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Other Systems of Government in Western Europe Including... Germany Spain.

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2 Other Systems of Government in Western Europe Including... Germany Spain

3 Contemporary Issues in Europe End of the Cold War Challenges to the state Basis of the nation state European integration

4 Political Systems in Europe Similarities liberal democracies histories of regime change rule of law

5 Political Systems in Europe Differences EU / non EU small, medium and large states federal, asymmetric federalising, unitary, union … presidential and parliamentary systems unicameral and bicameral legislatures electoral and party systems political culture

6 Country Groupings 3 major powers (UK, D, F) Benelux S European / Mediterranean states Nordic states Other small states Micro-states Central and Eastern European states

7 Comparing States - Categories Historical context Constitution / type of state Political system Executive Legislature Parties and elections

8 Germany and Spain

9 Germany and Spain - History Germany old nation, new state regime changes 1871-1918 1918-33 1933-45 1945-9 Post 1949 reunification 1990 Spain old state, many nations regime changes 1868-72 1872-1923 1923-32 1932-36 1936-9 1939-75 Post 1975 Transition to democracy

10 Constitution / Type of State Germany 4 Ds Basic Law - 1949 Federal state Bicameral government Compromise and consensus Constitutional Court Spain Democratisation and decentralisation 1978 Constitution 3 main principles ‘State of Autonomies’ A federal system?

11 Heads of State and Government Germany Federal President symbolic role Chancellor Gerhard Schröder secure tenure Spain Monarch King Juan Carlos role in transition El Presidente - PM José Maria Aznar secure and strong position

12 Do they dye their hair?

13 Executive Germany Chancellor and ministers small ministries ministers chosen by Chancellor, but relatively autonomous Coalition governments the norm Spain Prime Minister and ministers in Council of Ministers large ministries ministers chosen by PM Majority governments the norm

14 Legislature Germany Bicameral Bundestag federal chamber 662 members committee work Bundesrat represents Länder strong 2nd chamber Spain Bicameral Cortes Congress of Deputies dominant chamber 350 members distance between deputies and citizens Senate territorial chamber? Weak actor

15 Parties and elections Germany same parties at federal and Land level 2 dominant parties CDU SPD Other parties Spain state-wide parties and regional/nationalist parties 2 dominant parties at centre PP PSOE Other parties

16 Similarities and Differences Similarities dictatorships in past transition to democracy successful territorial politics important strong chief executives and executives bicameral legislatures 2 dominant parties at the centre (centre-left & centre-right) leaders with suspiciously dark hair

17 Similarities and Differences Differences nation and nationalities - Spain plurinational federal republic v. quasi-federal constitutional monarchy tensions between centre and periphery in Spain strong 2nd chamber in Germany regional political parties important in Spain most administration at Land level in Germany

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