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1 ENTS689L: Packet Processing and Switching Buffer-less Switch Fabric Architectures Buffer-less Switch Fabric Architectures Vahid Tabatabaee Fall 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "1 ENTS689L: Packet Processing and Switching Buffer-less Switch Fabric Architectures Buffer-less Switch Fabric Architectures Vahid Tabatabaee Fall 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 ENTS689L: Packet Processing and Switching Buffer-less Switch Fabric Architectures Buffer-less Switch Fabric Architectures Vahid Tabatabaee Fall 2006

2 2 ENTS689L: Packet Processing and Switching Buffer-less Switch Fabric Architectures References  Light Reading Report on Switch Fabrics, available online at:  Title: Network Processors Architectures, Protocols, and Platforms Author: Panos C. Lekkas Publisher: McGraw-Hill  I. Elhanany, D. Chiou, V. Tabatabaee, R. Noro, A. Poursepanj, “The Network Processing Forum Switch Fabric Benchmark Specifications: An Overview”, IEEE Network Magazine, March/April 2005.

3 3 ENTS689L: Packet Processing and Switching Buffer-less Switch Fabric Architectures Buffer-less Switching Element  There is no major buffering in the switching element.  The only buffering is for alignment of the cells.  Incoming cells after alignment are simultaneously switched to the output ports  The performance of the switch is very much dependent on the scheduling algorithm.

4 4 ENTS689L: Packet Processing and Switching Buffer-less Switch Fabric Architectures Switching Element Architecture

5 5 ENTS689L: Packet Processing and Switching Buffer-less Switch Fabric Architectures Data flow in the switching element  Cells are continuously sent from line card to the switch card and from the switch card to the line card.  Transmitted cells may not have valid data.  Switch scheduler decides about connection between input and output port and then send the corresponding command to the line interface chip.  The line interface chip send one cell destined to the corresponding output port to the switch.  The switching element needs to have some information about the backlogged cells in the input ports.  The line card interface needs to know about its designated output port in the next time slot.  The last two bullets info. are sent through the cell header from the line interface to the switch and from the switch to the line interface respectively.

6 6 ENTS689L: Packet Processing and Switching Buffer-less Switch Fabric Architectures Why do we need cell alignment?  Consider a simple 2x2 switch  Red cells are destined to output 1 and blue cells to output 2  We need cell alignment if line cards are not equally distanced from the switch cards.

7 7 ENTS689L: Packet Processing and Switching Buffer-less Switch Fabric Architectures Why do we need cell alignment?  If the cells are not aligned we may end up with switching cells to the wrong destination or contention between cells going to the same destination

8 8 ENTS689L: Packet Processing and Switching Buffer-less Switch Fabric Architectures Why do we need cell alignment?  We can buffer the cells either in the switch chip or the line card to artificially equalize distances.

9 9 ENTS689L: Packet Processing and Switching Buffer-less Switch Fabric Architectures Switch Throughput  Throughput is the maximum normalized traffic rate between the line card and the switch card.  Throughput can not be larger than one.  Throughput is usually demonstrated by the average delay versus normalized rate plot.  Theoretically it looks like a hockey stick!  In practice since the buffering is limited delay curve gets saturated.

10 10 ENTS689L: Packet Processing and Switching Buffer-less Switch Fabric Architectures What causes throughput limitation  If there is no contention between the input and output ports throughput can go up to 100%.  Due to contention some ports can remain idle even though they have cell to send/receive.  The scheduling algorithm decides about input-output connection and resolves contentions.  Therefore scheduling algorithm determines throughput of a switch.

11 11 ENTS689L: Packet Processing and Switching Buffer-less Switch Fabric Architectures Scheduling Problem  Scheduling algorithm specifies input-output contention.  We can model a switch as a bipartite graph.  We have two set of nodes corresponding to the input and output ports.  There is a link between two nodes if there is buffered cell for that connection.  The scheduling algorithm finds a matching in the given bipartite graph.

12 12 ENTS689L: Packet Processing and Switching Buffer-less Switch Fabric Architectures 100% Throughput Scheduling  Is it possible to achieve 100% throughput in crossbar based schedulers?  We can achieve 100% throughput with maximum weighted matching.  Each link has weight equal to number of backlogged cells.  We find the matching with maximum total weight.  This guarantees to achieve 100% throughput. 4 2 2 2 2 3 4 2 3 MWM

13 13 ENTS689L: Packet Processing and Switching Buffer-less Switch Fabric Architectures Alternative 100% Throughput Algorithms  Alternative algorithms to achieve 100% throughput.  Maximum Weighted Matching (MWM): Maximizes total weight of links; O(N 3 ) complexity.  Longest Port First (LPF): Maximizes total weight of nodes; O(N 3 ) complexity.  Maximum Node Containing Matching (MNCM): Includes all nodes that their weight are greater than (1-1/N) of maximum node weight; O(N 2.5 ) complexity. 4 2 2 2 2 3 4 2 2 MWMLPFMNCM

14 14 ENTS689L: Packet Processing and Switching Buffer-less Switch Fabric Architectures Practical Approaches  These algorithms are not amenable to hardware implementation  We use simple algorithms that are simple and can be implemented in hardware.  To compensate for their low performance we make the switch works faster than the line-card (speedup).  It is proved that any maximal size matching with 2X speedup can achieve 100% throughput.  A matching is maximal if it is not possible to add anymore link to the matching.

15 15 ENTS689L: Packet Processing and Switching Buffer-less Switch Fabric Architectures iSLIP Scheduling Algorithm  There is an arbiter associated with every input and output node.  Every arbiter receives up to N active signals and select one of them using a round-robin scheduler.  Every output arbiter receives request signal from all inputs that have a backlogged cell.  It grants the first request after the previously ACCEPTED grant.  Input arbiters accept the first grant after the previously accepted grant.  Every arbiter has a pointer that points to the previously accepted port.

16 16 ENTS689L: Packet Processing and Switching Buffer-less Switch Fabric Architectures Arbiter Connections Output ArbitersInput Arbiters

17 17 ENTS689L: Packet Processing and Switching Buffer-less Switch Fabric Architectures Inside an Arbiter

18 18 ENTS689L: Packet Processing and Switching Buffer-less Switch Fabric Architectures Multiple Iteration  We can increase matching size by doing multiple iterations.  The arbiter pointers are only updated after the first iteration.  Grant and Accept arbiters can perform their function in one clock cycle.  If we want to do k iterations we need 2k clock cycles without pipelining.  We can pipeline the job and reduce the time required. Grant1Accept1 Grant2Accept2 Grant3Accept3

19 19 ENTS689L: Packet Processing and Switching Buffer-less Switch Fabric Architectures iSLIP Throughput and arrival process  Good performance for uniform traffic.  Degraded performance for non-uniform traffic.  In general performance of a switch depends on the characteristics of the input data.  In a switch there are three important characteristics:  Arrival Pattern:  Uniform: Usually modeled as Bernoulli i.i.d arrivals. At each time slot there is a probability p of new arrival.  Non-uniform: Usually modeled with a two-state Markov Chain  If we are in ON state we keep generating packets.  If we are in OFF state no packet is generated.  Packet length: Number of bytes in generated packets.  Load distribution: Destination of packets generated at each input  Uniform: Packets are divide among destinations with equal probability  Non-Uniform: Some destinations are more probable (Hot Spots).

20 20 ENTS689L: Packet Processing and Switching Buffer-less Switch Fabric Architectures Typical uniform traffic throughput

21 21 ENTS689L: Packet Processing and Switching Buffer-less Switch Fabric Architectures Typical non-uniform traffic throughput curve

22 22 ENTS689L: Packet Processing and Switching Buffer-less Switch Fabric Architectures Benchmarking & Comparison of Switch Fabrics  How do we have to compare switch fabrics  First we have to compare general design parameters.  Second we have to compare performance of the fabrics.

23 23 ENTS689L: Packet Processing and Switching Buffer-less Switch Fabric Architectures Primary Design Parameters 1.Switching Capacity 2.Sample Availability 3.NPU/TM Interfaces 4.Integrated Traffic Management 5.Power (per 10 Gbit/s) 6.Price (per 10 Gbit/s) 7.Integrated Linecard SerDes 8.160-Gbit/s Device Count 9.160-Gbit/s (with 1:1 Redundancy) Device Count 10.640-Gbit/s Device Count 11.640-Gbit/s (with 1:1 Redundancy) Device Count 12.Switch Architecture 13.Guaranteed Latency 14.TDM Support 15.Sub-ports per 10-Gbit/s Line Interface 16.Traffic Flows per 10-Gbit/s Port 17.Frame Payload (Bytes) 18.Frame Distribution Across Fabric 19.Fabric Overspeed 20.Backplane Link Speed 21.Backplane Links per 10- Gbit/s Port 22.Redundancy Modes 23.Host Interface

24 24 ENTS689L: Packet Processing and Switching Buffer-less Switch Fabric Architectures Performance Benchmarking  Traffic Modeling  Performance Metrics  Benchmark Suites

25 25 ENTS689L: Packet Processing and Switching Buffer-less Switch Fabric Architectures Traffic Modeling  Destination Distribution:  The Zipf law has been proposed to model non- uniform traffic distribution between destinations.  k=0 corresponds to uniform traffic  k= infinity completely preferred destination  Typically k varies from 0 to 5

26 26 ENTS689L: Packet Processing and Switching Buffer-less Switch Fabric Architectures Traffic Modeling  Packet arrival process:  Bernoulli i.i.d. arrivals  ON/OFF model  ON/OFF model with non-delimited burst streams  ON/OFF model with minimum burst size.  Mulitcast  Multiplicity factor: Realistically should not exceed 10 with an average value of 2-4.  Distribution of the detinations  QoS  Distribution of the traffic among a number of classes

27 27 ENTS689L: Packet Processing and Switching Buffer-less Switch Fabric Architectures Performance Metrics  Fabric Latency: Latency between point 2 and 3.  Total Latency: Latency between point 1 and 3.  Accepted vs. offered bandwidth: The number of cells fabric accept at point 2 divided by the number of frames offered to it at point 1.  Jitter: Difference in the time interval between a pair of consecutive cells belonging to the same flow at the ingress and the egress.

28 28 ENTS689L: Packet Processing and Switching Buffer-less Switch Fabric Architectures Benchmark Suites  Hardware Benchmarks:  Memory speed, processing speed, port-to-port minimum latency, switch fabric overhead, internal cell size….  In these test there is no contention between packets to minimize scheduling and arbitration impacts.  Zero load latency, maximum port load

29 29 ENTS689L: Packet Processing and Switching Buffer-less Switch Fabric Architectures Benchmark Suites  Arbitration Benchmarks  Studies performance of the fabric when there is contention.  Performance is studied for different traffic patterns and load destination distribution.

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