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PG Cert 2007-2008: PJ Doherty Learning and teaching support materials available to academic staff in higher education.

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Presentation on theme: "PG Cert 2007-2008: PJ Doherty Learning and teaching support materials available to academic staff in higher education."— Presentation transcript:

1 PG Cert 2007-2008: PJ Doherty [] Learning and teaching support materials available to academic staff in higher education

2 PG Cert 2007-2008: PJ Doherty [] Where to find it? Higher Education Academy INTUTE JISC University of Liverpool

3 PG Cert 2007-2008: PJ Doherty [] Higher Education Academy Set up in 2004 Recognise that L&T is the responsibility of academics Recognise that most networking takes place at the discipline level

4 PG Cert 2007-2008: PJ Doherty [] HEA resources Support materials The HEA websiteHEA – SNAS (supporting new academic staff) SNAS – Subject Centres – CETL (centres for excellence in teaching and learning)

5 PG Cert 2007-2008: PJ Doherty [] Subject Centres A network of 24 subject centres providing discipline- based support to individual academics The network

6 PG Cert 2007-2008: PJ Doherty [] CETLs 74 centres of good practice Maximise research and scholarship in HE and FE – E-learning; employability; PBL; curriculum development; work-based learning; PDP; enquiry–based learning… The network

7 PG Cert 2007-2008: PJ Doherty [] INTUTE Created by a network of Universities Edited and monitored by subject specialists Intute

8 PG Cert 2007-2008: PJ Doherty [] JISC Joint Information Systems Committee Provides support in the innovative use of ICT in HE JISC

9 PG Cert 2007-2008: PJ Doherty [] University of Liverpool Educational Development Division Educational Development Division VITAL Lantern

10 PG Cert 2007-2008: PJ Doherty [] Summary Higher Education Academy [ ] Subject centres [ ] CETLs [ ] SNAS [ ] INTUTE [ ] JISC [ ] Educational Development [ ] VITAL [ ] Lantern [ ]

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