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Course Orientation Tests & Quizzes Tool. If the instructor has added “Tests & Quizzes” to the course as a form of assessment, click on the link in the.

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Presentation on theme: "Course Orientation Tests & Quizzes Tool. If the instructor has added “Tests & Quizzes” to the course as a form of assessment, click on the link in the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Course Orientation Tests & Quizzes Tool

2 If the instructor has added “Tests & Quizzes” to the course as a form of assessment, click on the link in the Course Menu for “Discussion and Private Messages”.

3 In Tests & Quizzes, exams that are currently available will be listed in the “Take an Assessment” area. Submitted exams are stored in the “Submitted Assessments” section.

4 To enter an exam, click on the exam title.

5 To start the exam, click on “Begin Assessment” button. If the exam is timed (indicated by the Time Limit), your time begins at the exact moment you click the Begin Assessment button.

6 The question views depend on the settings done by the instructor, some choose to show them one by one, while others may prefer to have all questions in single scrolling page. If questions are one by one, you MUST click on “Save and Continue” to save your response and proceed to the next question. Some instructors may allow you to return to a question to revise your response in which case another button would be presented to give you that option.

7 Your image is now in place and ready to use. The next time you respond or post a message this image will be attached to your response.

8 When done with saving all question responses and submit, click on the button for “Submit for Grading”.

9 To return back to the assessment area click “Return”.

10 If the instructor has allowed you to view feedback, there will be a link in the “Submitted Assessments” area that will enable you to review your submission. To view feedback click on the exam title in the Submitted Assessments area.

11 Scroll down the page to view grades and any additional comments and or feedback. When done, to return back to assessments, click on the link for “Return to Assessment List”.

12 End of Tests & Quizzes Tool

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