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ITBP103: Principles of Information Technology W0-01: Introduction to IT.

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Presentation on theme: "ITBP103: Principles of Information Technology W0-01: Introduction to IT."— Presentation transcript:

1 ITBP103: Principles of Information Technology W0-01: Introduction to IT

2 Feb 28, 2011 Teaching Team Professor  Dr. AbdulMutalib Wahaishi o Office : 3171 o Email: Course Notes and Information  BB 2ITBP103,FIT, UAEU, AbduMutalib Wahaishi (c)

3 Feb 28, 2011 Classes, RTDs & more…. Lecture  Section 553 – MW o 2:00 am – 3:15 pm RTD  Second lecture of every other week Office Hours  Sunday – 10:00 am-12:00 3ITBP103,FIT, UAEU, AbduMutalib Wahaishi (c)

4 Feb 28, 2011 The Scope IT Concepts, Principles and Fundamentals !!! 4ITBP103,FIT, UAEU, AbduMutalib Wahaishi (c)

5 Feb 28, 2011 The Road Map Introduction to IT Database Representation and Storage Operating Systems Database Systems Networking and the Internet Programming Languages Software Engineering Artificial Intelligence 5ITBP103,FIT, UAEU, AbduMutalib Wahaishi (c)

6 The First Mile……. Course Rules  Courtesy and Discipline Course Outlines – Topics and Subjects Course Schedule – time oriented  Topics o Subjects – Week oriented ----  Tasks o Your responsibilities and obligations  Assignments In and Out  Exams dates Assignments and Project  Individual Effort  Due Dates  Naming Convention o Name-ITPB103-Type-Date  Type: – Assign # – Proj  Date :ddmmyyyy Feb 28, 20116ITBP103,FIT, UAEU, AbduMutalib Wahaishi (c)

7 Feb 28, 2011 Evaluation Assignments15% (Pop) Quizzes05% Midterm Exam20% Project20% Final Exam40% 7ITBP103,FIT, UAEU, AbduMutalib Wahaishi (c)

8 Feb 28, 2011 References TEXTBOOK AND COURSE MATERIALS:  Computer Science: An Overview by J. Glenn Brookshear, 2003  Course notes and supplementary material will be available at the Class Web site (blackboard). 8ITBP103,FIT, UAEU, AbduMutalib Wahaishi (c)

9 Feb 28, 2011 Learning Objectives – Course outcomes Upon the completion of the course, you should be able: Describe the components of computing and their relationships. Describe significant impacts of IT disciplines on society. Identify fundamental programming structures. Demonstrate proficiency in basic operating system modules and functions. Identify enterprise and Internet business applications. Demonstrate a basic understanding of network architectures, protocols and security. 9ITBP103,FIT, UAEU, AbduMutalib Wahaishi (c)

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