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H. EvansRun IIb Trigger Meeting: 13-Feb-031 L1Cal Trigger Terms L1Cal sends up to 64 And-Or Terms to TFW –Pseudo-Terms:can be used in ORs  matching –Non-Pseudo-Terms:only.

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Presentation on theme: "H. EvansRun IIb Trigger Meeting: 13-Feb-031 L1Cal Trigger Terms L1Cal sends up to 64 And-Or Terms to TFW –Pseudo-Terms:can be used in ORs  matching –Non-Pseudo-Terms:only."— Presentation transcript:

1 H. EvansRun IIb Trigger Meeting: 13-Feb-031 L1Cal Trigger Terms L1Cal sends up to 64 And-Or Terms to TFW –Pseudo-Terms:can be used in ORs  matching –Non-Pseudo-Terms:only ANDs possible Def’s for these Terms can Change in Run IIb –TT-based  Cluster-based EM, JET & TAU –more processing available –explicit Cal-Track match at L1 Constraints on New Terms from System Architecture –mainly from large amount of data to small number of boards  Have to Think this through Carefully – Now !!! 

2 H. EvansRun IIb Trigger Meeting: 13-Feb-032 Run IIa Trigger Term Distribution And-Or No.Used By 0 – 15Calorimeter 16 – 31Calorimeter 32 – 47Forward Pre-Shower 48 – 63Tracking: CFT+CPS 64 – 79Tracking: CFT+CPS 80 – 95Muon 96 – 111Forward Pre-Shower 112 – 127Forward Proton Detector 128 – 143Calorimeter 144 – 159Calorimeter 160 – 175Tracking: CFT+CPS 176 – 191Tracking: CFT+CPS 192 – 207Muon 208 – 223Luminosity / Level-0 224 – 239Cal: Timing & Control 240 – 255Framework Generated can be used in pseudo-terms can not be used in pseudo-terms Total L1Cal Terms 64

3 H. EvansRun IIb Trigger Meeting: 13-Feb-033 Anticipated Run IIa L1Cal Terms Namen (obj’s)No. Thr’sRegionsNo. Terms CEQ(n,  )1,21  : 4 qdrnt’s8 CJQ(n,  )11  : 4 qdrnt’s4 CER(n,t,  )1,21 or 2  : S,C,N9 CJR(n,t,  )1,21  : S,C,N6 CET1111 CME(t)1414 CEM(n,t) *1,2418 CJT(n,t) *1,2,3,44116 CTI(n,t,  )1,21 or 228 CEQ/CER/CEMEM Obj’s per  /  /all region CJQ/CJR/CJTJET Obj’s per  /  /all region CET/CMETotal Et / Missing Et CTILarge Tile * currently implemented (partially) 32 pseudo-terms 32 non-pseudo

4 H. EvansRun IIb Trigger Meeting: 13-Feb-034 TAB Architecture Matters TAB Block Diagram SW Chip: 9x9 In 4x4 Out Global Chip: 10 SW In 31x4 Out

5 H. EvansRun IIb Trigger Meeting: 13-Feb-035 Data Transfer in Run IIb L1Cal TAB to GAB Serial Xmit via LVDS –6 data pairs + clk - 8:1mux –Data = 12 bit words Outputs –Sum(EM+H)3 words  Et, Ex, Ey –EM Counts12 words  6 thr’s – 2 bit counts  S,C,N regions –H Counts12 words –TAU Counts12 words –Error/Parity2 words –Clk/Frame2 words –Spare6 words Inside the TAB SW Chip Output: 25 lines –each line: 12-bits/BC Outputs –Clusters12 lines  16-EM + 16-H+ 16-TAU  each clust = 3-bits (highest of 7 thr’s pass) –Sum(EM+H Et)4 lines  sum over  for each  –Data for L2/L32 lines –Stat/BX/Frame3 lines –Spare4 lines hardware/tab/sw_to_global.html hardware/tab/tab_to_gab.html

6 H. EvansRun IIb Trigger Meeting: 13-Feb-036 Run IIb L1Cal – Trigger Terms Namen (obj’s)No. Thr’sRegionsNo. Terms CEQ(n,  )1,21  : 4 qdrnt’s8 CJQ(n,  )11  : 4 qdrnt’s4 CER(n,t,  )1,21  : S,C,N6 CJR(n,t,  )1,21  : S,C,N6 CET1111 CME(t)1414 CTO(n)———3 CEM(n,t)1,2418 CJT(n,t)1,2,3,44116 CTA(n,t)1,2214 CTO(n)———4 CTOTopological CTATau CEQ,CERpre-shower match CJQ,CJRnot needed ??? 32 pseudo-terms 32 non-pseudo Intended to Start Discussion Input Needed !!!

7 H. EvansRun IIb Trigger Meeting: 13-Feb-037 New for IIb: L1Cal Topological Largely replaces L1Cal Pseudo-Terms –except for pre-shower match Constructed in GAB –large Stratix chip required to accommodate large number of inputs Simple Examples –Jet-Free Region (2D)ZH  vvbb  { !  (i) AND !  (i+1) …AND !  (i+n) } (OR x32)  (i) = count of JET clusters over thr. at  =i  use in conjunction w/ dijet trigger –Acolinear Jet/EM/Tau ZH  vvbb, Z+jets  !{  (i) AND [  (i+15) OR  (i+16) OR  (i+17)] } (AND x15)  use in conjunction w/ dijet trigger Quite Complicated Topologies Possible –(in principle) –lots of room in Stratix on GAB

8 H. EvansRun IIb Trigger Meeting: 13-Feb-038 Conclusions Flexible Choice of Trigger Terms in Run IIb –(but not infinitely so !!!) –New Topological and Tau terms Limitations on Creativity from Data Transfer Architecture –main constraint from no. of physical lines used in SW chips to Global chip transfer on TAB Workable List of Trigger Terms Created –see L1Cal Hardware web page New Ideas for the List Requested –these will be harder to fit in as time goes along –need to be supported by simulation studies

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