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CS 416 Operating Systems Design Spring 2008 Liviu Iftode

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1 CS 416 Operating Systems Design Spring 2008 Liviu Iftode

2 Course Overview Goals Understand how an operating system works Learn how OS concepts are implemented in a real operating system Introduce to systems programming Learn about performance evaluation Learn about current trends in OS research

3 OS Class Framework OS Concepts Real OS OS Programming OS Implementation (lectures, textbooks) recitations Homework Project (Unix/Linux textbooks) (man pages) (source code, project doc)

4 Suggested Approach Read the assigned chapter from the textbook before the lecture to understand the basic idea and become familiar with the terminology Attend the recitation Start homework and project right away, systems programming is not easy, it takes a lot of time ! Ask questions during lecture, recitation. Use the mailing list/newsgroup/forum for discussions, do not be afraid to answer a question posted by your colleague even if you are not sure. This is a way to validate your understanding of the material. Do not forget, questions and discussions are not graded !

5 Course Outline Processes and Process Management Threads and Thread Programming Synchronization and Deadlock Memory Management and Virtual Memory CPU Scheduling File Systems and I/O Management Networking and Distributed Systems Security

6 Course Requirements Prerequisites Computer Architecture Good C programming skills Expected work Substantial readings (textbooks and papers) Challenging project Homework (requires programming) Midterm and final exams

7 Work Evaluation Midterm exam 30% Homework + Project 40% Final exam 30%

8 Homework Goals Deepen the understanding of OS concepts Develop systems programming skills: virtual memory, threads, synchronization, sockets Learn to design, implement, debug and evaluate the performance of an OS-bound program Structure 4-5 assignments Both theoretical and C-programming problems

9 Project Goals Learn to design, implement and evaluate basic OS mechanisms and policies Structure Individual + team project Multiple phases: some individual, some team work Project report for each phase Possibly, short oral presentation of final report

10 Textbooks Silberschatz, Galvin and Gagne, Operating System Concepts, 7th Edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2004. Stallings Operating Systems. Internals and Design Principles, 5th Edition, Prentice-Hall, 2005. Papers will be made available on the course homepage Project will require additional textbooks

11 Logistics TAs – Brian Russell (morbius@cs) – Steve Smaldone (smaldone@cs) Course homepage: Preliminary schedule and lecture will be made available for the entire semester but they may be updated before each class. Homework or project every other week. A mailing list/newsgroup/forum will be announced shortly. Check course homepage for announcements

12 Basic Computer Structure CPU Memory memory bus I/O bus diskNet interface

13 Computer System Processor: performs data processing Main memory: stores both data and programs, typically volatile Disks: secondary memory devices which provide persistent storage Network interfaces: inter-machine communication Buses: intra-machine communication memory bus (processor-memory) I/O bus (disks, network interfaces, other I/O devices, memory-bus)

14 What is an Operating System a software layer between the hardware and the application programs/users that provides a virtual machine interface: easy and safe a resource manager that allows programs/users to share the hardware resources: fair and efficient hardware operating system application (user)

15 How Does an OS Work? receives requests from the application: system calls process the requests: may issue commands to hardware handles hardware interrupts: may upcall the application OS complexity: synchronous calls + asynchronous events hardware OS application (user) system callsupcalls commands interrupts hardware independent hardware dependent

16 Mechanism vs. Policy mechanism: data structures and operations that implement the abstraction (e.g. the buffer cache) policy: the procedure that guides the selection of a certain course of action from among alternatives (e.g. the replacement policy for the buffer cache) traditional OS is rigid: mechanism together with policy hardware operating system: mechanism+policy application (user)

17 OS cannot provide the best policy in all cases new OS approaches separate mechanisms from policies: OS provides the mechanism + some policy applications contribute to the policy flexibility+efficiency require new OS structures and/or new OS interfaces Mechanism-Policy Split

18 Processes traditional approach: OS switches processes on the processor (process scheduling), provides inter-process communication and handles exceptions new approaches: application-controlled scheduling, reservation- based scheduling, agile applications hardware: processor operating system: processes A process is a processor abstraction user: run application create, kill processes, inter-process comm context switch

19 Traditional Process Scheduling OS schedules processes on the processor OS mediates inter-process communication (IPC) Application provides hints: priorities processor OS processes IPC active

20 Hierarchical Scheduling OS schedules schedulers which schedule dependent processes processor OS processes schedulers

21 Virtual Memory traditional approach: OS provides a sufficiently large virtual address space for each running application, does memory allocation and replacement and may ensure protection new approaches: external memory management, huge (64-bit) address space, global memory hardware: physical memory operating system: virtual memory Virtual memory is a memory abstraction application: address space virtual addresses physical addresses

22 Virtual Memory: Mechanism vs. Policy processes can run being partially loaded in memory illusion of more memory than physically available: swapping processes can share physical memory if permitted replacement policy can be exposed to the application physical memory: v-to-p memory mappings processes: virtual address spaces p1 p2

23 Files traditional approach: OS does disk block allocation and caching (buffer cache), disk operation scheduling and replacement in the buffer cache new approaches: application-controlled cache replacement, log- based allocation (makes writes fast) hardware: disk operating system: files, directories A file is a storage abstraction application/user: copy file1 file2 naming, protection, operations on files operations on disk blocks...

24 Traditional File System application: read/write files OS: translate file to disk blocks...buffer cache... maintains controls disk accesses: read/write blocks hardware:

25 Application-Controlled Caching application: read/write files replacement policy OS: translate file to disk blocks...buffer cache... maintains controls disk accesses: read/write blocks hardware:

26 Communication traditional approach: OS provides naming schemes, reliable transport of messages, packet routing to destination new approaches: zero-copy protocols, active messages, memory- mapped communication hardware: network interface operating system: TCP/IP protocols Message passing is a communication abstraction application: sockets naming, messages network packets

27 Traditional OS structure monolithic/layered systems one/N layers all executed in “kernel-mode” good performance but rigid OS kernel hardware user process file system memory system user system calls

28 Micro-Kernel OS micro-kernel hardware client process file server memory server IPC user mode client-server model, IPC between clients and servers the micro-kernel provides protected communication OS functions implemented as user-level servers flexible but efficiency is the problem easy to extend for distributed systems

29 Extensible OS Kernel extensible kernel hardware process default memory service user mode process my memory service user processes can load customized OS services into the kernel good performance but protection and scalability become problems

30 Virtual Machines the real hardware in “cloned” in several identical virtual machines OS functionality built on top of the virtual machine Hardware applications Virtual Machine Monitor OS-1 on virtual machine 1 applications OS-2 on virtual machine 2

31 Next Time Computer Architecture Refresher – Silberschatz, Chapter 1 – Stallings, Chapter 1

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