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The Pig Latin Dataflow Language A Brief Overview James Jolly University of Wisconsin-Madison

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1 The Pig Latin Dataflow Language A Brief Overview James Jolly University of Wisconsin-Madison

2 What is Pig Latin? set-oriented data transformation language –primitives filter, combine, split, and order data –users describe transformations in steps –steps bundled into queries –each set transformation is stateless flexible data model –nested bags of tuples –semi-structured datatypes extensible –supports user-defined functions 2

3 How is it used in practice? useful for computations across large, distributed datasets –abstracts away details of execution framework –users can change order of steps to improve performance often used in tandem with Hadoop and HDFS –transformations converted to MapReduce dataflows –HDFS tracks where data is stored –operations scheduled nearby their data 3

4 An example... Given two datasets: list of words and their frequency of appearance on webpages list of users and webpages they visit Let’s find words users might be interested in lately. 4

5 Dataset: words and their frequency of appearance... websitewordfrequencydate abcnews.go.comscheme0.02520081010 abcnews.go.combombing0.02120081006 www.foxnews.combush0.00120081006 www.cnn.commccain0.03120081017 www.cnn.comobama0.00120081002 www.reuters.combush0.01220080921 abcnews.go.comcongress0.00220080927 www.reuters.combush0.01220080921 www.foxnews.combush0.00120081006 www.latimes.comabortion0.00120081015 www.latimes.comattack0.01020081015 www.reuters.comobama0.00520080917 www.foxnews.comeconomy0.03820081006 5

6 Dataset: webpages users visit... website user bill mike mike bill drew james james 6

7 Loading word frequency data... freqs =LOAD '/home/jolly/TestData/NewsWords.txt' USING PigStorage(',') ‏ AS (website_indexed, word, freq, date); (, obama, 0.010, 20081005) ‏ (, scheme, 0.025, 20081010) ‏ (, bombing, 0.021, 20081006) ‏ (, bush, 0.001, 20081006) ‏ (, mccain, 0.031, 20081017) ‏ (, obama, 0.001, 20081002) ‏ (, bush, 0.012, 20080921) ‏ (, congress, 0.002, 20080927) ‏ (, bush, 0.012, 20080921) ‏ (, bush, 0.001, 20081006) ‏ (, abortion, 0.001, 20081015) ‏ (, attack, 0.010, 20081015) ‏ (, obama, 0.005, 20080917) ‏ (, economy, 0.038, 20081006) ‏ 7

8 Hmm, we have some repeats... (, obama, 0.010, 20081005) ‏ (, scheme, 0.025, 20081010) ‏ (, bombing, 0.021, 20081006) ‏ (, bush, 0.001, 20081006) ‏ (, mccain, 0.031, 20081017) ‏ (, obama, 0.001, 20081002) ‏ (, bush, 0.012, 20080921) ‏ (, congress, 0.002, 20080927) ‏ (, bush, 0.012, 20080921) ‏ (, bush, 0.001, 20081006) ‏ (, abortion, 0.001, 20081015) ‏ (, attack, 0.010, 20081015) ‏ (, obama, 0.005, 20080917) ‏ (, economy, 0.038, 20081006) ‏ 8

9 Duplicate data no more! distinct_freqs = DISTINCT freqs; (, obama, 0.001, 20081002) ‏ (, mccain, 0.031, 20081017) ‏ (, scheme, 0.025, 20081010) ‏ (, bombing, 0.021, 20081006) ‏ (, congress, 0.002, 20080927) ‏ (, obama, 0.010, 20081005) ‏ (, bush, 0.001, 20081006) ‏ (, economy, 0.038, 20081006) ‏ (, attack, 0.010, 20081015) ‏ (, abortion, 0.001, 20081015) ‏ (, bush, 0.012, 20080921) ‏ (, obama, 0.005, 20080917) ‏ 9

10 Hmm, these tuples are old… (, obama, 0.001, 20081002) ‏ (, mccain, 0.031, 20081017) ‏ (, scheme, 0.025, 20081010) ‏ (, bombing, 0.021, 20081006) ‏ (, congress, 0.002, 20080927) ‏ (, obama, 0.010, 20081005) ‏ (, bush, 0.001, 20081006) ‏ (, economy, 0.038, 20081006) ‏ (, attack, 0.010, 20081015) ‏ (, abortion, 0.001, 20081015) ‏ (, bush, 0.012, 20080921) ‏ (, obama, 0.005, 20080917) ‏ 10

11 ... and these (green) tuples are not very significant. (, obama, 0.001, 20081002) ‏ (, mccain, 0.031, 20081017) ‏ (, scheme, 0.025, 20081010) ‏ (, bombing, 0.021, 20081006) ‏ (, congress, 0.002, 20080927) ‏ (, obama, 0.010, 20081005) ‏ (, bush, 0.001, 20081006) ‏ (, economy, 0.038, 20081006) ‏ (, attack, 0.010, 20081015) ‏ (, abortion, 0.001, 20081015) ‏ (, bush, 0.012, 20080921) ‏ (, obama, 0.005, 20080917) ‏ 11

12 Let’s filter them out. important_freqs = FILTER distinct_freqs BY date > 20081001 AND freq > 0.002; (, mccain, 0.031, 20081017) ‏ (, scheme, 0.025, 20081010) ‏ (, bombing, 0.021, 20081006) ‏ (, obama, 0.010, 20081005) ‏ (, economy, 0.038, 20081006) ‏ (, attack, 0.010, 20081015) ‏ 12

13 Hmm, we don’t need these anymore... (, mccain, 0.031, 20081017) ‏ (, scheme, 0.025, 20081010) ‏ (, bombing, 0.021, 20081006) ‏ (, obama, 0.010, 20081005) ‏ (, economy, 0.038, 20081006) ‏ (, attack, 0.010, 20081015) ‏ 13

14 Let’s project them out. websites_to_words = FOREACH important_freqs GENERATE website_indexed, word; (, mccain) ‏ (, scheme) ‏ (, bombing) ‏ (, obama) ‏ (, economy) ‏ (, attack) ‏ 14

15 Now we are ready to join our lists. Websites to Users (, mike) ‏ (, mike) ‏ (, bill) ‏ (, drew) ‏ (, james) ‏ (, james) ‏ Websites to Words (, mccain) ‏ (, scheme) ‏ (, bombing) ‏ (, obama) ‏ (, economy) ‏ (, attack) ‏ 15

16 Joining on website: finding words interesting to users... users_to_words_equijoin = JOIN websites_to_users BY website_visited, websites_to_words BY website_indexed; users_to_words = FOREACH users_to_words_equijoin GENERATE user, word; (mike, mccain) ‏ (james, scheme) ‏ (james, bombing) ‏ (mike, obama) ‏ (bill, economy) ‏ (james, attack) ‏ 16

17 Let’s group our results. interests = GROUP users_to_words BY user; (bill, {(bill, economy)}) ‏ (mike, {(mike, mccain), (mike, obama)}) ‏ (james, {(james, scheme), (james, bombing), (james, attack)}) ‏ 17

18 How does it work? logic factored into MapReduce jobs –mapper processes run on machines with input tuples –input tuples processed using MAP( ) function, producing intermediate tuples –intermediate tuples grouped together, transferred to reducer nodes –reducer processes consume intermediate tuples with REDUCE( ) function 18

19 Translating Pig Latin to MapReduce... transformed_by_map = FOREACH input_tuple GENERATE MAP(*); intermediate_tuple_partition = GROUP transformed_by_map BY input_tuple_key; result_tuples = FOREACH intermediate_tuple_partition GENERATE REDUCE(*); These statements can be executed using a single MapReduce job: 19

20 Example message traffic... 20

21 Why Pig Latin? Why not a C library? We could just supply MAP( ) and REDUCE( ) to a C library... Pig Latin allows you to: describe long tasks –in a friendly scripting language use many built-in datatypes –support for semi-structured data use many built-in functions –filters, projections, joins, unions, splits, etc. –tends to make user-defined functions simpler 21

22 Why Pig Latin? Why not SQL? Pig Latin: is imperative –lets users manually tune query execution plan doesn’t need a schema –can easily read, write, and represent semi-structured data 22

23 Pig Latin really describes a generic dataflow. inputs = LOAD ‘input.txt’; results = FILTER inputs BY IsBoring(important_attribute); STORE results into ‘results.txt’; 23

24 Summary Pig Latin programs: typically operate on large volumes of unstructured data describe a dataflow between primitive operations –many RDBMS-like operations built into the language –custom operations can be provided by the user –user specifies order of operations –dataflows can be executed using MapReduce paradigm Thanks for listening! 24

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