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Mordechai Abu & Roee Ben Halevi Advisors: Prof. Mark Last, Dr. David Steinberg, Mr. Hanan Friedman 15 June 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Mordechai Abu & Roee Ben Halevi Advisors: Prof. Mark Last, Dr. David Steinberg, Mr. Hanan Friedman 15 June 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mordechai Abu & Roee Ben Halevi Advisors: Prof. Mark Last, Dr. David Steinberg, Mr. Hanan Friedman 15 June 2011

2 The Problem 15 June 2011

3 What can we do? 15 June 2011

4 Main System Requirements Multiple inputs Multiple inputs – number of input streams will not be limited. Late integration Late integration – integration of more input streams will not require complete re-processing. User extensions User extensions – support for user-defined plugins and extensions through a user-friendly API. Interface Interface – GUI should be designed to include real-time processing information. 15 June 2011

5 What is is an advanced offline multiplexer that integrates N data streams into one stream that is closest to the original uses generic and dynamic configurations, including user-friendly API for custom correction algorithms. It supports post integration of late inputs, dynamic utilization of self-written algorithms and provides valuable statistical information. 15 June 2011 compensate for Doppler effect and signal propagation time differences.

6 Architecture & Dataflow MasterReader Arbitrer SlaveReader Algorithm OutputBuilder 15 June 2011 valid at master valid at slave fixed corrupted

7 User Interface 15 June 2011

8 Data Format 15 June 2011 Minor Major Minor Major Minor Major Minor Buffer:

9 User Interface Automatic analysis of inputs streams… Length in buffers Length in secondsReliability 15 June 2011

10 User Interface Dynamic configuration… 15 June 2011

11 User Interface Processing… 15 June 2011 valid at master (source #8) valid at slave (source #6 or #7) fixed (all sources) corrupted (no data)

12 User Interface Statistics… 15 June 2011

13 Results… 15 June 2011


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