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SPOT Slide Presentation Over Telephony A CS 790 Project by Jason Howes.

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Presentation on theme: "SPOT Slide Presentation Over Telephony A CS 790 Project by Jason Howes."— Presentation transcript:

1 SPOT Slide Presentation Over Telephony A CS 790 Project by Jason Howes

2 What is SPOT?  An ITX application suite for creating and playing slide presentations with synchronized streaming audio.  Three applications: xSPOT Wizard xSPOT Client xSPOT Server

3 SPOT Features  Makes extensive use of the ITX telephony package.  Supports both local and remote presentation viewing.  Slide presentations are created from PowerPoint presentations.  Allows a user to move back and forth within the presentation via an interface similar to that of a CD player.

4 SPOT Wizard  Used to create new slide presentations from an existing PowerPoint presentation.  A CD player interface is used to navigate through the PowerPoint presentation.  Outputs two files: xRAD File - Raw Audio Data File xPAM File - Presentation Audio Mapping File

5 SPOT Client  Used to view the slide presentation.  The client can view local presentations created by a SPOT Wizard or remote presentations served by a SPOT server.  A CD player interface is used to navigate through the SPOT presentation.

6 SPOT Server  Serves a SPOT presentation to a SPOT client.  Can support multiple clients simultaneously.  Since the SPOT suite is based on the ITX telephony package, audio can be streamed to the SPOT client machine or to a telephone.

7 How Does It Work?  A user surfs the Web to a SPOT Presentation Archive and then downloads a SPOT file, which contains information on all of the SPOT servers that can serve the particular SPOT presentation. The user then starts a SPOT client.  The SPOT client uses the SPOT file to present a list of SPOT servers to the user. The user then connects to a SPOT server, which then serves a slide presentation with synchronized audio streamed over telephony.

8 The Big Picture SPOT Client Audio SPOT Client SPOT Server SPOT Client Audio PowerPoint file

9 The Technologies  PowerPoint COM Automation xUsed to power the Wizard and Client GUI.  RAD File xThe SPOT audio file format.  PAM File xContains all information needed to playback the slide presentation.  ITX Telephony Package xUsed to stream audio to either a client machine or telephone.

10 Fin!

11 SPOT Presentation Archive  Lectures xTopics  SPOT x Demo

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