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Status – Week 247 Victor Moya. Summary Streamer. Streamer. TraceDriver. TraceDriver. bGPU bGPU Signal Traffic Analyzer. Signal Traffic Analyzer.

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Presentation on theme: "Status – Week 247 Victor Moya. Summary Streamer. Streamer. TraceDriver. TraceDriver. bGPU bGPU Signal Traffic Analyzer. Signal Traffic Analyzer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Status – Week 247 Victor Moya

2 Summary Streamer. Streamer. TraceDriver. TraceDriver. bGPU bGPU Signal Traffic Analyzer. Signal Traffic Analyzer.

3 Streamer

4 Streamer Use Roger idea of a last use table for the output memory rather than reference counters. Use Roger idea of a last use table for the output memory rather than reference counters. How would be the Streamer Pipeline? How would be the Streamer Pipeline? Stages: Stages: Load index data. Load index data. Add new vertex/index. Add new vertex/index. –Search in the output cache. –Add to the vertex FIFO. Load vertex (n cycles). Load vertex (n cycles). Shade vertex (m cycles). Shade vertex (m cycles). Read vertex from shader (o cycles). Read vertex from shader (o cycles). Write vertex to shader (p cycles). Write vertex to shader (p cycles).

5 Streamer Boxes? Boxes? 1 one box. 1 one box. N boxes: N boxes: Streamer frontend (load index). Streamer frontend (load index). Vertex loader. Vertex loader. Output cache. Output cache. Vertex FIFO. Vertex FIFO. Shader + Output memory. Shader + Output memory. Signals? Signals?

6 TraceDriver Very buggy implementation. Very buggy implementation. Lacks most features. Lacks most features. Needs a lot of more work before a ‘good’ trace can be parsed. Needs a lot of more work before a ‘good’ trace can be parsed.

7 bGPU Passes the simple OpenGL trace we are currently using (just one triangle). Passes the simple OpenGL trace we are currently using (just one triangle). Works for multiple frames. Works for multiple frames. Still many untested things and unsolved bugs (for example memory leakage from OptimizeDynamicMemory objects...). Still many untested things and unsolved bugs (for example memory leakage from OptimizeDynamicMemory objects...). The simulation model is very simple: only 1 vertex shader. The simulation model is very simple: only 1 vertex shader.

8 bGPU Propose a first simulation model: Propose a first simulation model: 1 vertex shader (later 1 vs 4 ps). 1 vertex shader (later 1 vs 4 ps). 2 vertex shader (later 2 vs 4 ps). 2 vertex shader (later 2 vs 4 ps). 4 vertex shader (later 4 vs 8 ps). 4 vertex shader (later 4 vs 8 ps). ? Most units need a lot of work before they can be used to produce a good simulation (MemoryController, Shader, Streamer). Most units need a lot of work before they can be used to produce a good simulation (MemoryController, Shader, Streamer).

9 Signal Trace Analyzer Working prototype for the Analyzer GUI. Working prototype for the Analyzer GUI.

10 How to commit code New files and modified files are not sent zipped using mail to other programmers. New files and modified files are not sent zipped using mail to other programmers. New files and modified files are commited using CVS. New files and modified files are commited using CVS. New files and modified files must keep the code style rules: New files and modified files must keep the code style rules: Indentation is 4 spaces, not 3 spaces, not a tab. Indentation is 4 spaces, not 3 spaces, not a tab. Newlines use the UNIX format not the Windows lf/cr format. Newlines use the UNIX format not the Windows lf/cr format. DO NOT COMMIT CODE WITHOUT FOLLOWING THIS RULES. DO NOT COMMIT CODE WITHOUT FOLLOWING THIS RULES.

11 How to commit code How to commit code with CVS? How to commit code with CVS? Put the modified/new files in your cvs image directory. Put the modified/new files in your cvs image directory. New files and directories are added using ‘cvs add filename’. New files and directories are added using ‘cvs add filename’. BEFORE COMMITING ALWAYS DO AN UPDATE: ‘cvs update’ in the cvs source root directoy. BEFORE COMMITING ALWAYS DO AN UPDATE: ‘cvs update’ in the cvs source root directoy. How to resolve update conflicts? How to resolve update conflicts? COMMIT: ‘cvs commit’. COMMIT: ‘cvs commit’. Put some comments with what has changed in the code would be nice. Put some comments with what has changed in the code would be nice. Send those comments in a commit notice to the other programmers is also nice. Send those comments in a commit notice to the other programmers is also nice.

12 How to commit code How to resolve update conflicts? How to resolve update conflicts? 1) cvs marks in the source the conflict regions and puts the two code versions. 1) cvs marks in the source the conflict regions and puts the two code versions. 2) it shouldn’t compile correctly. 2) it shouldn’t compile correctly. 3) if it is code you have modified and the conflict is with the old version -> use your code. 3) if it is code you have modified and the conflict is with the old version -> use your code. 4) if it is code someone else has modified and committed but you have not touched -> use the original code. 4) if it is code someone else has modified and committed but you have not touched -> use the original code.

13 How to commit code 5) if it is code someone else has modified and committed and you have also modified -> 5) if it is code someone else has modified and committed and you have also modified -> a) you know what to do -> do you really know? -> really-> really really really? -> do it. a) you know what to do -> do you really know? -> really-> really really really? -> do it. b) you don’t know -> ask. b) you don’t know -> ask. 6) you don’t know what to do -> ask. 6) you don’t know what to do -> ask.

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