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XMM-Newton 1 Maria Santos-Lleo Science Operations Status EPIC Ops-Cal Meeting April 8, 2008, Mallorca María Santos-Lleó (XMM-Newton Science Support Manager)

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Presentation on theme: "XMM-Newton 1 Maria Santos-Lleo Science Operations Status EPIC Ops-Cal Meeting April 8, 2008, Mallorca María Santos-Lleó (XMM-Newton Science Support Manager)"— Presentation transcript:

1 XMM-Newton 1 Maria Santos-Lleo Science Operations Status EPIC Ops-Cal Meeting April 8, 2008, Mallorca María Santos-Lleó (XMM-Newton Science Support Manager)

2 XMM-Newton 2 Maria Santos-Lleo Contents  SOC moves  Science program: AO6, AO7 & AO8  Instrument operations (with inputs from M.Casale)  Science operations: new mode for EPIC  Next SAS release, version 8  Next XSA release, version 5.0, and slew catalogue update  Users feedback: UG recommendations  Symposium: The X-ray Universe 2008

3 XMM-Newton 3 Maria Santos-Lleo SOC moves …  EPIC Calibration Scientist: ● Marcus Kirsch: re-asigned to the MOC as SOE ● Matteo Guainazzi: new Calibration Scientist  Mission Planning and Community Support ● Michel Breitfellner left on February 29 ● Ignacio de la Calle: started on January 2008 (25% time: EPIC) ● Nora Loiseau: XMM-Newton Archive Scientist

4 XMM-Newton 4 Maria Santos-Lleo Science Program  AO6, May 2007 - April 2008: status as of 4 April ● A+B performed: 12860 ks: 95% ● C: 1445ks: 19% (27-31% in last two AOs)  AO7, May 2008 – April 2009 ● Second phase ended February 8 ● Enhancement almost done (90%) ● Long term plan is underway  AO8 call: 26 August – 10 October, 2008

5 XMM-Newton 5 Maria Santos-Lleo Instrument Operations  Inscon phase-down ● Reducing slowly since December 2007 ● After 31 March 2008: no INSCON ● One “Data Aide” (0.5fte) as per 1 Feb. 2008 off line: assessment of science images and operational history populate the OLB assemble a weekly report for the MOC, detailing operational issues …  Engineering Support to the MOC on Instrument operations: provided as of 01/12/07 by the SOC Operations Support Group (with a prime and a backup mobile phones)  Spacon team: at present still 10 people (out of 12) (because Herschel launch was delayed)

6 XMM-Newton 6 Maria Santos-Lleo Instrument Operations (II)  Delayed reaction to radiation alerts (max 30m): Rev 1471, 1486, 1487  EPIC temperature excursion in Rev-1489 (27/01/08): The CCD temperature increased to -75 C for PN and -52 C for MOS. ● Reason: initial TC failure due to Configuration Control problem at the MOC following the installation of a Control System SW patch ● Impacts: a close_cal observation of 50 Ksec for both MOS and PN showed no noticeable effect.  MOS instruments exposed to radiation in Rev 1519 (26/03/08) for about 3.5 hours: no alarm was triggered at the MOC. ● The MOS instruments: closed later (Rad Mon Warning Flag) ● Reason: incorrect LELA re-connection, following a communication line test that affected the NCTRS / LELA setup.

7 XMM-Newton 7 Maria Santos-Lleo Instrument Operations (III)  Incorrect rejoining of PN instruments into the Timeline: Offset calculation was skipped and tables in memory (applicable to close_cal) were used. ● Occurred twice: in Rev-1508 (03/03/08) & 1522 (31/03/08). ● Reason: procedure not correctly followed  Corrective actions ● Auto-commanding function should alleviate the Spacon load and increase safety. Validation is still on going (many bugs found and fixed) ● Supplement of Spacon training ● Optimization / simplification of procedures ● Automatic monitoring (with alarms) of the LELA health status and performance through the XMCS

8 XMM-Newton 8 Maria Santos-Lleo Science operations new EPIC mode: mosaic  EPIC: action from UG: 2007-06-07/14: On the EPIC team to report on the impact of reducing the overhead for EPIC-pn thin, medium and thick filter exposures in modified mosaicing mode, by using a fixed offset table: Closed  Sky regions ~ few degrees with exposure times ≤ few 10ks: ● Sequence of pointings, EPICs always in FF ● Pn Offset: only 1 st exposure: 100 fr & closed fl. (PI team rec.) ● Different pointings: 0.’2≤d≤1º (close-loop slew), same filter ● X-ray instruments: continuously taken data, even during slews ● “Overhead” due to re-pointing ~ 1000 s → min exp-time 1500s

9 XMM-Newton 9 Maria Santos-Lleo EPIC mosaic: sample exposure maps 5x3 individual pointings with different angular offsets

10 XMM-Newton 10 Maria Santos-Lleo EPIC: true color images Pipeline production of EPIC true color images Work in progress XMM-SOC- USR-TN-16

11 XMM-Newton 11 Maria Santos-Lleo SAS & XSA  SAS 8.0 to be ready on May 20 ● Rgs wavelength grid, epic_lccorr, epfast, eslewchain, 2D PSF ● Final SAS build: April 23  XSA 5.0 due to spring-summer 2008 ● Mainly OM updates ● OM catalogue ● 2XMM catalogue update  Slew Catalogue update (Delta-2) ● Slews 985-1185 and 1310-1482, 8000 □ ● Total: 18000 □, 7700 sources (780 hard), 30% sky ● Public in XSA by May 2008 (TBC)

12 XMM-Newton 12 Maria Santos-Lleo Users FeedbacK: UG recommendations  Recommendation 2007-06-08/39: The priority for timing modes of EPIC-pn needs to be focused on solving the current problems of the timing and burst calibration. Only after they are fixed, the UG would be glad to revise its recommendation about the modified timing. For the time being, the modified timing mode should only be made available on a case by case basis (Policies and Procedures updated for AO7)  Recommendation 2007-06-08/45: The UG recommends that the Background Working Group makes a study of the needs for closed filter data

13 XMM-Newton 13 Maria Santos-Lleo The x-ray Universe 2008  Granada, 27-30 May 2008  Early registration deadline: April 18  Program to be announced: ~ April 14  (UG: 6-7 May, 2008)  Proceedings of ‘The Next Decade’ workshop (ESAC 2007): Published in AN 329, Feb 2008, and sent to participants

14 XMM-Newton 14 Maria Santos-Lleo …Thanks !

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