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核色动力学导论 --- 用量子色动力学描绘 现代核物理的蓝图 何汉新 中国原子能科学研究院. An Introduction to Nuclear QCD -- QCD and its applications to the systems of nucleon and nuclear structure.

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Presentation on theme: "核色动力学导论 --- 用量子色动力学描绘 现代核物理的蓝图 何汉新 中国原子能科学研究院. An Introduction to Nuclear QCD -- QCD and its applications to the systems of nucleon and nuclear structure."— Presentation transcript:

1 核色动力学导论 --- 用量子色动力学描绘 现代核物理的蓝图 何汉新 中国原子能科学研究院

2 An Introduction to Nuclear QCD -- QCD and its applications to the systems of nucleon and nuclear structure He, Han-xin China Institute of Atomic Energy

3 Contents 1. What is nuclear QCD? Why apply QCD to nucleonic and nuclear systems? 2.Bases of nuclear QCD: QCD and its properties 3.Nucleon and nuclei at high-energy scale 4.Nonperturbative QCD studies 5.Nucleon, nuclei at low-energy scale 6.Summery

4 1. What is nuclear QCD? * Why apply QCD to nucleonic and nuclear systems ? Traditional nuclear physics: nuclei are composed of point-like nucleons Dynamics: Quantum mechanics DIS experiments: nucleon has structure Quark model: Proton: uud Nutron: ddu Strong interaction dynamics: QCD Nuclear chromodynamics

5 Quark Model of Hadrons


7 Baryon’s Quark Structure

8 2.Bases of Nuclear QCD (1)QCD Lagrangian

9 BRST Symmetry of QCD Lagrangian

10 QCD Symmetries, Conservation Laws and Identities *BRST symmetry and Ward-Takahashi(Slavnov-Taylor) identities *Glabor symmetries and conservation laws *QCD energy-momentum tensor *QCD angular momentum tensor

11 PQCD, Feynman Diagram

12 Basic Properties of QCD


14 Effective quark freedom

15 3. Nucleon and Nuclei at High-Energy Scale * Theory bases and approaches QCD asymptotic freedom QCD perturbation theory Parton distributions, GPD, form factors Experiment measures: Deep in-elastic scattering (DIS) Processes

16 (1) Lepton-nucleon DIS and parton model

17 Quark parton distributions(1)

18 Quark parton distributions(2)

19 Quark parton distribution(3) Transversity distribution and tensor charge

20 (2) Parton model sum rules

21 Parton sum rules and quark-gluon distributions in nucleon Spin-independent parton sum rules Adler sum rule, Gross-Llewellyn sum rule, Gottfried sum rule(GRS), Momentum sum rule Spin-dependent parton sum rules Bjorken sum rule, GDH sum rule, Generalized GDH sum rule, Quark transversity sum rule and tensor charge

22 Bjorken sum rule

23 (3) Nucleon structure fromQCD * Spin structure of nucleon

24 Perturbative Evolutions of QCD angular momentum operators


26 In asymptotic limit, the quark spin contribution is less then 0.36 for 3-flavor case

27 Quark spin contribution to nucleon spin

28 The measurement results are given at Q^2 =5 Gev^2

29 Effective theory analyses QCD at low-energy is equivalent to an effective quark theory

30 Dynamically generated quark mass

31 Axial charges of the proton and quark spin contribution to proton spin Which is exactly agreement with HERMES’s result. The current quark spin contribution is

32 Tensor Charge of the Nucleon QCD perturbative evolitions Note that gluons do not enter the evolution equation for transversity distributions due to the chiral-odd property. The evolution equation of tensor charge at leading order

33 Theory estimates of tensor charges —model calculation results

34 Effective theory analyses of tensor charges Flavor singlet tensor charge of current quark contributions (in the asymptotic limit)

35 Flavor singlet axial charge Flavor singlet tensor charge Isovector tensor charge Where m is dynamic mass of quark in the chiral limit

36 Scale dependence of tensor & axial charges

37 Flavor singlet tensor charge(green line) and axial charge(red line) with scale change

38 * Origin of nucleon mass


40 * Nucleon form factor

41 Form Factors of the Nucleon Perrturbative QCD analysis Lattice QCD calculations Parametrization model of GPD Light-cone sum rules

42 Parametrization model of GPD

43 (4) High-energy nucleon-nucleon collision: Drell-Yan processes

44 (5) Lepton-nuclei DIS: EMC effect

45 4. Nonperturbative QCD *Study aim * Quark and gluon color confinement * Dynamically chiral symmetry breaking * How to form nucleon(hadrons) * Hadron states * N-N interactions and nuclei *Study approaches

46 QCD Nonperturbative Approachs

47 (a) Lattice QCD (1)

48 Lattice QCD (2)

49 (b) Dyson-Schwiner Equations (1)

50 Dyson-Schwinger Equations(2)

51 Dyson-Schwinger Equations(3)

52 (c) QCD Sum Rules (1)

53 QCD Sum Rules (2)

54 (d) Effective Field Theory (1)

55 Effective Field Theory (2)

56 Effective Field Theory (3)

57 Effective Field Theory (4)

58 Effective Field Theory (5)

59 Effective Field Theory (6)

60 (1)Quark-gluon confinement studies *Confinement potential from lattice QCD

61 Linear confinement potential from lattice QCD

62 Color-confinement mechanism QCD vacuum properties and color confinement --Magnetic monopoles and dual superconductivity QCD nonperturbative interactions lead to color confinement (confinement dynamics) --Infrared slavery cased by the infrared divergences of QCD green’s functions

63 *Color-confinement dynamics Color confinement scenarios --- Infrared behaviors of gluon and ghost propagators Dyson-Schwinger equations Lattice QCD calculations Quark-gluon vertex structure and quark color confinement

64 Infrared behaviour of gluon and ghost propagators in Yang-Mills theory

65 QCD quark-gluon vertex structure H.X.He, Phys.Rev.D80, 016004 (2009)

66 (2) Low-energy effective models -- Bridge between QCD and phenomena GCM model Chiral soliton model NJL model Quark-meson coupling model Quark potential model(constitute quark model)

67 5. Nucleon, N-N interactions & Nuclei at Low-energy Scale (1)From QCD to constitute quark model(CQM) (2)The static properties of nucleon in CQM * nucleon mass * axial charge, tensor charge * nucleon magnetics * spin structure * strange contents of nucleon

68 (3)Non-conventional (exotic) hadron states * Glueballs * Tetraquark states * Quark-gluon hybrid states * Pentaquark states * Hexaquark states * Nucleon-anti-nucleon bound states

69 (4) Nucleon-nucleon interactions in quark model

70 Nucleon-Nucleon Interaction in Quark Model

71 (5) Quark-meson coupling(QMC) model and nuclear many-body problems(a)

72 Quark-meson coupling(QMC) model and nuclear many-body problems(b)

73 Quark-meson coupling(QMC) model and nuclear many-body problems QMC and QHD QMC and Skyrme effective nuclear force Saturation property and incompressibility of nuclear matter Modefications of mass and properties of hadron Finite nuclei in QMC model The quark structure effects of nucleon in nuclear matter

74 *Saturation property and incompressibility of nuclear matter

75 Modefications of nucleon mass in nuclear matter(a)

76 *Modefications of nucleon mass in nuclear matter(b)

77 * QMC and Skyrme effective nuclear force(a)

78 QMC and Skyrme effective nuclear force(b)

79 Finite nuclei in QMC model(a)

80 Finite nuclei in QMC model(b)

81 * Finite nuclei in QMC model(c)

82 Summary QCD (quarks, gluons) Nucleons, mesons,… Nucleon-nucleon interactions Nuclear matter, nuclei

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