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High Performance Correlation Techniques For Time Series

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1 High Performance Correlation Techniques For Time Series
Xiaojian Zhao Department of Computer Science Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences New York university 25 Oct. 2004

2 Roadmap Section 1: Introduction Section 2 : Background
Motivation Problem Statement Section 2 : Background GEMINI framework Random Projection Grid Structure Some Definitions Naive method and Yunyue’s Approach Section 3 : Sketch based StatStream Efficient Sketch Computation Sketch technique as a filter Parameter selection Grid structure System Integration Section 4 : Empirical Study Section 5 : Future Work Section 6 : Conclusion

3 Section 1: Introduction

4 Motivation Stock prices streams The New York Stock Exchange (NYSE)
50,000 securities (streams); 100,000 ticks (trade and quote) Pairs Trading, a.k.a. Correlation Trading Query:“which pairs of stocks were correlated with a value of over 0.9 for the last three hours?” XYZ and ABC have been correlated with a correlation of 0.95 for the last three hours. Now XYZ and ABC become less correlated as XYZ goes up and ABC goes down. They should converge back later. I will sell XYZ and buy ABC …

5 Online Detection of High Correlation
Correlated! Correlated!

6 Why speed is important As processors speed up, algorithmic efficiency no longer matters … one might think. True if problem sizes stay same but they don’t. As processors speed up, sensors improve --satellites spewing out a terabyte a day, magnetic resonance imagers give higher resolution images, etc.

7 Problem Statement Detect and report the correlation rapidly and accurately Expand the algorithm into a general engine Apply them in many practical application domains

8 Big Picture time series 1 time series 2 time series 3 … time series n
sketch 1 sketch 2 sketch n Random Projection Grid structure Correlated pairs

9 Section 2: Background

10 GEMINI framework* DFT, DWT, etc
* Faloutsos, C., Ranganathan, M. & Manolopoulos, Y. (1994). Fast subsequence matching in time-series databases. In proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD Int'l Conference on Management of Data. Minneapolis, MN, May pp

11 Goals of GEMINI framework
High performance Operations on synopses will save time such as distance computation Guarantee no false negative Feature Space shrinks the original distances in the raw data space .

12 Random Projection: Intuition
You are walking in a sparse forest and you are lost. You have an outdated cell phone without a GPS. You want to know if you are close to your friend. You identify yourself at 100 meters from the pointy rock and 200 meters from the giant oak etc. If your friend is at similar distances from several of these landmarks, you might be close to one another. The sketches are the set of distances to landmarks.

13 How to make Random Projection*
Sketch pool: A list of random vectors drawn from stable distribution (like the landmarks) Project the time series into the space spanned by these random vectors The Euclidean distance (correlation) between time series is approximated by the distance between their sketches with a probabilistic guarantee. W.B.Johnson and J.Lindenstrauss. “Extensions of Lipshitz mapping into hilbert space”. Contemp. Math.,26: ,1984

14 Random Projection X’ current position X’ relative distances
Rocks, buildings… inner product Y’ relative distances Y’ current position random vector sketches raw time series

15 Sketch Guarantees Johnson-Lindenstrauss Lemma:
Note: Sketches do not provide approximations of individual time series window but help make comparisons. Johnson-Lindenstrauss Lemma: For any and any integer n, let k be a positive integer such that Then for any set V of n points in , there is a map such that for all Further this map can be found in randomized polynomial time

16 Sketches : Random Projection
Why we use sketches or random projections? To reduce the dimensionality! For example: The original time series x is of the length 256, we may represent it with a sketch vector of length 30. First step to removing “the curse of dimensionality”

17 Achliptas’s lemma Dimitris Achliptas proved that
Let P be an arbitrary set of n points in , represented as an matrix A. Given , let For integer , let R be a random matrix with R(i;j)= , where { } are independent random variables from either one of the following two probability distributions shown in next slide: *Idea from Dimitris Achlioptas, “Database-friendly Random Projections”, Proceedings of the twentieth ACM SIGMOD-SIGACT-SIGART symposium on Principles of database systems

18 Achliptas’s lemma or Let Let map the row of A to the row of E. With a probability at least , for all *Idea from Dimitris Achlioptas, “Database-friendly Random Projections”, Proceedings of the twentieth ACM SIGMOD-SIGACT-SIGART symposium on Principles of database systems

19 Definition: Sketch Distance
Note: DFT, DWT distance are analogous. For those measures, the difference between the original vectors is approximated by the difference between the first Fourier/Wavelet coefficients of those vectors.

20 Empirical Study : Sketch Approximation

21 Empirical Study: sketch distance/real distance

22 Grid Structure

23 Correlation and Distance
There is relationship between Euclidean distance and Pearson correlation Normalization dist2=2(1- correlation)

24 How to compute the correlation efficiently?
Goal: To find the most highly correlated stream pairs over sliding windows Naive method Statstream method Our method

25 Naïve Approach Space and time cost Let’s see Statstream approach
Space O(N) and time O(N2sw) N : number of streams sw : size of sliding window. Let’s see Statstream approach

26 Definitions: Sliding window and Basic window
Time point Basic window Stock 1 Stock 2 Stock 3 …… Stock n Sliding window size=8 Basic window size=2 Sliding window Time axis

27 StatStream Idea Use Discrete Fourier Transform(DFT) to approximate correlation as in the GEMINI approach discussed earlier. Every two minutes (“basic window size”), update the DFT for each time series over the last hour (“sliding window size”) Use a grid structure to filter out unlikely pairs

28 StatStream: Stream synoptic data structure
Basic window digests: sum DFT coefs Basic window Time point Sliding window

29 Section 3: Sketch based StatStream

30 Problem not yet solved DFT approximates the price-like data type very well. Gives a poor approximation for returns (today’s price – yesterday’s price)/yesterday’s price. Return is more like white noise which contains all frequency components. DFT uses the first n (e.g. 10) coefficients in approximating data, which is insufficient in the case of white noise.


32 Random Projection: inner product between Data Vector and random vector
Big Picture Revisited time series 1 time series 2 time series 3 time series n sketch 1 sketch 2 sketch n Random Projection Grid structure Correlated pairs Random Projection: inner product between Data Vector and random vector

33 How to compute the sketch efficiently
We will not compute the inner product at each data point because the computation is expensive. A new strategy, in joint work with Richard Cole, is used to compute the sketch. Here the random variable will be drawn from:

34 How to construct the random vector:
Given time series , compute its sketch for a window of size sw=12. Partition to smaller basic windows of size bw = 4. The random vector within a basic window is R and a control vector b is used to determine which basic window will be multiplied with –1 or 1 (Why? Wait…) A final complete random vector may look like: Here bw=( ) b=(1 -1 1) ( ; ; )

35 Naive algorithm and hope for improvement
r=( ; ; ) x=(x1 x2 x3 x4; x5 x6 x7 x8; x9 x10 x11 x12) dot product xsk=r*x= x1+x2-x3+x4-x5-x6+x7-x8+x9+x10-x11+x12 With new data point arrival, such operations will be done again r=( ; ; ) x’=(x5 x6 x7 x8 ; x9 x10 x11 x12; x13 x14 x15 x16) * xsk=r*x’= x5+x6-x7+x8-x9-x10+x11+x12+x13+x14+x15- x16 There is redundancy in the second dot product given the first one. We will eliminate the repeated computation to save time

36 Our algorithm (Pointwise version)
Convolve with corresponding after padding with |bw| zeros. conv1:( ) (x1,x2,x3,x4) conv2:( ) (x5,x6,x7,x8) conv3:( ) (x9,x10,x11,x12) x4 x4+x3 Animation shows convolution in action: -x4+x3+x2 x4-x3+x2+x1 x1 x2 x3 x4 x1 x2 x3 x4 x1 x2 x3 x4 x1 x2 x3 x4 x1 x2 x3 x4 x1 x2 x3 x4 x1 x2 x3 x4 x3-x2+x1 x2-x1 x1

37 Our algorithm: example
First Convolution Second Convolution Third Convolution x4 x4+x3 x2+x3-x4 x1+x2-x3+x4 x1-x2+x3 x2-x1 x1 x8 x8+x7 x6+x7-x8 x5+x6-x7+x8 x5-x6+x7 x6-x5 x5 + x12 x12-x11 x10+x11-x12 x9+x10-x11+x12 x9-x10+x11 x10-x9 x9 +

38 Our algorithm: example
sk1=(x1+x2-x3+x4) sk5=(x5+x6-x7+x8) sk9=(x9+x10-x11+x12) xsk1= (x1+x2-x3+x4)-(x5+x6-x7+x8)+(x9+x10-x11+x12) b= ( ) First sliding window sk2=(x2+x3-x4) + (x5) sk6=(x6+x7-x8) + (x9) sk10=(x10+x11-x12) + (x13) Then sum up and we have xsk2=(x2+x3-x4+x5)-(x6+x7-x8+x9)+(x9+x10-x11+x12) b=( ) Second sliding window (Sk1 Sk5 Sk9)*(b1 b2 b3) * is inner product

39 Our algorithm The projection of a sliding window is decomposed into operations over basic windows Each basic window is convolved with each random vector only once We may provide the sketches incrementally starting from each data point. There is no redundancy.

40 Jump by a basic window (basic window version)
Or if time series are highly correlated between two consecutive data points, we may compute the sketch every other basic window. That is, we update the sketch for each time series only when data of a complete basic window arrive. –1 1 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12 x1+x2-x3+x4 x5+x6-x7+x8 x9+x10-x11+x12

41 Online Version We take the basic window version for instance
Review: To have the same baseline we normalize the time series within each siding window. Challenge: The normalization of the time series change over each basic window

42 Online Version Its incremental computation nature results in a update of the average and variance whenever a new basic window enters Do we have to compute the normalization and thus the sketch whenever a new basic window enters? Of course not. Otherwise our algorithm will degrade into the trivial computation

43 Online Version Sum of the whole sliding window
Then how? After mathematical manipulation, we claim that we only need store and maintain the following quantities Sum of the whole sliding window Sum of the square of each data in a sliding window Sum of the whole basic window Sum of the square of each data in a basic window Dot Product of random vector with each basic window

44 Performance comparison
Naïve algorithm For each datum and random vector O(|sw|) integer additions Pointwise version Asymptotically for each datum and random vector (1) O(|sw|/|bw|) integer additions (2) O(log |bw|) floating point operations (use FFT in computing convolutions) Basic window version Asymptotically for each basic window and random vector (2) O(|bw|) floating point operations

45 Sketch distance filter quality
We may use the sketch distance to filter the unlikely data pairs How accurate is it? How is it compared to DFT and DWT distance in terms of the approximation ability?

46 Empirical Study: Sketch sketch compared to DFT and DWT distance
Data length=256 DFT: the first 14 DFT coefficients are used in the distance computation, DWT: db2 wavelet is used with coefficient size=16 Sketch: the random vector number is 64

47 Empirical Comparison: DFT, DWT and Sketch

48 Empirical Comparison : DFT, DWT and Sketch

49 Use the sketch distance as a filter
We may compute the sketch distance: c could be 1.2 or larger to reduce the number of false negatives. Finally any possible data point will be double checked with the raw data.

50 Use the sketch distance as a filter
But we will not use it, why? Expensive. Since we still have to do the pairwise comparison between each pair of stocks which is , k is the size of the sketches

51 Sketch unit distance Given sketches: We have
If f distance chunks have we may say where: f: 30%, 40%, 50%, 60% … c: 0.8, 0.9, 1.1…

52 Further: sketch groups
We may compute the sketch group: Grid Structure For example If f sketch groups have we may say where: f: 30%, 40%, 50%, 60% c: 0.8, 0.9, 1.1

53 Optimization in Parameter Space
Next, how to choose the parameters g, c, f, N? N: total number of the sketches g: group size c: the factor of distance f: the fraction of groups which are necessary to claim that two time series are close enough

54 Optimization in Parameter Space
Essentially, we will prepare several groups of good parameter candidates and choose the best one to be applied to the practical data But, how to select the good candidates? Combinatorial Design (CD) Bootstrapping

55 Combinatorial Design The pair-wise combinations of all the parameters
Informally: Each parameter value will see each value of other parameters in some parameter group. P: P1, P2, P3 Q: Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4 R: R1, R2 Combinations: #P*#Q*#R=24 groups Combinatorial Design:12 groups* *

56 Combinatorial Design Much smaller test space compared to that of all parameter combinations We will further reduce the test space by taking advantage of continuity of recall and precision in parameter space.

57 Combinatorial Design we will employ the coarse to fine strategy
When the good parameters are located, its local neighbors will be searched further for better solutions

58 Bootstrapping Choose parameters with a stable performance in both sample data and real data A sample set with 2,000,000 pairs Among it, choose with replacement 20,000 sample 100 times. Compute the recall and precision each time

59 Bootstrapping 100 recalls and precisions
Compute mean and std of recalls and precisions Criterion of good parameters Mean(recall)-std(recall)>Threshold(recall) Mean(precision)-std(precision)>Threshold(precision) If there are no such parameters, enlarge the replacement sample size

60 Parameter Selection

61 Preferred data distributions
The distribution of the data affects the performance of our algorithm (Recall price and return) The ideal data distribution: Generally, the less human intervenes, the better The “green” data give much better results. Where, C is a small constant

62 Empirical Study: Various data types
Cstr: Continuous stirred tank reactor Fortal_ecg: Cutaneous potential recordings of a pregnant woman Steamgen: Model of a steam generator at Abbott Power Plant in Champaign IL Winding: Data from a test setup of an industrial winding process Evaporator: Data from an industrial evaporator Wind: Daily average wind speeds for at 12 synoptic meteorological stations in the Republic of Ireland Spot_exrates: The spot foreign currency exchange rates EEG: Electroencepholgram

63 Empirical Study: Data distribution

64 Grid Structure Critical: The largest value
Useful in the normalization to fit in the grid structure Our small lemma:

65 Grid Structure High correlation => closeness in the vector space
To avoid checking all pairs We can use a grid structure and look in the neighborhood, this will return a super set of highly correlated pairs. The data labeled as “potential” will be double checked using the raw data vectors. The pruning power: how many percentage of data are filtered as impossible to be close.

66 X Y Z Inner product with random vectors r1,r2,r3,r4,r5,r6

67 Grid structure

68 System Integration By combining the sketch scheme with the grid structure, we can Reduce dimensionality Eliminate unnecessary pair comparisons The performance can be improved substantially

69 Empirical Study: Speed
Sliding window=3616, basic window=32 and sketch size=60

70 Empirical Study: Breakdown

71 Empirical Study: Breakdown

72 The Pruning Power of the Grid Structure

73 Visualization

74 Other applications Cointegration Test Matching Pursuit
Anomaly Detection

75 Cointegration Test Make stationary by the linear combination of several non-stationary time series. Model long run characteristic as opposed to the correlation Statstream may be applied to test the stationary condition of cointegration

76 Matching Pursuit Decompose signal into a group of non- orthogonal sub-components Test the correlation among atoms in a dictionary. Expedite the component selection

77 Anomaly Detection Measure the relative distance of each point from its nearest neighbors Statstream may serve as a monitor by reporting those points far from any normal points

78 Conclusion Introduction GEMINI Framework Random Projection
Statstream Review Efficient Sketch Computation Parameter Selection Grid Structure System Integration Empirical Study Future work

79 Thanks a lot!

80 Recall and Precision Recall=C/A Precision=C/B A B A: Query ball
B: Returned result C: Intersection C Recall=C/A Precision=C/B

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