will need all these forms for final proposal submission.

19 Checklist and Sequence of MS Word files Cover page Table of content Summary Project description References cited Biographical sketches Budget and budget justification Current and pending support Facilities and equipment Put all these documents together in the same sequence in a single file, paginate it and convert it into a pdf file. Email me one pdf file with your last name as file name by November 4 th 2004

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