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Returning to the Source* MHD Disk Winds, Binaries and Jets as Agents of PN Shaping Adam Frank University of Rochester F. Garcia-Arredondo, E. Blackman.

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Presentation on theme: "Returning to the Source* MHD Disk Winds, Binaries and Jets as Agents of PN Shaping Adam Frank University of Rochester F. Garcia-Arredondo, E. Blackman."— Presentation transcript:

1 Returning to the Source* MHD Disk Winds, Binaries and Jets as Agents of PN Shaping Adam Frank University of Rochester F. Garcia-Arredondo, E. Blackman

2 Beyond the GISW APNII 1999 – APNII 1999 – –GISW can not recover many PN shapes.(*) –Shaping begins during pPN stage. Momentum Deficits (Burjarrabal 01) Momentum Deficits (Burjarrabal 01) –If this bears out may be THE critical result for us!

3 MHD Wind Launching 2 Versions of Models Rapidly Rotating Magnetized Core Rapidly Rotating Magnetized Core (no binary needed*) –Blackman et al Nature 2001 –Matt, Blackman & Frank 2003 Magnetized Accretion Disk Magnetized Accretion Disk (need binary) –Blackman, Frank & Welch 2001 –Disk forms around primary (Companion disrupted) (Soker, Livio, Reyes-Ruiz, Lopez) –Disk forms around companion (Soker, Livio etc)

4 MHD Disk Winds Soker & Livio (1994) say Disk = Jet. Soker & Livio (1994) say Disk = Jet. For PNe conditions this requires Strong Magnetic Field! For PNe conditions this requires Strong Magnetic Field! Fast Magnetic Rotator ( Not Chevalier & Luo 1994 Models ) Fast Magnetic Rotator ( Not Chevalier & Luo 1994 Models ) Can we apply MHD Disk Wind Theory to PNe type accretion disks?

5 MHD Disk Winds Frank & Blackman 2003 Begin with disk parameters (Acc. Rate etc.) Step 1: Steady Axisymmetric MHD Eq. Step 1: Steady Axisymmetric MHD Eq. –Disk radius r, disk height h, Rotation  –Disk radius r 0, disk height h, Rotation  0 Step 2: Derive Alfven Radius r A Step 3: Derive U inf and Mass Loss Rate Step 4: Derive B A from dynamo (  ss )

6 MHD Disk Winds: Results

7 MHD Disk Winds Results for PN Disks Results for PN Disks –(T=10 K, L=5000 L sol, r/h=10,  ss =.1) –(T=10 5 K, L=5000 L sol, r/h=10,  ss =.1) –M d = 10 M sol /y –M d = 10 -6 M sol /y

8 MHD Disk Winds Results for pPN Disks Results for pPN Disks –(T=10 K, L=5000 L sol, r/h=10, a ss =.1) –(T=10 4 K, L=5000 L sol, r/h=10, a ss =.1) –M = 10 M sol /y –M d = 10 -4 M sol /y

9 MHD Disk Winds Use Reyes-Ruiz & Lopez 99 disk model. Use Reyes-Ruiz & Lopez 99 disk model. Recover pPN Momentum and Energy. Recover pPN Momentum and Energy.

10 Jets in Binary Systems (Garcia-Arredondo & Frank 2003) Jets or Collimated Fast Winds (CFW) from orbiting companion must propagte through expanding AGB wind Jets or Collimated Fast Winds (CFW) from orbiting companion must propagte through expanding AGB wind Soker & Rapport 2000, Livio & Soker 2002 Soker & Rapport 2000, Livio & Soker 2002 Goal: Explore flow pattern within 400 AU of source. Goal: Explore flow pattern within 400 AU of source. Requires AMR ( Yaguzua, Raga et al 2000 ) Requires AMR ( Yaguzua, Raga et al 2000 )

11 Deflection and Disruption Key parameter: ratio of momentum between AGB wind and Jet Use isothermal EOS  =.63, 5  = 10 o

12 Strong Jet Case:  =.625 Flow bounded by U or V shaped shocks in AGB wind T cross < T orb. No corkscrew. Spiral shocks and High density at midplane

13 Strong Jet Case:  =.63 Strong AGB/Jet Entrainment.

14 Weak Jet Case:  = 5 Flow bounded by U or V shaped shocks in AGB wind Significant bending and disruption (“Sideways” shocks) Complex flow pattern (Donkey Ear Shells)

15 Weak Jet Case:  = 5 Strong AGB/Jet Entrainment.

16 Weak Jet Case:  = 5 Strong AGB/Jet Entrainment. Density Isosurfaces

17 Conclusions MHD Disk Winds can power PN MHD Disk Winds can power PN MHD Disk Winds can power high momentum pPN (* need high acc. rate ) MHD Disk Winds can power high momentum pPN (* need high acc. rate ) CFW/AGB interaction complex but promising. CFW/AGB interaction complex but promising. Need more numerical exploration of binary scenarios. Need more numerical exploration of binary scenarios.

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