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Warm-Season Lake-/Sea-Breeze Severe Weather in the Northeast Patrick H. Wilson, Lance F. Bosart, and Daniel Keyser Department of Earth and Atmospheric.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm-Season Lake-/Sea-Breeze Severe Weather in the Northeast Patrick H. Wilson, Lance F. Bosart, and Daniel Keyser Department of Earth and Atmospheric."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm-Season Lake-/Sea-Breeze Severe Weather in the Northeast Patrick H. Wilson, Lance F. Bosart, and Daniel Keyser Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, University at Albany, Albany, NY Thomas A. Wasula NOAA / National Weather Service, Albany, NY CSTAR-II Grant NA04NWS4680005 Spring CSTAR-II Meeting Presentation 4 May 2007

2 Research Goals  Investigate thermodynamic and dynamical processes along with physiographic effects  Increase awareness and understanding of this phenomenon

3 Methodology  Warm-Season: April–October  Domain area shown by the map  Selected cases from SPC archived storm data and from NWS meteorologists requests in 2000–2006  Verified from NCDC archived radar data

4 Methodology (continued)  Obtained NCEP/NARR gridded datasets for all cases to analyze important meteorological variables  Acquired 20 km-resolution RUC gridded datasets for three selected cases to perform mesoscale analyses  Collected soundings, radar data, satellite images, water temperature data, and surface observations  Classified cases into separate categories and conducted case study analyses

5 Case Classifications  Pure Case: mesoscale forcing primary; synoptic-scale forcing secondary  Mixed Case: mesoscale forcing and synoptic- scale forcing working together  Null Case: convection suppressed by lake-/sea-breeze processes

6 Case List  Pure Cases 9 August 2001 (Ontario) 6 July 2003 (Erie) 7 August 2005 (Chesapeake) 2 August 2006 (Ontario)  Mixed Cases 9 April 2001 (Erie) 19 April 2002 (Erie) 19 June 2002 (Atlantic) 24 July 2003 (Erie and Ontario) 1 August 2005 (Huron and Ontario) 5 August 2005 (Atlantic) 24 April 2006 (Chesapeake) 30 June 2006 (Erie and Ontario) 23 July 2006 (Erie and Ontario) 28 July 2006 (Atlantic)  Null Case 11 July 2006 (Atlantic)

7 Storm Formation Areas and Tracks: All Cases Legend: Red – Formation Areas Arrows – Case Tracks Green – Null Case Area Pink – Tornado Risk Area

8 SPC Verification of Cases (using convective outlook reports from 2003-2006)  Pure Cases (3) Slight Risk – 2, General Thunderstorms – 1  Mixed Cases (7) Slight Risk – 2, General Thunderstorms – 4, Nothing – 1  Null Case (1) Late Slight Risk and missed null area

9 Pure Case Example  2 August 2006 (Ontario)

10 1200 UTC 2 August 2006 – 200 hPa Analysis 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 Pure

11 1200 UTC 2 August 2006 – 500 hPa Analysis 14 18 22 26 30 34 38 42 46 Pure

12 1200 UTC 2 August 2006 – Surface Analysis Pure BUF

13 1200 UTC 2 August 2006 – Sounding Parcel taken from lowest 500 m to determine CAPE Pure

14 1700 UTC 2 August 2006 – Surface Observations Pure

15 2 August 2006 – Sea Surface Temperatures Pure

16 1700 UTC 2 August 2006 – 925 hPa Theta-E Analysis (RUC) Pure 320 325 330 335 340 345 350 355 360

17 1800 UTC 2 August 2006 – Omega Cross-Section Analysis -3.5 -3.0 -2.5 -2.0 -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 Pure

18 1700 UTC 2 August 2006 – Radar 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 Pure

19 1800 UTC 2 August 2006 – Radar 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 Pure

20 1900 UTC 2 August 2006 – Radar 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 Pure

21 2000 UTC 2 August 2006 – Radar 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 Pure

22 2100 UTC 2 August 2006 – Radar 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 Pure

23 2200 UTC 2 August 2006 – Radar 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 Pure

24 2300 UTC 2 August 2006 – Radar 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 Pure

25 1702 UTC 2 August 2006 – Satellite Pure

26 1825 UTC 2 August 2006 – Satellite Pure

27 1902 UTC 2 August 2006 – Satellite Pure

28 2002 UTC 2 August 2006 – Satellite Pure

29 2125 UTC 2 August 2006 – Satellite Pure

30 2202 UTC 2 August 2006 – Satellite Pure

31 2302 UTC 2 August 2006 – Satellite Pure

32 2 August 2006 – SPC Storm Reports Pure

33 Mixed Case Example  19 June 2002 (Atlantic)

34 1200 UTC 19 June 2002 – 200 hPa Analysis 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 Mixed

35 1200 UTC 19 June 2002 – 500 hPa Analysis 14 18 22 26 30 34 38 42 46 Mixed

36 1200 UTC 19 June 2002 – Surface Analysis Mixed WAL

37 1200 UTC 19 June 2002 – Sounding Parcel taken from lowest 500 m to determine CAPE Mixed

38 1800 UTC 19 June 2002 – Surface Observations Mixed

39 19 June 2002 – Sea Surface Temperatures Mixed

40 1800 UTC 19 June 2002 – 925 hPa Theta-E Analysis (RUC) Mixed 320 325 330 335 340 345 350 355 360

41 1800 UTC 19 June 2002 – Radar 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 Mixed

42 1900 UTC 19 June 2002 – Radar 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 Mixed

43 2000 UTC 19 June 2002 – Radar 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 Mixed

44 2100 UTC 19 June 2002 – Radar 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 Mixed

45 1732 UTC 19 June 2002 – Satellite Mixed

46 1902 UTC 19 June 2002 – Satellite Mixed

47 2002 UTC 19 June 2002 – Satellite Mixed

48 2132 UTC 19 June 2002 – Satellite Mixed

49 19 June 2002 – SPC Storm Reports Mixed

50 Pure Case Conclusions  Ridge axis in place at the surface or aloft  Low to moderate amounts of wind shear  T > 30 ° C, T d > 20 ° C, CAPE > 1500 J kg -1  Placement and timing signal by 925 hPa θ e -ridge axis (θ e > 335 K)  Tendency to become squall lines and to prefer valleys  Intersections of boundaries enhance convection  Occur most often during hottest months of summer

51 Mixed Case Conclusions  Troughs generally in place at the surface or aloft  Mostly moderate to high wind shear  20 ° C < T < 30 ° C, 10°C < T d < 20 ° C  Placement and timing signal by 925 hPa θ e -ridge axis (320 K < θ e < 350 K)  Cyclonic vorticity and cyclonic vorticity advection important  Intersections of boundaries enhance convection  Occur most often during late spring and early autumn

52 1800 UTC 6 July 2003 (Pure) – MODIS Satellite Questions?

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