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QARTOD II Currents and Waves Charge to the Breakout Groups QARTOD II February 28 – March 2, 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "QARTOD II Currents and Waves Charge to the Breakout Groups QARTOD II February 28 – March 2, 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 QARTOD II Currents and Waves Charge to the Breakout Groups QARTOD II February 28 – March 2, 2005

2 QARTOD II Currents and Waves What are we doing? 1.Discuss issues relevant to developing a working QA/QC strategy (standard) for: A.In-situ current observations B.Remote current observations C.In-situ (and remote) wave observations 2.Focus discussions by selecting a particular sensor or technology group 3.Discuss implementation issues

3 QARTOD II Currents and Waves How will we do this? Discussion structured by 7 Focus Questions … 1.What real-time quality control tests should be applied? 2.What categories of real-time quality descriptor flags should be required? 3.What real-time metadata descriptors should be required? 4.What real-time calibration flags should be required? 5.What common data formats should be required? 6.Additional requirements associated with DMAC? 7.Describe key next steps and current roadblocks to developing and implementing an operational QA/QC capability. Agenda allows ~20 minutes of discussion per question

4 QARTOD II Currents and Waves Deliverables 1.For each question, list of key issues / ideas/strategies 2.If possible, consensus on a recommended strategy for each question 3.Record of associated comments Report out to plenary … Synthesis of 3 report outs … Workshop recommendations in QARTOD II Report

5 QARTOD II Currents and Waves Roles 1.Facilitator A.NOT issue experts B.Keep the group moving through the questions – on time C.Manage interchange D.Help prepare report out presentation 2.Technical lead A.Help the group identify key issues and strategies B.Help to record discussion C.Report out 3.Volunteer Note Taker ? (laptop provided)

6 QARTOD II Currents and Waves Tools 1.Presentations over the last day and a half 2.Handout of QARTOD I results parsed by the 7 Focus Questions 3.DMAC handout in notebook

7 QARTOD II Currents and Waves Ground rules 1.Respect your colleagues’ opportunity to participate 2.Help the group get through all 7 questions 3.Parking lot Others?

8 QARTOD II Currents and Waves Immediate issues for the breakout group … 1.Select a sensor or technology group for focus 2.Quickly review order of questions

9 QARTOD II Currents and Waves Questions?

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