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Graybox Stabilization Anish Arora Murat Demirbas Sandeep Kulkarni The Ohio State University/ Michigan State University July 2001.

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1 Graybox Stabilization Anish Arora Murat Demirbas Sandeep Kulkarni The Ohio State University/ Michigan State University July 2001

2 Stabilization Traditionally, stabilization has been a whitebox (application-dependent) approach to dependability It assumes a complete system description & is proved using  Closure, wrt its legitimate states  Convergence, from arbitrary states to legitimate states The assumption raises basic questions about the approach :  is it applicable for closed-source applications ?  is it feasible for large applications ?  is stabilization “reusable” ?

3 Graybox Stabilization Concept Stabilization without knowledge of system implementation but with knowledge only of system specification Approach Given a specification A, design a wrapper W s.t. A wrapped with W is stabilizing to A Goal For an implementation C that satisfies the specification of A, C wrapped with W is stabilizing to A

4 Recent Case Studies in Graybox Stabilization Rely :  publishers “refresh” information periodically  publisher refreshes & subscriber queries are broadcast Guarantee : Always 1. every query gets a unique response from service 2. quality of response is high i.In Aladdin home network at MSR [WRA00a, WRA00b, AJW01] model-based stabilization enabled low-cost replication strategy for (name-based and attribute-based) lookup server We have recently designed stabilizing systems without assuming knowledge of implementation

5 Recent Case Studies … contd. ii.Also in Aladdin, model-based stabilization dealt with hidden state and hidden transitions for dependable X10 powerline networking

6 Recent Case Studies … contd. iii.In resettable vector clocks [ADK00] stabilization was achieved assuming a client contract:  in any window with M clock reset events at any node j, all nodes deliver a message from j & messages in transit at start of window are delivered  (eventually reset events occur at every node)

7 Outline of Talk This talk presents sufficient conditions for achieving graybox stabilization and illustrates them using several implementations of Timestamp-based Mutual Exclusion 1.Sufficient condition for implementations 2.Sufficient condition for specifications 3.Case study: Timestamp-based Mutual Exclusion 4.Graybox stabilization in Ricart-Agrawala & Lamport’s solutions

8 Impossibility Result Graybox stabilization is not achievable for every implementation C of A Wrapper that renders A stabilizing may not suffice for stabilizing C S1 S0 S* S2 S3... S2 S3... S* F F S1 S0 A C

9 Sufficient Condition for Implementations Convergence refinement :  C is a refinement of A  Every computation of C that starts from a noninitial state is a compression or expansion of some computation of A starting from the corresponding state

10 Special Cases of Convergence Refinement Everywhere refinement :  Every computation of C is a computation of A Everywhere-eventually refinement :  Every computation of C is an arbitrary finite prefix followed by a computation of A

11 Graybox Stabilization Theorem If C is a convergence refinement of A A wrapped with W is stabilizing to A then C wrapped with W is stabilizing to A

12 Sufficient Condition for Specifications Verifying convergence refinement may be difficult for distributed applications, since  instantaneous access to global state is lacking  calculating global invariants may be hard Local specifications :  Decompose A and C into several parallel components A = ( j :: A j ) C = ( j :: C j )

13 Graybox Stabilization Theorem for Local Specifications If C j is an convergence refinement of A j for all j A wrapped with W is stabilizing to A then C wrapped with W is stabilizing to A

14 Timestamp-based Distributed Mutual Exclusion Mutual exclusion  at most one node in critical section at any time Starvation freedom  each requesting node eventually enters critical section First-come first-serve  requesting nodes enter critical section in order of increasing timestamp

15 LocalSpec of A Node j Client spec Program spec  Request : each requesting node sends a REQUEST to all nodes  Reply : each node that receives an earlier REQUEST replies to sender  CS entry : node enters c.s. upon receiving a later message from all nodes  CS release Environment spec

16 Graybox Stabilization Wrapper for A Node j A wrapper that suffices is : node j is hungry  send(REQUEST j ) to all nodes k A more efficient wrapper W is : node j is hungry  send(REQUEST j,k) to all nodes k s.t. j.REQUEST k earlier than REQUEST j

17 Graybox Stabilization of TME Result If an implementation C is a convergence refinement of LocalSpec then C wrapped with W is stabilizing to LocalSpec

18 Stabilizing Ricart-Agrawala’s and Lamport’s Solutions Ricart-Agrawala and Lamport ME are convergence refinements of LocalSpec  we assume that their internal variables (e.g. sets, queues) are self-cleaning  self-cleaning is readily achieved by adding actions such as true  ensure that deferred_set is consistent with external variables of LocalSpec It follows that W makes Ricart-Agrawala & Lamport ME stabilizing to LocalSpec

19 Summary Convergence refinements and local specifications are sufficient for achieving stabilization without knowledge of implementation details Assuming knowledge of specification offers potential for lower-cost dependability than assuming no such knowledge

20 Future Directions Formal derivation of Dijkstra's 3-state stabilizing token- ring programs as "convergence refinements" of an abstract token ring program Fault-tolerance preserving compilers  Given fault-tolerant A, produce convergence refinements of A  McGuire, Gouda: AP to APC compiler Case studies in graybox masking fault-tolerant systems

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