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Cathy Schelly, M.Ed., OTR/L; Assistant Professor Director, Center for Community Partnerships PI, ACCESS and OPS Projects Craig Spooner, MA ACCESS & OPS.

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Presentation on theme: "Cathy Schelly, M.Ed., OTR/L; Assistant Professor Director, Center for Community Partnerships PI, ACCESS and OPS Projects Craig Spooner, MA ACCESS & OPS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cathy Schelly, M.Ed., OTR/L; Assistant Professor Director, Center for Community Partnerships PI, ACCESS and OPS Projects Craig Spooner, MA ACCESS & OPS UDL Coordinator Opportunities for Postsecondary Success for Students with ASD

2 Who we are… Center for Community Partnerships — a service and outreach arm of the Department of Occupational Therapy at Colorado State University …Supporting the inherent dignity, potential and full participation of all people.

3 DOE, OPE-Funded Programs Featuring the following programs:  ACCESS  Opportunities for Postsecondary Success (OPS) ACCESS Grant: P333A080026; OPS Grant: H128J080025

4 AgendaAgenda  ACCESS — faculty instruction  Universal Design for Learning (UDL)  Student Self-Advocacy (SA)  Research, dissemination  Opportunities for Postsecondary Success (OPS) — student supports  Student Self-Advocacy leading to success for students with ASD  UDL, AT and SA instruction and technical assistance  Program evaluation, dissemination, replication

5 What is it? Who benefits from it? Universal Design for Learning

6 Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a set of principles and techniques for creating inclusive classroom instruction and accessible course materials. teaching technology “ ”

7 Universal Design (UD)  Build in accessibility from the start  Curb cuts in city streets  Ramps and automatic door openers  TV closed captions  Ergonomic kitchen utensils  Everyone benefits from a more flexible, user-friendly environment

8 Universal Design for Learning (UDL)  Inclusive pedagogy  UDL applies to both teaching and technology

9 Who are college students today?

10 They are diverse  Ethnicity & Culture  Gender  Nontraditional  ESL/Native language  Learning Styles/Intelligences  Disabilities

11 DisabilitiesDisabilities  Mobility Impairments  Blindness/Visual Impairments  Deafness/Hearing Impairments  Learning Disabilities  Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD/ADHD)  Autism Spectrum Disorder  Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)  Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)  Mental Illness

12 Disabilities in Higher Education  Nationally, 11.3% of undergraduates report some type of disability 1  At Colorado State University 2  8%–11% report a disability  Non-apparent disabilities are by far the largest proportion and growing  Even among students who say they have a disability, few seek accommodations 1 National Center for Education Statistics, 2008; U.S. Government Accountability Office, 2009 2 Schelly, Davies & Spooner, Journal of Postsecondary Education and Disability (Feb. 2011)

13 Universal Design for Learning: 3 Principles 1.Instructors represent information and concepts in multiple ways (and in a variety of formats). 2.Students are given multiple ways to express their comprehension and mastery of a topic. 3.Students engage with new ideas and information in multiple ways.

14 #1: Representation  Describe learning objectives in clear, specific terms  Provide structure to the material:  Highlight key concepts, explaining how they relate to course objectives  Start lecture with an outline, conclude with a summary  Clearly define expectations for classroom behavior  Post lecture notes online prior to class  Record lectures and post them online as podcasts

15 #2: Expression  Provide flexibility in assessment, especially in language-based tests/exams  Allow extended time for assessment  Encourage alternative formats for assignments  Encourage electronic communication  Face-to-face or in-class communication can be difficult and stressful  Students may need time to plan ahead

16 #3: Engagement  Communicate high expectations for all learners  Invite students (verbally and on the syllabus) to speak to you privately if they have learning challenges  Provide prompt, ongoing and instructive feedback to support learning and self-assessment  Ask students where they’d like to sit  Help students advocate for themselves. Know the resources available at the university, especially RDS and the OPS program

17 Findings from UDL Research at CSU  It helps me learn when the instructor…  presents information in multiple formats  actively engages students in learning  relates key concepts to the larger objectives of the course  begins class with an outline  summarizes key points  highlights key points of instructional videos

18 Represent Express Engage

19  Graphic of merging UDL and SA

20 Till the cows come home… Instructors can implement UDL and best teaching practices until the cows come home... But until students become aware of how they learn, what they need to be successful in the college environment, and how to put strategies and resources in place to promote success—until they become self-advocates— we’re only half-way to our goal.

21 Self-AdvocacySelf-Advocacy  “Self-advocacy is the ability to understand one’s own needs and effectively communicate those needs to others.”* *Shore, 2010

22 ACCESS Self-Advocacy Definition*  Knowing yourself  Strengths, interests, challenges  Knowing what you need  Available resources, accommodations  Knowing how to get what you need  Taking action *adapted from Shore, 2010

23 Self-Advocacy Skill Development for Postsecondary Success

24 Why Promote Self-Advocacy?  Academic Persistence!  Self-advocacy is a key predictor of student success. Strong self-advocates (self-responsible learners) tend to experience greater academic satisfaction, higher grades, and have an increased level of ability to succeed in college and in life.* *Field, Sarver and Shaw (2003); Lotkowski, Robbins and Noeth (2004); Tinto, V. (1993) 1

25 The problem… “Too many students with disabilities exit high school with limited self- determination and self-advocacy skills because school and parents assume responsibility for advocating for educational needs rather than fostering the development of these skills in students.”* *Izzo & Lamb, 2002

26 The solution... UDL + Self-Advocacy = ACCESS  Inclusive instruction through UDL implementation makes learning accessible to all students.  Becoming an effective self-advocate is critical for success in postsecondary education – for all students, and especially those with ASD!  Self-advocacy skill development is the foundation of support strategies for students with ASD!

27 ACCESS Leads to Questions and Program Development  Who are the students who are ‘falling through the cracks?’ Why are they struggling?  How can we best support high-risk students with ASD to promote success in achieving their postsecondary dreams?  Office of Postsecondary Education provided the potential answer to our questions.

28 Transition Program Funding Priority  Authorized by Higher Education Opportunities Act (HEOA) Reauthorization in 2008 (PL 110-315)  IHEs funded to develop comprehensive transition and postsecondary programs for students with disabilities that impact their cognitive functioning

29 Opportunities for Postsecondary Success Project

30 Transition Program Funding Priority  HEOA focus:  Students with learning/academic functioning impairments, characterized by significant limitations in cognitive functioning and/or adaptive behavior as expressed in conceptual, social, and/or practical adaptive skills, including students with ASD  Addressing a need identified at CSU, FRCC, PSD and beyond

31 Center for Community Partnerships Implementing OPS  CCP partnering with:  OT faculty  Assistive Technology Resource Center  Resources for Disabled Students  Student Affairs  Front Range Community College  Poudre School District  Foothills Gateway Inc.  Division of Vocational Rehabilitation  Adaptive Recreation Opportunities

32 OPS Goals  Development of a ‘Postsecondary Transitions Trajectory’  UDL and AT training and technical assistance  Transition supports  Evaluation of program outcomes

33 Differences between high school and college/university High School (IDEA) Class sizes are usually small Students receive reminders and support for assignments Child Find Indiv. Education Plans (IEPs) Students’ time is managed for them Teachers are available for assistance and questions during and after class College (504 and ADA) Class sizes may be large Students expected to complete their work independently Student must take initiative to seek out accommodations Self-advocacy Time management skills needed Professors are available during office hours

34 Strengths that students with ASD may have*  Cognitive abilities similar to neurotypical or gifted individuals  Excellent vocabulary, strong verbal skills  Focused, diligent  Honest to a fault  Strong desire to excel  Creative, unique ways of thinking  Passionate about unique interests  Concrete literal *Barnhill, G., Hagiwara, T., Myles, B.S., & Simpson, R., 2000

35 Challenges that students with ASD may experience 1  Difficulty with change, transitions  Poor ability to read/learn unwritten rules and procedures  Frequent concomitant anxiety  Difficulty with communication, relationships, reciprocal social interaction (e.g. roommates, classmates, group assignments, class presentations)  Presence of stereotyped behavior, interests or activities  Sensory processing disorders 2  Concrete literal 1 VanBergeijk, Klin, & Volkmar, 2008 2

36 If you know a student with ASD… …you know a student with ASD!

37 Possible areas of confusion  What is the difference between three and four credits?  What does it mean to add/drop a course vs. withdraw from a course?  What are the unwritten rules?  Why can’t I keep texting my roommate?  What do I do with the assignment when I’m finished?  What am I supposed to do when a class is cancelled?

38 Addressing Problem Areas

39  Organization  Selecting Courses  Social Life  Living in the Dorms  Daily Living  Prepare in Advance  Sensory Issues

40 Supports for eligible college students  Transition Coordinators/Peer Mentors assist with:  Development of relationship/friendship with roommate, classmates  Socialization guidance, role playing  Development of skills/strategies for surviving group assignments  Identification of ‘triggers’ – coming up with crisis management strategies  Connection to recreation, activities  Career exploration  Development of self-advocacy skills

41 Supports for eligible HS students who are headed to college/university  Transition Coordinators/Peer Mentors assist with:  Connection and familiarization with campus locations and resources (individualized)  Introduction to dormitory, RA – identification of residential support needs  Learning the ropes: signing up for classes, understanding add/drop/withdrawal rules, course management system  Development of self-advocacy skills

42 Supports for eligible HS students who are seeking employment  Transition Coordinators/Peer Mentors assist with:  Work internships, volunteer opportunities  Supported employment  Recreation  Independent living  Development of self-advocacy skills

43 Finding, Getting and Keeping a Job: An OPS Focus Area  Preparing for an internship interview  Shaking hands properly  Looking and acting professional  Eye contact  Hygiene  Research company in advance  Positive answers to boilerplate questions…

44 Tell me about your strengths…

45 What to say, what not to say…

46 Very Concrete- Literal

47 Describe how you are as a team player a.Teams are kind of bad. Sometimes people don’t know what they’re doing. Sometimes everyone is working on the same thing. And sometimes one person does all the work. b.I have been on many teams, working on group assignments in some of my classes. I do well on teams when I know what my role is – then I can get my part done and contribute to the team effort. c.I’d rather work by myself. d.Teams are not my favorite thing, but I’ll be on a team if I have to.

48 Why should we hire you? a.I have taken numerous courses in topics that relate to your business and received a good grade in all of those courses. b.I am guessing that I am the smartest applicant. c.Because I read about this stuff for fun. I love it. This is what I do, what I think, what I know. I love it. d.Because I turned in my application on time and now I’m here for the interview.

49 ConclusionConclusion  As educators, it is our responsibility to support and empower students on the spectrum who are coming to college, seeking employment, pursuing their dreams…  With the supports we are providing these students, we are facilitating their…  …opportunities for postsecondary success

50 Self-Advocacy Resources  UDL Modules  Universally designed Word, PowerPoint, HTML and PDF  SA Resources  Disability Information for Faculty  SA Handbook for College Students with Disabilities (helpful information for students, parents, secondary education teachers and counselors, university faculty)

51 Cathy Schelly 970-491-0225 Craig Spooner 970-491-0784 Thank you!

52 ReferencesReferences Barnhill, Hagiwara, Myles & Simpson (2000). Asperger syndrome: A study of the cognitive profiles of 37 children and adolescents. Forum on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities, 15(3), 146-153. Burgstahler & Cory (2008). Universal design in higher education: From principles to practice. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Education Press. Field, Sarver & Shaw (2003). Self-Determination: A Key to Success in Postsecondary Education for Students with Learning Disabilities. Remedial and Special Education, 24(6), 339-349.

53 ReferencesReferences Glennon (2001). The stress of the universitiy experience for students with Asperger Syndrome. Work, 17, 183-190. Izzo & Lamb (2002). Self-determination and career development: Skills for successful transition to postsecondary education and employment. A white paper for the Post-School Outcomes Network of the National Center on Secondary Education and Transition (NCSET) at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. Lotkowski, Robbins, Noeth (2004) The Role of Academic and Non- academic Factors in Improving College Retention. ACT Policy Report.

54 ReferencesReferences National Center for Education Statistics, 2008 Rose, D., et al. (2006). Universal design for learning in postsecondary education: Reflections on principles and their application. Journal of Postsecondary Education and Disability, 19(2), 135-151. Schelly, C., Davies, P., & Spooner, C. (2011). Student Perceptions of Faculty Implementation of Universal Design for Learning. Journal of Postsecondary Education and Disability, 24(1), 17-28.

55 ReferencesReferences Shore, S. (2010). Helping your child to help him/her self: Beginning self-advocacy (Autism Retrieved 3/7/11 from Tinto, V. (1993). Leaving college: Rethinking the cause and cures of student attrition. Chicago: University of Chicago. U.S. Government Accountability Office, 2009. VanBergeijk, E., Klin, A., & Volkmar, F. (2008). Supporting more able students on the autism spectrum: College and beyond. Journal of Autism Developmental Discord, 38, 1359-1370.

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