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Health and Safety Manual Section L6 Legionella. Legionella L6 is a single set of standards for the management of Legionella bacteria, based on the HSE.

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Presentation on theme: "Health and Safety Manual Section L6 Legionella. Legionella L6 is a single set of standards for the management of Legionella bacteria, based on the HSE."— Presentation transcript:

1 Health and Safety Manual Section L6 Legionella

2 Legionella L6 is a single set of standards for the management of Legionella bacteria, based on the HSE publication: “The Control of Legionella Bacteria in Water Systems, Approved Code of Practice and Guidance”

3 Hazards  Exposure to airborne Legionella bacteria

4 Standards  Risk assessment by a “competent person”, then:  Avoidance of exposure, OR:  A written scheme to control the risks, implemented and managed  Checking, inspecting and monitoring by:  CP  E&B  Colleges/Depts  Action taken when Action Limits exceeded

5 Risk Controls  Maintaining water at 20 to 50 degrees C  Avoiding stagnation  Avoiding nutrients in water  Keeping systems clean  Water treatment  Avoiding sprays/aerosols  Taking systems out of use  Flushing little-used outlets

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