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From Sick Note to Fit Note
A guide to the Statement of Fitness for Work (FMed3 04/10)
Background Evidence shows that work has therapeutic value and is generally good for physical and mental health whilst long term worklessness has negative health effects (Waddell G. and Burton A.K. 2006) Decision to change the system based on the recognition that many people with health conditions can, with some basic help from their employer, work as they recover from their condition. Work can aid recovery and benefit the employer by reducing sickness absence levels Focuses on what individual can do rather than incapacity
Results of 2008 DWP Survey on Trial Med 3 Statement
Current Med 3 (%) Trial New Med 3 (%) Back pain Fit for work 24 11 Fit for some work - 70 Not fit for work 77 20 Total 100 Depression 9 7 19 91 74 Combined back pain and depression 12 4 38 88 58
Why change? Managing attendance continues to be a challenge for many employers Easier for doctors to provide simple, clear advice on fitness for work Makes it possible for a doctor to advise on an earlier return to work by offering a new option: ‘may be fit for work taking into account the following advice’
What is changing? The removal of the fit for work option
A new option for a doctor to advise if an employee may be fit for work with some support More space for a doctor to provide information on how an employee’s condition will affect what they do Tick boxes for doctors to use to suggest common ways to help a return to work Inclusion of telephone consultations as an acceptable form of assessment A reduction in the maximum duration of Statement during the first six months of illness to three months
What stays the same? The form can still be used as evidence for why an employee cannot work due to illness/injury The Statement is still not required until after the 7th calendar day of sickness The information on the form is still advice to the employee. It is not binding on the employer The requirements for the payment of Statutory Sick Pay have not changed Employers’ obligations under the Disability Discrimination Act have not changed Consider seriously any recommendations Document reasons if can’t accommodate GP’s advice
How does this help? The new option of ‘may be fit for work’ means fewer employees will be ‘signed off’ work More information available on how an employee’s condition will affect what they do. Fewer forms to deal with (FMed 3 and FMed 5 will combine)
The aim of the new Fit Note
To provide employers and employees’ greater flexibility in managing sickness absence Offers the option of: Altered hours A phased return to work Amended duties; and/or Workplace adaptations Provide a more detailed view of options which may assist in an earlier return to work
Fit for work? Option One Not fit for work
The employee has a health condition that prevents them from working for a stated period of time Replaces the statement on the old ‘sick note’ “refrain from work” SSP / sick pay is paid
Fit for work? Option Two May be fit for work taking account of the following advice Employee’s condition does not necessarily stop them from returning to work May be able to return to work with adjustments
May be fit for work? Manager to discuss the advice and comments on the Statement with the employee Consider the advice and how it affects the job and the workplace and the options available Is a return to work possible? If phased return, employee receives full pay for 4 weeks in line with University Sickness Policy
Yes…. Agree a return to work date Agree any workplace adjustments
Agree a date to review Monitor and review as agreed Discuss case with H.R./O.H. if employee has not returned to full contractual duties within agreed time frame
No…. Agree next review date or return to work date
Pay sick pay as per contractual terms and/or Statutory Sick Pay rules
If….. It is not possible to implement the recommended adjustments, the employer should use the Statement as if the doctor had advised ‘not fit for work’ The employee does not need to return to their doctor for a new statement to confirm this Document conversation with employee stating reasons as to why adjustments cannot be accommodated
Involving Occupational Health
Impractical to routinely obtain advice from OH for every case requiring temporary adjustments Planned return to work should be based on common sense, and agreed with the employee Complex cases should be referred to OH in the usual manner Where medical evidence is lacking, the University will make a decision based on the evidence it has at that time OH make recommendations for University to consider, University must consider if these are reasonable
University Sickness Management Policy changes
Statement of Fitness to Work note to be sent to the Line Manager not Payroll Return to Work discussions should focus on what the Statement of Fitness to Work note details Referral for OH advice as previously using updated management referral form in Appendix D
Further information Statement of Fitness to Work – A guide for employers Department for Work and Pensions
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