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The IDC at Cambridge Dr. Peter Long Cambridge University Engineering Department.

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Presentation on theme: "The IDC at Cambridge Dr. Peter Long Cambridge University Engineering Department."— Presentation transcript:

1 The IDC at Cambridge Dr. Peter Long Cambridge University Engineering Department

2 2 The IDC at Cambridge Background IDC Integrated Design Project (IDP) Today Future?

3 Cambridge University Engineering Department 3 Background (1990 - 93) People –Prof. Harry West, MIT –Prof. Masashi Shimizu, Titech –Prof. Herbert Birkhofer, Darmstadt –Ken Wallace (CUED) Changes to the Course Requirement for a new 2nd Year Project

4 Cambridge University Engineering Department 4 Integrated Design Project (IDP) Build on the success of IDC Multi-Disciplinary –Mechanical –Electronics –Software Approx. 300 students/year (16 weeks) Assessed

5 Cambridge University Engineering Department 5 The IDP Based on Mobile Factory Robot Engineering Materials Analogue/Digital Electronics –Sensors (switches,force, etc) –Motor control Micro Controller Software C++ (Pascal)

6 Cambridge University Engineering Department 6 IDP - Process & Timetable 4 Competitions/year 15+ teams of 6 students –Sub-teams of 2 students (Mechanical, Electronics, Software) 4 Week Projects (Nominally 50hrs) –Design 2 weeks (review) –Construction 2 Weeks –Trial/Competition & Report

7 Cambridge University Engineering Department 7 Tasks Handling Sensing Sorting Control

8 Cambridge University Engineering Department 8 IDC 2001 Completed IDP course Submission of a Conceptual IDC design 4 day IDC Style workshop & competition

9 Cambridge University Engineering Department 9 Future IDP (CUED) - being reviewed –Enhanced –Student Knowledge Software CAD ‘Lego Mindstorm’ IDC ….

10 Cambridge University Engineering Department 10 Thanks NHK Titech/MIT OSAKA

11 Cambridge University Engineering Department 11 1992-1993 IDC IDC continued However Course change from –your strengths relative to competitors Weaknesses –your weaknesses relative to competitor

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