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Development of an iPhone Game in a Project Based Learning Course Monica McGill, Bradley University, Peoria, IL.

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Presentation on theme: "Development of an iPhone Game in a Project Based Learning Course Monica McGill, Bradley University, Peoria, IL."— Presentation transcript:

1 Development of an iPhone Game in a Project Based Learning Course Monica McGill, Bradley University, Peoria, IL

2 Advent of courses using games as a learning tool for both CS and non-CS majors Advent of iPhone and mobile applications Continued efforts into multi-disciplinary work Challenges encountered in my course

3 An independent study project Interactive Media students –Wanted to develop an iPhone game –Were Self-motivated (self-selected project) –Wanted to gain experience and have fun Skills –Juniors and Seniors –Programmer, Visual Artist, Sound Designer, and Support

4 I said “Yes” –To gain experience in overseeing team projects –To learn more about the iPhone app process –Because I can’t deny that it’s fun My Goals –Process Meaningful Learning Experience –Product

5 Game Play –Player is a virus in a human body –Within the confines of a vein Avoid white blood cells Attack red blood cells Complete all levels and kill the host

6 6

7 First 8 weeks –Develop a design document for the game –Maintain a project management spreadsheet –Research and select development tools Second 8 weeks –Develop the game--all original art & sound –Research and sign up for Apple Developer Program –Complete the game –Submit completed game to the iPhone store

8 Design Document Modified template from Storyboard, Player, Gameplay, Art, Sound Used Google Docs Design document andDesign document Project management spreadsheet

9 Familiar development tools –Mac Pro running OSX –ProTools for sound design –Adobe Photoshop New tools –Unity 3D basic & iPhone add-on package Purchased for this project –Maya for game art



12 Issues and Lessons Learned –Copyright/Intellectual Property Know your University’s policy – Assigning tasks with input from students Assess students skills prior to starting project Balance with what they think they want to learn with what you want them to learn Challenge to find a fit for the “support” student

13 Issues and Lessons Learned – Assessing and peer-assessing students individually based on differing tasks How do you assess sound or art when you are trained as a computer scientist? Student self-assessment – 38%, 16%, 23%, 23%

14 Encouraging Completion of the game – Participating in external demonstrations of the game to motivate students – Considering the adaptation of a policy that states that grades will only be provided upon completion of a fully functioning game

15 Questions? Monica McGill Interactive Media Program Bradley University, Peoria, IL

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