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10/28/1999Database Management -- R. Larson ORACLE SQLPlus Updating and Modifying Data In SQL University of California, Berkeley School of Information Management.

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Presentation on theme: "10/28/1999Database Management -- R. Larson ORACLE SQLPlus Updating and Modifying Data In SQL University of California, Berkeley School of Information Management."— Presentation transcript:

1 10/28/1999Database Management -- R. Larson ORACLE SQLPlus Updating and Modifying Data In SQL University of California, Berkeley School of Information Management and Systems SIMS 257: Database Management

2 10/28/1999Database Management -- R. Larson Today Getting started with ORACLE in SQL-- see handouts Using WebDB (more this time) Migrating databases from ACCESS to ORACLE -- see handouts More on SQL for data manipulation and modification

3 10/28/1999Database Management -- R. Larson SELECT Syntax: –SELECT [DISTINCT] attr1, attr2,…, attr3 as label, function(xxx), calculation, attr5, attr6 FROM relname1 r1, relname2 r2,… rel3 r3 WHERE condition1 {AND | OR} condition2 ORDER BY attr1 [DESC], attr3 [DESC]

4 10/28/1999Database Management -- R. Larson CREATE SYNONYM CREATE SYNONYM newname FOR oldname;

5 10/28/1999Database Management -- R. Larson SELECT Conditions = equal to a particular value >= greater than or equal to a particular value > greater than a particular value <= less than or equal to a particular value <> not equal to a particular value LIKE ‘%wom_n%’ (Note different wild card) IN (‘opt1’, ‘opt2’,…,’optn’)

6 10/28/1999Database Management -- R. Larson Aggregate Functions COUNT(dataitem) AVG(numbercolumn) SUM(numbercolumn) MAX(numbercolumn) MIN(numbercolumn) STDDEV(numbercolumn) VARIANCE(numbercolumn)

7 10/28/1999Database Management -- R. Larson Numeric Functions ABS(n) ACOS(n) ASIN(n) ATAN(n) ATAN2(n, m) CEIL(n) COS(n) COSH(n) ROUND(n) SIGN(n) SIN(n) SINH(n) SQRT(n) TAN(n) TANH(n) TRUNC(n[, m]) EXP(n) FLOOR(n) LN(n) LOG(m,n) MOD(n) POWER(m,n)

8 10/28/1999Database Management -- R. Larson Character Functions returning character values CHR(n) CONCAT(char1,char2) INITCAP(char) LOWER(char) LPAD(char, n,char2), RPAD(char, n,char2) LTRIM(char, n, cset), RTRIM(char, n, cset) REPLACE(char, srch, repl) SOUNDEX(char) SUBSTR(char, m, n) SUBSTRB(char, m, n) TRANSLATE(char, from, to) UPPER(char)

9 10/28/1999Database Management -- R. Larson Character Function returning numeric values ASCII(char) INSTR(char1, char2[,m, n]) INSTRB(char1, char2[,m, n]) LENGTH(char) LENGTHB(char)

10 10/28/1999Database Management -- R. Larson Date functions ADD_MONTHS(dt, n) LAST_DAY(d) MONTHS_BETWEEN(d1, d2) NEW_TIME(d, z1, z2) -- PST, AST, etc. NEXT_DAY(d, dayname) ROUND(d, fmt) -- century, year etc. SYSDATE TRUNC(d, fmt) -- century, year, etc.

11 10/28/1999Database Management -- R. Larson Conversion Functions CHARTOROWID(char) CONVERT(char, dchar, schar) HEXTORAW(char) RAWTOHEX(raw) ROWIDTOCHAR(rowid) TO_CHAR (date, fmt) TO_DATE(char, fmt) TO_NUMBER(char,fmt) TO_MULTIBYTE(char) TO_SINGLE_BYTE(cha r)

12 10/28/1999Database Management -- R. Larson Create Table CREATE TABLE table-name (attr1 attr- type CONSTRAINT constr1 PRIMARY KEY, attr2 attr-type CONSTRAINT constr2 NOT NULL,…, attrM attr-type CONSTRAINT constref REFERENCES owner.tablename(attrname), attrN attr-type CONSTRAINT constrN CHECK (attrN = UPPER(attrN)); Adds a new table with the specified attributes (and types) to the database.

13 10/28/1999Database Management -- R. Larson Types VARCHAR2(size) NUMBER(p, s) LONG -- long char data DATE -- from 4712BC to 4714 AD RAW(size) -- binary LONG RAW -- large binary ROWID -- row reference CHAR(size) -- fixed length characters

14 10/28/1999Database Management -- R. Larson Alter Table ALTER TABLE table-name ADD COLUMN attr1 attr-type; ALTER TABLE table-name ADD COLUMN attr1 CONSTRAINT xxx constrainvalue; ALTER TABLE table-name MODIFY COLUMN attr1 optiontochange; … DROP COLUMN attr1; Adds a new column to an existing database table.

15 10/28/1999Database Management -- R. Larson INSERT INSERT INTO table-name (attr1, attr4, attr5,…, attrK) VALUES (“val1”, val4, val5,…, “valK”); OR INSERT INTO table-name SELECT col1, col2, col3 as newcol2, col4 FROM xx, yy WHERE where-clause; Adds a new row(s) to a table.

16 10/28/1999Database Management -- R. Larson DELETE DELETE FROM table-name WHERE ; Removes rows from a table.

17 10/28/1999Database Management -- R. Larson UPDATE UPDATE tablename SET attr1=newval, attr2 = newval2 WHERE ; changes values in existing rows in a table (those that match the WHERE clause).

18 10/28/1999Database Management -- R. Larson DROP Table DROP TABLE tablename; Removes a table from the database.

19 10/28/1999Database Management -- R. Larson CREATE INDEX CREATE [ UNIQUE ] INDEX indexname ON tablename (attr1 [ASC|DESC][, attr2 [ASC|DESC],...]) Adds an index on the specified attributes to a table

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