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Bowel Elimination NUR101 Fall 2010 Lecture # 23 K. Burger, MSEd, MSN, RN, CNE PPP By: Sharon Niggemeier RN MSN.

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Presentation on theme: "Bowel Elimination NUR101 Fall 2010 Lecture # 23 K. Burger, MSEd, MSN, RN, CNE PPP By: Sharon Niggemeier RN MSN."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bowel Elimination NUR101 Fall 2010 Lecture # 23 K. Burger, MSEd, MSN, RN, CNE PPP By: Sharon Niggemeier RN MSN

2 Anatomy & Physiology Function of Large intestine: absorption Extends from Ileocecal valve to anus Chyme Peristalsis & Mass peristalsis

3 Act of Defecation Defecation reflex Valsalva maneuver Defecation

4 Alteration in Bowel Elimination Diarrhea Constipation Incontinence Fecal Impaction Flatulence

5 Characteristics of Stool Volume Color Odor Consistency Shape Constituents

6 Factors That Influence Bowel Elimination Age Fluid Intake & Diet Daily Routine Activity Medications Health Status Stress

7 Diet High fiber foods Legumes (beans) Cereals Whole grains Raw Fruits Vegetables Laxative effect foods Spicy & greasy Bran/Chocolate Coffee/Alcohol Raw fruits & vegetables

8 Assessing Elimination Status Usual pattern Changes in bowels Aids to eliminate Current problems

9 Physical Assessment Inspection- observe contour of abd and note visible peristalsis Auscultation- listen for bowel sounds all quadrants Percussion- resonant or tympany over hollow organs…dullness over intestinal obstruction Palpation- feel for masses, tenderness etc…

10 Stool Specimen Collection Routine specimen Occult blood Ova & parasite Timed specimens

11 Nursing Dx R/T Bowel Elimination ?

12 Outcome Criteria Pt. will: Develop regular pattern of elimination Have less episodes of incontinence Incorporate fluids/diet that promote bowel elimination

13 Interventions to Promote Elimination Routine Positioning Privacy Comfort Activity Diet/Fluids

14 Interventions: Promote Bowel Elimination Laxatives Enemas Suppositories Digital Removal

15 Types of Enemas

16 Enema Solutions Tap water (Hypotonic) Normal saline (Isotonic) Soap Hypertonic Oil

17 Tap Water (TWE) Amount: 500-1000cc Action: Distends, increases peristalsis Time: 15 min. Indicated: inflamed bowels/irritated colon Contraindicated: Atonic bowels, fluid restrictions

18 Normal Saline Amount: 500-1000cc Action: Distends, increases peristalsis Time: 15 min. Indicated:Inflamed bowels/irritated colon Contraindicated: Na retention problems, fluid restrictions

19 Soap (SSE) Amount: 500-1000cc (Castile 5ml/1000cc) Action: Distends, Irritates Time: 15 min. Indicated: Constipation Contraindicated: Prior to rectal exams

20 Hypertonic Amount: 70-130 cc solution Action: Distends/Irritates Time: 5-10 min. Indicated: Constipation, convenience Contraindicated: Dehydration, Na problems

21 Oil Retention Amount: 120-200cc Action: Lubricates Time: 30 min. Indicated: Fecal impaction Contraindication: none

22 Enema Administration PPE Position L Sims Linen protector Receptacle (bedpan, commode, toilet) IV pole Lubricant Enema bag with solution Tissue paper

23 Enema Administration Position L Sims Insert lubricated tip 4” Bag raised 18-20” above anal canal Administer slowly - 10 min. Administration is individualized. Pt. holds for 15 min.

24 Evaluation Solution given Amount expelled Characteristics of stool Passing of flatus Unusual findings blood, helminthes, pus etc. Client reaction: change in skin color, VS changes, fatigue

25 Medications Effecting Bowel Elimination Laxatives- induce emptying of GI tract Antidiarrheal- slow peristalsis Codeine/morphine/iron- cause constipation Antibiotics-may cause diarrhea

26 Flatulence Causes: Decreased peristalsis Constipation Medications Surgery Diet Stress Decreased activity

27 NonInvasive Interventions for Flatulence *Ambulation* Knee chest position

28 Invasive Interventions for Flatulence Glycerin Suppository Harris Flush Rectal Tube

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