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Psalm 133:1 HINNEH MAHTOVU-MAHNA’IM Beholdhowgood and howpleasant (is) SHEVETAḤIM GAM YAḤAD (the) sitting (of) brothers alsotogether.

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Presentation on theme: "Psalm 133:1 HINNEH MAHTOVU-MAHNA’IM Beholdhowgood and howpleasant (is) SHEVETAḤIM GAM YAḤAD (the) sitting (of) brothers alsotogether."— Presentation transcript:

1 Psalm 133:1 HINNEH MAHTOVU-MAHNA’IM Beholdhowgood and howpleasant (is) SHEVETAḤIM GAM YAḤAD (the) sitting (of) brothers alsotogether

2 The Divided Kingdom: The First 75 Years [Back to History…]

3 Introductory Review and Question Period of the Judges, transition to monarchy, Samuel, Saul, David God determined to remove a large part of the kingdom from the house of David because… A.David’s sin with Bathsheba was unforgivable B.There were no sons left after the death of Solomon C.Solomon gave up too much to the Queen of Sheba D.Solomon built altars to foreign gods to please his wives but it displeased the Lord

4 And the answer is… A. David’s sin with Bathsheba was unforgivable B. There were no sons left after the death of Solomon C. Solomon gave up too much to the Queen of Sheba D. Solomon built altars to foreign gods to please his wives but it displeased the Lord

5 Introduction Why the division? –Solomon’s apostasy (1 Kings 11:9-12) –The prophecy of Ahijah (1 Kings 11:29-32) Who is in the north? In the south? –Israel, Ephraim, Samaria –Judah Differences between north and south: –Changing capitals in north; Jerusalem in south –Changing dynasties in north; Davidic dynasty in south –North more open to foreign influence

6 Geographical Orientation Northern and southern tribes Border area Bethel and Dan Capitals of north: Shechem, Tirzah, Samaria Mt. Carmel Jezreel Horeb Ramoth Gilead

7 International Politics Syria ruled by Ben-Hadad –“son of Hadad” (another name for Baal) Assyria – note Shalmaneser III –Annals of Shalmaneser III mention Ahab –Black Obelisk refers to Jehu Phoenicia – source of Baal worship –Identity of Baal – “king of the gods” ruling over rain and storm and responsible for agricultural fertility –The sin of idolatry – rejection of God’s sovereign rule

8 Chronology of the Period Date Israel Prophets Judah Foreigners 931 Jeroboam Ahijah Rehoboam “Man of God” Egypt Shemaiah (Shishak) Nadab Abijah Baasha Hanani Asa Syria [Elah,Zimri] Omri Jehoshaphat Ahab Elijah

9 The Kingdom Splits (931 BCE) Rehoboam’s error in judgment Jeroboam’s new religion (“seeker-friendly”) –Non-Levite priests –Golden calves in Bethel and Dan; goat idols (blasphemy) –Festival in the eighth month –The faithful headed south –A reminder: It is the truth that sets people free, not feeling good! The prophecies of the “man of God” from Judah –Josiah –Two signs The fate of the “man of God” – who was the old prophet and why did he cause the man of God to sin? The sad conclusion

10 Apostasy in the south Assassination in the north Rehoboam’s religious apostasy and the punishment – invasion by Shishak The end of Jeroboam’s dynasty –Abijah died –Nadab assassinated by Baasha

11 Ongoing Civil War – Asa (S) and Baasha (N) Religious reform under Asa –Removed idols –Successful battle against Zerah the Cushite The border war and alliance with Damascus A prophetic rebuke

12 The Omri Dynasty – Baal Worship as the State Religion The end of Baasha’s dynasty –Elah assassinated –North descended into civil war Omri moved the capital to Samaria His son, Ahab, married Jezebel Rejection of the LORD in favor of the god of rain, thunder, agricultural productivity

13 The Ministry of Elijah Famine in the land for three years (James 5:17- 18) Elijah in hiding in Phoenicia Work of Obadiah Contest with the prophets of Baal and Asherah on Mt. Carmel –Ambivalence of the populace –Prophetic frenzy –Elijah’s preparations and prayer –“The Lord, He is God”

14 Elijah on Mt. Carmel

15 Flight to Horeb: The “Source” of the Covenant The message from God (“a crushing silence”) –Hazael –Jehu –Elisha Elijah and John the Baptist –Malachi 4 –Luke 1:17 –II Kings 1:8/Matthew 2:4 – appearance

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