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“Perspective Based Level of Detail Management of Topographic Data” By: Morten Granlund Supervisor: Gunnar Misund

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Presentation on theme: "“Perspective Based Level of Detail Management of Topographic Data” By: Morten Granlund Supervisor: Gunnar Misund"— Presentation transcript:

1 “Perspective Based Level of Detail Management of Topographic Data” By: Morten Granlund Supervisor: Gunnar Misund

2 Level of Detail “Easing the burden of the 3D renderer…”

3 The basics of Level of Detail GOAL: Render 3D graphics fast! GOAL: Render 3D graphics fast! SOLUTION: Several levels of detail. SOLUTION: Several levels of detail.

4 More on LoD One square has a fixed data-size A model is more accurate if: a)T he model has more squares. b)E ach square covers a smaller area.

5 Tree Structure Level 0Square covers >200 km Level 1Square covers 100-200 km Level 2Square covers 50-99 km   zoom

6 Rez… …is an Open Source framework for translating terrain data. …is an Open Source framework for translating terrain data. …creates Level of Detail hierarchies. …creates Level of Detail hierarchies. …creates two parallel hierarchies: …creates two parallel hierarchies: TilesTiles TreesTrees model tiles trees

7 Tiles Tree containing VRML data. Each node is called a tile. Each tile contains a matrix with heights (elevation grid). 0 1 2 3 4 Wo rld.wr l tiles

8 Trees The Trees hierarchy contains the structure. The trees structure consists of a file hierarchy parallel to the tiles. A trees node is a “wrapping” around each tile. 01234 Wo rld.wr l 01234 trees Wo rld.wr l

9 A “Trees”-node has: Reference to Parent node Reference to Children nodes (x4) Reference to the terrain data (tile node) 01234 tiles Wo rld.wr l 01234 trees Wo rld.wr l

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